Linus Brunnström presented on the theme “Incubators, performance of incubator firms and researchers as founders” at a recent public science event. Incubators help entrepreneurs with ideas and realize these into firms.
Linus Brunnström, is a Wallander post-doctoral scholar at the University of Gothenburg and researcher within the Centre on knowledge-intensive innovation ecosystems (U-GIOT KIES). Linus Brunnström wrote his dissertation on the subject of incubators and has since expanded this research. On these merits, he was invited to speak in the event.
Brunnström’s presentation revolved around three questions: 1) Are researchers a different type of founder, and how to treat them in incubators? 2) What are the chances of different types of project founders completing incubation in Swedish incubators? and 3) What happens with those firms that “succeed” in completing incubation at incubators in Sweden?
Alongside Linus Brunnström, prominent scholars in the field such as Lise Aaboen, Magnus Klofsten and Sarfraz Mian amongst others, also presented their research. Questions that were discussed in the event ranged from what success really means to incubation and acceleration, how Sweden fairs internationally in this regard, what becomes of the incubated firms and the promise and future direction of incubation.
Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation and Acceleration: A Global Perspective
The Swedish Incubators & Science Parks (SISP) together with Professor Magnus Klofsten, Linköping University, Sweden, organized the public knowledge and experience-sharing meeting. At this event the "Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation and Acceleration: A Global Perspective" was also released. Together with 60 prominent scholars, researchers, and experienced practitioners from around the world, Professor Magnus Klofsten has published the "Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation and Acceleration: A Global Perspective" (2021), which is an impressive compilation of current research on what constitutes successful incubation and acceleration in North America, Europe, Asia, and other regions of the world.
More information about SISP
SISP provides incubator and science park leadership and employees networking opportunities and best practice sessions. Website: