- Karin Aggestam
- Natan Aridan
- Sylvia Bashevkin
- Annika Bergman Rosamond
- Sara Chehab
- Francine D’Amico
- Astari Daenuwy
- Jarka Devine Mildorf
- Tomáš Dopita
- Matthias Erlandsen
- Susanna Erlandsson
- Zuzana Fellegi
- Petrice Flowers
- Karoline Färber
- Susan Harris Rimmer
- Kateřina Kočí
- Tonka Kostadinova
- Halvard Leira
- Harry Mace
- Helen McCarthy
- Sigrun Marie Moss
- Amelia Odida
- Myriam Piguet
- Ella S. Prihatini
- Elise Rainer
- Bahar Rumelili
- Tejasvi Saxena
- Khushi Singh Rathore
- Rogério de Souza Farias
- Elise Stephenson
- Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm
- Luah Tomas
- Sharing of information
GenDip Network
The GenDip program maintains a network of scholars and practitioners interested in gender and diplomacy, to stimulate fruitful discussions, research collaborations and sharing of information.
Karin Aggestam
Karin Aggestam is Professor in Political Science and Director of the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at Lund University. Her current research is focused on feminist foreign policy, rethinking peace diplomacy and digital diplomacy.
Email: karin.aggestam@svet.lu.se
Natan Aridan
Dr. Natan Aridan is a researcher at the Ben-Gurion Research Institute at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. His research focuses on Israeli diplomacy and is writing his next book on the contribution of women and ‘significant others’ to Israeli diplomacy. He is editor of the journal Israel Studies (IUP).
Email: aridan@bgu.ac.il
Sylvia Bashevkin
Sylvia Bashevkin is a professor emerita of political science at the University of Toronto. She is the author of Women as Foreign Policy Leaders, which won the 2019 Canadian Political Science Association Prize in International Relations.
Email: sylvia.bashevkin@utoronto.ca
Annika Bergman Rosamond
Annika Bergman Rosamond is associate professor of International Relations at Lund University. Her main interests include feminist foreign policy, gender and IR as well as celebrity (digital) diplomacy, gender and world politics.
Sara Chehab
Sara Chehab is a faculty member at the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA) in Abu Dhabi, UAE. She specializes in studying the changing gender norms and trends in the retention and promotion of women diplomats. She is the lead researcher and author of the annual Women in Diplomacy Index, published by AGDA. Sara holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of Delaware.
Email: sara.chehab@eda.ac.ae
Francine D’Amico
Francine D’Amico is a teaching Professor of Political Science and International Relations in the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University, offering courses on international law and organizations, Latin American international relations, and global governance and researching the United Nations.
Email: fjdamico@syr.edu
Astari Daenuwy
Astari Daenuwy is a PhD candidate at the Australian National University. Her dissertation is on women diplomats in the Indonesian foreign ministry.
Email: astari.daenuwy@anu.edu.au
Jarka Devine Mildorf
Jarka Devine Mildorf is the Head of the EUFASA Research Department. Her research focuses on spouses and partners of European diplomats from feminist perspective.
Email: m_jarka@yahoo.com
Tomáš Dopita
Tomáš Dopita earned a PhD degree in International Relations at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague. Currently, he is a senior researcher at the Institute of International Relations in Prague and editor-in-chief of Mezinárodní vztahy – Czech Journal of International Relations. In his research, Tomáš focuses on encounters between collective subjects in Southeastern Europe, and gender in international politics, foreign policy and diplomacy.
Email: dopita@iir.cz
Matthias Erlandsen
Matthias Erlandsen is PhD in Communication Sciences from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, in Santiago, Chile. He teaches at Universidad del Desarrollo, in Santiago, Chile, and is Head of the International Relations program at FLACSO-Chile. His research centers on diplomacy in Latin America.
E-mail: merlandsen@uc.cl
Susanna Erlandsson
Susanna Erlandsson is an Associate Professor at the Department of History at Uppsala University. She studies Western diplomatic practices in the mid-twentieth century with attention to how diplomacy was gendered, racialized and classed, highlighting the role of personal relations and the embassy household in diplomatic relations.
Zuzana Fellegi
Zuzana Fellegi is a senior lecturer and researcher in the field of human rights, gender issues and European comparative politics at the Anglo-American University in Prague, Czech Republic. Her research focuses on gender equality in the public sphere, including international relations and diplomacy; and geographically on Central Europe and the EU.
Email: zuzana.fellegi@aauni.edu.
Petrice Flowers
Petrice R. Flowers is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Hawaii Manoa where she teaches international relations and Japanese politics courses. She studies women and gender in Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Email: pflowers@hawaii.edu
Karoline Färber
Karoline Faerber is a PhD student at King’s College London. She studies the everyday of foreign policy practitioners, gender, race and class in the German Foreign Office, and (feminist) foreign policy change.
Email: karoline.faerber@kcl.ac.uk
Susan Harris Rimmer
Susan Harris Rimmer is a Professor and Director of the Policy Innovation Hub, Co-Convener of the Griffith Gender Equality Research Network and Lead of the Climate Justice theme of the Climate Action Beacon at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia. She studies women's rights under international law.
Email: s.harris-rimmer@griffith.edu.au
Kateřina Kočí
Kateřina Kočí is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the Prague University of Economics and Business. She studies women, gender and diplomacy in the European context, especially focusing on the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Email: katerina.koci@vse.cz
Tonka Kostadinova
Tonka Kostadinova holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of Sofia and has worked as a diplomat at the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She studies gender politics and gender relations in the foreign policy sector of Southeast European states.
Email: tonikostadinova@gmail.com
Halvard Leira
Halvard Leira is research professor at NUPI. Among other things, he studies how gender is intertwined with the historical development of diplomacy. From late 2023 Halvard will be engaging (with Ann Towns) in an RCN-funded project called REGEND (Re-gendering Diplomacy), dealing specifically with the intertwinement of gender and diplomacy ca 1750-1850.
Email: hl@nupi.no
Harry Mace
Harry Mace is a PhD candidate in Modern European History at Girton College, University of Cambridge. His thesis explores how masculinity shaped the British Foreign Office gender order, and the working lives of British diplomats, in the second half of the twentieth century.
Email: hjm56@cam.ac.uk
Helen McCarthy
Dr Helen McCarthy is University Lecturer in Modern British History at the University of Cambridge. Her research interests include histories of women and gender in British diplomatic life since the early 19th century.
Email: hm234@cam.ac.uk
Sigrun Marie Moss
Sigrun Marie Moss is a postdoctoral fellow in political psychology at the University of Oslo. Her research is focused on how the Scandinavian Ministries of Foreign Affairs work with gender equality, and how this is conceptualised and communicated by the diplomats.
Email: s.m.moss@psykologi.uio.no
Amelia Odida
Amelia Odida is a PhD candidate at University College London (UCL). Her current research project is a poststructuralist analysis of the UN policy of Constitutional Assistance. Other research areas include gender, armed conflict and international law and the practices of diplomacy in international interventions.
Email: amelia.odida.16@ucl.ac.uk
Myriam Piguet
Myriam Piguet is a Doctoral Candidate and Teaching Assistant at the University of Geneva, Switzerland. Her PhD research focuses on women and administrative careers in the Secretariats of the League of Nations and of the United Nations between 1920 and 1975. Her areas of research include women international history and history of international organizations.
Email: myriam.piguet@unige.ch
Ella S. Prihatini
Ella S. Prihatini, Ph.D. is a senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science at Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia (UIII), Indonesia. Her research focuses on digital diplomacy and gender in Indonesian foreign policy.
E-mail: ella.prihatini@uiii.ac.id
Elise Rainer
Dr. Elise Rainer serves as Associate Professor of International Relations at American Public University and Affiliate Faculty with the University of Washington. She is a former U.S. diplomat with the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor. Dr. Rainer researches gender and LGBTI rights in U.S. and Swedish foreign policy.
Email: eacr@uw.edu
Bahar Rumelili
Bahar Rumelili is Professor of International Relations and Jean Monnet Chair at Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey. Her research as part of the GenDip network focuses on gender norms in Turkish diplomacy.
Email: BRUMELILI@ku.edu.tr
Tejasvi Saxena
Tejasvi Saxena is a PhD Candidate at the Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, Delhi-NCR, India. His research interests are Indian Foreign Policy, Postcolonial Feminism, the International Diplomatic History of Women, Gender Studies, and Black Feminist Thought.
Email: ts690@snu.edu.in
Khushi Singh Rathore
Khushi Singh Rathore is a Doctoral Candidate in International Politics at the Centre for International Politics, Organization and Disarmament (CIPOD), School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her doctoral thesis is a study of Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit as the first woman diplomat of India. Her areas of research include Gender and Diplomacy, Indian Women's international thought, Feminist IR, Diplomatic History & Feminist Foreign Policy.
Rogério de Souza Farias
Rogério de Souza Farias is affiliated to the Institute of International Relations of the University of Brasília. He studies Brazilian foreign policy and the evolution of the Brazilian diplomatic corps.
Email: rofarias@gmail.com
Elise Stephenson
Elise Stephenson is a researcher at the Global Institute for Women's Leadership (GIWL) at the Australian National University (ANU).
She studies gender, sexuality, and leadership in international diplomacy and security institutions.
Email: Elise.Stephenson@anu.edu.au
Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm
Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations at Bahçeşehir University. Her research concentrates on gender norms and performances in Turkish diplomacy as well as feminist decolonial approaches and knowledge production in European studies.
Email: rahimesu@gmail.com
Luah Tomas
Luah Tomas is a Brazilian PhD student in History at York University, in Toronto, Canada. Her research explores Brazilian female diplomats and international thinkers, and their transnational participation in both feminist and right-wing networks in the Americas during the first half of the 20th century.
Email: luahbt@yorku.ca
GenDip maintains a mailing list for gender and diplomacy scholars. The aim of the list is to enable interactions and the circulation of relevant publications, calls for papers and conferences, and any other information pertinent for the group.
To be added to, or removed from the mailing list, please email program coordinator Kajsa Evertsson, kajsa.evertsson@gu.se.
To send a message to the members of the mailing list, email gendip@listserv.gu.se