University of Gothenburg


The Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology is part of the Faculty of Science and Technology. The Head of Department has the overall responsibility for all matters at the Department.

In his work, the Head of Department is supported by the Steering Group. The Department Council acts as an advisory body to the Head of Department. Furthermore, the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology has various councils and committees for education, research, doctoral studies and third stream activities.

Department Management

Marica Ericson, Head of Department
Telephone: 031-786 90 30

Kristina Hedfalk, Deputy Head of Department
Senior Lecturer
Telephone: +46 (0)31-786 39 23

Erik Thomson, Deputy Head of Education
Telephone: +46 (0)31-786 90 71

Per Sunnerhagen, Deputy Head of Research
Telephone: 031-786 38 30

Elin Gustafsson, Interim Administrative Manager
Telephone: 031-786 39 45

Marica Ericson, Vice Head for Research at the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology.
Marica Ericson
Photo: Johan Wingborg
Kristina Hedfalk, Vice Head of the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology.
Kristina Hedfalk
Photo: Malin Arnesson
Erik Thomson
Erik Thomson
Photo: Malin Arnesson

Department Council

The Department Council is advisory to the Head of Department and is a forum for dialogue and discussion of the department's activities. The Council consists of representatives of teachers/researchers, administrative and technical staff, staff organisations as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students. The members of the Department Council are elected every three years. The Council meets about five times a year and is led by the Head of Department and Deputy Head of Department.

Contact Department Council

If you want to get in contact with the Department Council, please send an e-mail to:

Committee for Education

The Committee for Education handles policy-related matters, including assignments from the Head of Department and the Department Council. The Committee for Education is responsible for the monitoring and quality assurance of all educational activities at the department.

Chair Committee for Education

Erik Thomson
Telephone: +46 (0)31-786 90 71
Mobile phone: +46 (0)766-22 90 71

Study Programme Council

At the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, there are two Study Programme Councils: one for Chemistry and one for the Prescriptionist Programme. The Programme Coordinator leads the Study Programme Council and reports to the Committee for Education.

Contact Programme Coordinators

Gergely Katona
Telephone: +46 (0)31-786 39 59
Mobile phone: +46 (0)709-12 33 09

Prescriptionist Programme
Anna Börje
Telephone: +46 (0)31-786 90 12
Mobile phone: +46 (0)766-22 90 12

Research Committee

The Research committee is a preparatory and advisory organ for the Head of Department and the Department Council, discussing and preparing strategic questions regarding research". On the agenda are matters such as research organisation, recruitment strategies, nominations, etc. The committee consists of the Deputy Head of Research, the spokespersons for the divisions and a PhD student representative. The committee meets about six times per year.

Chair Committee for Research and Research Infrastructure

Per Sunnerhagen
Telephone: +46 (0)31-786 38 30

PhD Council

The PhD Council aims to improve the work and study situation at the department, disseminates important information to the department's doctoral students and organizes social events for the department's doctoral students.

The doctoral students are represented in almost every decision-making body at the department and the university, and have therefore great opportunities to influence.

Contact PhD Council

If you want to get in contact with the PhD Council, please send an e-mail to:

Collaboration Council

The Collaboration Council works with the department's outreach activities and maintains contacts with schools, industries, the surrounding community and authorities.


Chair Collaboration Council

Henrik Sundén
Telephone: 0708-92 46 71