University of Gothenburg

7. Media Dynamics of Nationalism and Religion

The last decades have seen a rise of nationalist populist parties in the Nordic countries. Previous research has shown how this process is linked to a politicization of religion and framed by struggles over national or civilizational identities.

The increased mediatization of religion, where religious beliefs, agency, and symbols are becoming influenced by the workings of various media, furthermore play an important part. While previous research has focused on the representation and use of Islam in these processes, there is a research gap regarding the representation and use of other religions, in particular the Christian majority Churches.

Furthermore, analyzing the interplay between newspapers and websites of religious organizations and social media platforms is key to further understand the use of affect, personalization and direct democracy among these movements.

This session welcomes papers that present empirical findings and/or theoretical models for better understanding of the dynamics between national identity, organized religion and media in the Nordic countries.

Open to abstracts sent in by other participants. One paper slot will be reserved to a paper presented by Linnea Jensdotter and Mia Lövheim, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Session chairperson

Mia Lövheim


Mia Lövheim