Nordic New Testament Conference
The XIII Nordic New Testament Conference will take place at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Gothenburg, 12–15 June 2026. New Testament scholars, including doctoral students, in the Nordic and Baltic countries are invited to participate in the conference.
In addition to keynote lectures, the programme will feature panels, seminars, and other types of sessions. An open call for papers will be issued in August 2025.
Sign up for regular updates about the conference by sending an e-mail to nntc2026@lir.gu.se
Conference committee
Tobias Hägerland (coordinator)
Matthew Larsen (Denmark)
Lotta Valve (Finland)
Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson (Iceland)
Anders Martinsen (Norway)
Thomas Kazen (Sweden)
Ellen Aasland Reinertsen (doctoral students representative)
Lukas Hagel (doctoral students representative)