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- Monica Lindgren
Monica Lindgren
Pedagogy: Music, Dance and DramaAbout Monica Lindgren
Monica Lindgren (PhD) is professor of music education and the head of research and postgraduate education within music and arts education at the Academy of Music and Drama. She has a background as a music teacher in elementary education and municipal school of music and arts as well as teacher education programs at different universities in Sweden. In spring 2006, she received her PhD in Music Education at the Faculty of Fine, Applied and Performing Arts, University of Gothenburg. In her thesis, she examined current discourses concerning to the aesthetic activities in the Swedish elementary education.
Since 2006, prof Lindgren has been active in a number of research projects, focusing on aesthetic practices and music education in schools, cultural schools and higher education. Her research interests include issues of power, discourse, identity, and knowledge formation in artistic pedagogical practices, where perspectives from social and critical theories are used in order to understand conditions and opportunities for people's learning within the arts. Her doctoral supervision encompasses studies of cultural and social reproduction in the Swedish arts schools; knowledge and traditions in higher music education; discourse and policy analysis, and music teacher professionality; students’ positioning in the school music classroom; rhetorical and practical performances of social justice in music education; students’ learning of music theoretical concepts.
She is currently involved in a research project financed by the Swedish Research Council 2018-2021: "Reviewing on whose terms? Assessment, conceptions of quality and legitimation of attainment test to music teacher education". The aim of the study is to investigate entrance auditions to music teacher education with regard to the assessment criteria applied, claims of legitimacy, and approach to knowledge. Data consists of eight days of video-documented entrance auditions in various genres, and focus group conversations, including stimulated-recall interviews, with jury members from different Swedish universities. A multimodal social semiotic approach is adopted to study how individuals use linguistic, material, and bodily sign systems in order to represent and perform their understanding of, attitude to and interpretation of various phenomena in the world, and how these representations constantly transform. On a macro-level the concept of discourse is used to elucidate how assessment, legitimization, and selection in the local practices are related to dominant approaches to musical conventions, shaped by music-education institutions.
Previous research projects:
Market aesthetics and everyday culture in the classroom. An ideological dilemma? Identity, dominance and knowledge formation in the music teaching of secondary school. (Swedish Research Council 2007-2009). In this ethnographic project it is explored how market aesthetics and students' music culture were expressed in the Swedish music classroom. The empirical material consisted of video observations of classroom activities in nine Swedish secondary-school settings during one semester.
Construction of aesthetic learning within teacher education (Swedish Research Council 2008-2011). This study investigated prevailing discourses on music in the field of arts in Swedish teacher education for primary schools and preschools, following the program based on 1999 teacher education reform. Data were collected from focus-group talks with teacher educators and student teachers from ten Swedish universities.
El Sistema – musical learning and identity in an intercultural context (2012-2015). An ethnographical study focusing on issues of music learning and social inclusion within the choir- and orchestra school El Sistema in Sweden, based on observations of concerts and lessons and interviews with teachers.
Prof Lindgren's publications can be found in the following scientific journals: Music Education Research; British Journal of Music Eduation; Action, Criticism & Theory for Music Education; Nordic Research in Music Education; Australian Journal of Teacher Eduaction; Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education; International Journal of Community Music; Research Studies in Music Education; European Journal of Philosophy in the Arts; Ethnography and Education; Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige och Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning - Swedish Journal of Music Research.
Prof Lindgren is often invited as a lecturer, opponent or keynote speaker at universities in the Nordic countries. During the period from 2019 to 2022 she is guest researcher in the Norwegian research project ‘Music Teacher Education for the Future’ at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. She also is an experienced evaluator and expert in various educational investigations and program evaluations at the national level. 2015-2016 she was the special investigator for the Government of Sweden in an inquiry of the Swedish municipal culture schools (SOU 2016:69) and 2012-2014 she worked as an external expert for the Swedish National Agency for Education in evaluating music in compulsory school education (NÄU 13).
Connecting the Social and the Musical: A Longitudinal Study of Swedish Preservice Music Teachers’ Social
Carina Borgström Källén, Monica Lindgren
Journal of research in music education - 2024 -
Den svenska kulturskolan som idé och
Monica Lindgren
Pedagogik för kulturskolan - 2024 -
Mot en kulturskolepedagogik i
Monica Lindgren, Johan Söderman
Pedagogik för kulturskolan (Monica Lindgren & Johan Söderman, red.) - 2024 -
Pedagogik för
Potentials and Challenges in Redesigning Traditional Text Seminars in Doctoral Education in
Cecilia Björck, Monica Lindgren
Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis - 2023 -
Music teacher education for the future: Reflections on
Monica Lindgren, Catharina Christophersen, José-Luis Aróstegui, Holdhus Kari, Ailbhe Kenny, Jan Sverre Knudsen, Väkevä Lauri, Tine Grieg Viig
Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education (ACT) - 2023 -
Teacher students’ views – a longitudinal study on music teacher
Carina Borgström Källén, Monica Lindgren
Nordic Network for Research in Music Education 2023 - Academic freedom and responsibility in music education practice and research - 2023 -
Mapping the applicants' learnability: a discourse analysis of assessors' talk of admission tests for Swedish specialist music teacher
Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström, Monica Lindgren
Music Education Research - 2022 -
Musical skills, or attitude and dress style? Meaning-making when assessing admission tests for Swedish specialist music teacher
Ragnhild Sandberg-Jurström, Monica Lindgren, Olle Zanden
Research Studies in Music Education - 2022 -
Marknadsskolan står i vägen för
Monica Lindgren, Cecilia Wallerstedt
Göteborgsposten - 2022 -
The multiplicity of preservice music teachers' positioning in a participatory action research
Silje Valde Onsrud, Bendik Fredriksen, Hanne Rinholm, Monica Lindgren
Research Studies in Music Education - 2022 -
Ideas of new directions for music teacher education. A discussion based on current Nordic Research in relation to challenges of the present and the
Monica Lindgren, Marja-Leena Juntunen, Catharina Chrisophersen, Silje Valde Onsrud, Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström, Olle Zanden
Nordic Network for Research in Music Education conference 2022 - 2022 -
Care as technology for exclusion. Power operating in jurors' talk about admission tests to Swedish music teacher
Monica Lindgren, Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström, Olle Zanden
Nordic Research in Music Education - 2021 -
Assessment cultures and limits for approval in entrance tests for Swedish music teacher
Monica Lindgren, Olle Zanden, Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström
Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. NNRME 2021. NTNU. - 2021 -
What is good music education? Challenging epistemological assumptions in discourses of quality in music
Monica Lindgren
Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. NNRME 2021. NTNU. - 2021 -
Granskning på vilka(s) villkor? Bedömning, kvalitetsuppfattningar och legitimering av färdighetsprov till
Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström, Monica Lindgren, Olle Zanden
Resultatdialog 2021 - 2021 -
A Mozart Concert or Three Simple Chords? Limits for Approval in Admission Tests for Swedish Specialist Music Teacher
Ragnhild Sandberg-Jurström, Monica Lindgren, Olle Zanden
Higher Education as Context for Music Pedagogy Research - 2021 -
Choral discipline or curriculum implementation? Exploring Singing in Swedish Secondary
Marie-Helene Zimmerman Nilsson, Monica Lindgren, Olle Zandén
Finnish Journal of Music Education - 2019 -
Recension av avhandling: Lorentz Edberg, 2019. Skolmusikalen: Om möten, makt och musik i två skolmusikprojekt i årskurs nio. Umeå
Monica Lindgren
Journal of Music Research/STM-SJM - 2019 -
Assessment and legitimation of entrance auditions to Swedish music teacher
Monica Lindgren, Olle Zandén, Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström
RIME 2019. Research in Music Education Conference, 23-26 April, Bath Spa University - 2019 -
Representations and legitimations of quality and knowledge in entrance auditions to Swedish music teacher
Monica Lindgren, Olle Zandén, Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström
NNMPF 2019: Futures of Music in Higher Education, February 26-28 2019 - 2019 -
Navigating Between an Emic and Etic Approach in Ethnographic Research. Crucial Aspects and Strategies when Communicating Critical Results to
Åsa Bergman, Monica Lindgren
Ethnography and Education - 2018 -
Doing gender beside or in music: Significance of context and discourse in close relationship in the Swedish music
Carina Borgström Källén, Monica Lindgren
British Journal of Music Education - 2018 -
Exploring equal opportunities: Children’s experiences of the Swedish Community School of Music and
Cecilia Jeppsson, Monica Lindgren
Research Studies in Music Education - 2018 -
Potential för estetikfältets legitimering och utveckling - samtal kring forskning inom det estetiskt-pedagogiska
Monica Lindgren, Fredrik Lindstrand, Ketil Thorgersen, Stina Wikberg
NEÄL 2018 abstracts - 2018 -
Design and assessment of entrance auditions to music teacher
Monica Lindgren, Olle Zanden, Ragnhild Sandberg Jurström
https://nnmpf.org/nb/konferanser/ - 2018 -
Singing in Swedish Secondary Schools: A discursive
Monica Lindgren, Olle Zanden, Marie-Helene Zimmerman Nilsson
https://nnmpf.org/nb/konferanser/ - 2018 -
Performing gender when music is, or is not, at stake – a meta-analysis on students’ adaption to
Carina Borgström Källén, Monica Lindgren
Nordic Research in Music Education. Yearbook 2017, 97–116 - 2017 -
El Sistema – musiklärare i en spänningsfylld modell för socialt inkluderande
Eva Sæther, Åsa Bergman, Monica Lindgren
Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige - 2017 -
Musikalisk bildning inom
Monica Lindgren
https://old.liu.se/mimer/mimers-forskarkonferens?l=sv - 2017 -
Med Folkestad och Kent in i
Monica Lindgren
Houmann, A., Johansson, K. & Sæther, E. (red.). Göran Folkestad. The soundtrack of your life - en festskrift till Göran Folkestad. - 2017 -
Explorativ design för lärande i
Monica Lindgren, Cecilia Björck
Högskolepedagogisk konferens i Göteborg (HKG 2017) - 2017 -
Kultur, skola och
Monica Lindgren
2017 Kulturting Västra Götaland. - 2017 -
En inkluderande kulturskola på egen
Monica Lindgren
PRIO 0-18, Kultur i Väst - 2017 -
Critical perspective in researching music education and equality – what, why and
Monica Lindgren, Åsa Bergman, Cecilia Björck, Carina Borgström Källén, Cecilia Wallerstedt
The 22nd Annual Conference of the Nordic Network for Research in Music Education, March 14-16 - 2017 -
Struggling for integration: universalist and separatist discourses within El Sistema
Åsa Bergman, Monica Lindgren, Eva Sæther
Music Education Research - 2016 -
Crossing the boundary from music outside to inside of school: Contemporary pedagogical
Cecilia Wallerstedt, Monica Lindgren
British Journal of Music Education - 2016 -
Snacking on Knowledge and Feel Good. Challenging discourses on arts in
Monica Lindgren, Kristina Holmberg, Marie-Helene Zimmerman Nilsson, Claes Ericsson
European Journal of Philosophy in the Arts - 2016 -
Kulturens krönika, november 2016: Monica
Monica Lindgren
Kulturens krönika, Västra Götalandsregionen - 2016 -
El Sistema - möjligheter och hinder för social
Åsa Bergman, Monica Lindgren
Sigurdsson, O. & Sjölander, A. (red.) Kultur och hälsa i praktiken - 2016 -
The construction of social inclusion through music education: Two Swedish ethnographic studies of the El Sistema
Monica Lindgren, Åsa Bergman, E Sæther
Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning : Årbok - 2016 -
Focusing the interplay between context and discourse in exploring music education and
Carina Borgström Källén, Monica Lindgren
The 20th conference of Nordic Network for Research in Music Education. NNMPF. Hamar, Norwey, 8-10 March, 2016. - 2016 -
"The feelings have come home to me". Examining advertising films on the Swedish website of El
Anna-Karin Kuuse, Monica Lindgren, Eva Skåreus
Action, Criticism and Theory of Music Education - 2016 -
"You MAY take the note home an´... well practice just that". Children's interaction in contextualizing music
Tina Kullenberg, Monica Lindgren
Nordic Research in Music Education. Yearbook 16 - 2015 -
Musik i grundskolan. En nationell ämnesutvärdering i åk 6 och
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson, Skolverket
2015 -
En kulturhistorisk modell av musikaliskt lärande applicerad på resultat från den nationella ämnesutvärderingen av musik i grundskolan
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Gullö, Jan-Olof & Holbersson, Per-Henrik (red.). Festschrift in honor of Cecilia K. Hultberg 2015. Knowledge formation in and through music. - 2015 -
Estetiskt lärande i skolan - utmaningar och möjligheter i ett spänningsfyllt pedagogiskt
Monica Lindgren
Praktiska och estetiska lärprocesser i skola och högre utbildning. Keynote-presentation. Högskolan i Jönköping 22-23 april 2015. - 2015 -
Struggling for inclusion: Mapping the discursive practice of El Sistema in
Monica Lindgren, Åsa Bergman
El Sistema and the Alternatives: Social Action through Music in Critical Perspective. London: Institute of Latin American Studies. University of London 24-25 April 2015. - 2015 -
Examining social inclusion through music education: two Swedish case
Monica Lindgren, Eva Sæther
The 19th conference of Nordic Network for Research in Music Education, Helsinki 3-5 March, 2015 - 2015 -
Texter om konstarter och
Monica Lindgren, Tarja Häikiö, Marléne Johansson
2014 -
Studying El Sistema as a Swedish community music project from a critical
Åsa Bergman, Monica Lindgren
International Journal of Community Music - 2014 -
Social change through Babumba and Beethoven – musical educational ideals in El
Åsa Bergman, Monica Lindgren
Svensk tidskrift för musikforskning - 2014 -
El Sistema som överskridande verksamhet – konstruktion av ett musikpedagogiskt
Monica Lindgren, Åsa Bergman
T. Karlsson-Häikiö, M. Lindgren & M. Johansson (red.). Texter om konstarter och lärande. - 2014 -
Musikalisk ämneskunskap i förändring - didaktiska
Monica Lindgren, Cecilia Wallerstedt
NÄD, Nationell ämnesdidaktisk konferens, Göteborg 2014 - 2014 -
Skolverkets nationella ämnesutvärdering i bild, musik och
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson, Peter Hasselskog, Anders Marner, Hans Örtegren, Hanna Österlund
NÄD, Nationell ämnesdidaktisk konferens, Göteborg 2014 - 2014 -
El Sistema in Sweden - a radical music education
Monica Lindgren, Åsa Bergman, Eva Saether
Abstracts senior researchers, NNMPF 2014 - 2014 -
Perspectives on Arts Education in
Tarja Karlsson Häikiö, Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Illinois University, Chicago, November. - 2013 -
The music education project El Sistema as context for learning and identity
Åsa Bergman, Monica Lindgren
Community Music & Music Pedagogy, Symposium i München, February 21-23th 2013 - 2013 -
Konst för sin egen eller andra ämnens
Monica Lindgren
Pedagogiska Magasinet - 2013 -
Hur står det till med den estetiska kunskapen i svensk skola och
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
NOFA4 Trondheim, Norge 29-31 maj 2013. http://nofa4.svt.ntnu.no/SitePages/hovedsiden.aspx - 2013 -
Diskursiva legitimeringar av estetisk verksamhet i
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Kontext och diskurs som lärandets
Monica Lindgren
KLÄM - konferenstexter om lärande, ämnesdidaktik och mediebruk. - 2013 -
Discourses on music in Swedish primary and preschool teacher
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning : Årbok - 2013 -
Kommunikation, social kompetens och arbete med självet. Estetisk verksamhet i
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Resultatdialog 2012. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie. - 2012 -
Kommunikation, social kompetens och arbete med självet. Estetisk verksamhet i
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Resultatdialog 2012. Vetenskapsrådets rapportserie. - 2012 -
Vidgad syn på estetiska kunskaper inom
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Projektpresentationer Vetenskapsrådets konferens Resultatdialog 2012 - 2012 -
Artistic learning and identity in Higher arts education: A critical discourse
Monica Lindgren
Abstracts NORDISCO 2012 Nordic Interdisciplinary Conference on Discourse & Interaction - 2012 -
It is not about playing the guitar well - music and creative arts in Swedish teacher
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
17th conference of the Nordic Network for Music Educational Research Reykjavík, 22. – 24. February 2012 - 2012 -
Rethinking arts education in late modernity - discourses on educational practices in
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren
DCCAbstracts. Discourse, Communication, Conversation. Loughborough University 22-23 March 2012 - 2012 -
Normkritik möter frusna
Monica Lindgren
Musik och genus. Röster om normer, hierarkier och förändring - 2012 -
Kvalitet och kompetens i den pedagogiska
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Musikvetenskap för förskolan - 2012 -
Musik och kunskapsbildning. En festskrift till Bengt
Monica Lindgren, Anna Frisk, Ingemar Henningsson, Johan Öberg
2011 -
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren
Perspektiv på populärmusik och skola - 2011 -
Ränderna går aldrig
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Ericsson, Claes & Lindgren, Monica (red.) 2011. Perspektiv på populärmusik och skola. Lund: Studentlitteratur - 2011 -
The conditions for establishment of an ideological dilemma: antagonistic discourses and over-determined identity in school music
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren
Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education - 2011 -
Arts Education in Swedish Teacher Training - What´s at
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Australian Journal of Teacher Education - 2011 -
Tiden går men formen består: Institutionella diskurser och frusna ideologier inom
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren
Musik och kunskapsbildning. En festskrift till Bengt Olsson. Lindgren, Monica; Frisk, Anna; Henningsson, Ingemar; Öberg Johan (red.). - 2011 -
Constructions of aesthetic learning within Swedish teacher
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Konferensbidrag. The Seventh International Research In Music Education Conferense (RIME) University of Exeter, 12-16 April - 2011 -
Perspektiv på populärmusik och
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren
2011 -
The Rock Band Context as Discursive Governance in Music Education in Swedish
Monica Lindgren, Claes Ericsson
Action, Criticism and Theory for Music Education - 2010 -
The music classroom in focus. Everyday culture, identity, governance and knowledge
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren, Bo Nilsson
Nordic Research in Music Education. Yearbook - 2010 -
Marknadsestetik och vardagskultur i klassrummet: Ett ideologiskt dilemma? Identitet, dominans och kunkskapsbildning i grundskolans
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren
2010 -
Musikklassrummet i blickfånget. Vardagskultur, identitet, styrning och
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren
2010 -
Normalitet och kunskapsideal i skolans estetiska
Monica Lindgren
Lindstrand, F & Selander, S. (red.) Estetiska lärprocesser - upplevelser, praktiker och kunskapsformer. - 2009 -
Discourses concerning aesthetic activities in Swedish
Monica Lindgren
RAIME Research Alliance of Institutes for Music Education. Proceedings of the IX International Symposium November, 8-10, 2007 / Lesiuk, T. (ed). - 2008 -
Styrningen av kunskapsideal inom skolans estetiska
Monica Lindgren
F.V.Nielsen, S.G. Nielsen & S-E Holgersen (eds.). Nordisk musikkpedagogisk forskning. Årbok 10 2008 - 2008 -
Kultur och estetik i skolan – vad och för
Monica Lindgren
Kritisk utbildningstidskrift (KRUT) - 2008 -
En start för tänket - en bit på väg. Analys av ett utvecklingsprojekt kring kultur och estetik i
Claes Ericsson, Monica Lindgren
2007 -
Styrningen av kunskapsideal inom skolans estetiska
Monica Lindgren
Konferens vid Nordiska Nätverket för Musikpedagogisk forskning, Helsinfors januari 2007 - 2007 -
Bringing order to aesthetics in school. Discursive positioning in discussions with teachers and head
Monica Lindgren
Folkestad, G. (Ed.) A decade of research in music education. - 2007 -
Att skapa ordning för det etetiska i skolan. Diskursiva positioneringar i samtal med lärare och
Monica Lindgren
2006 -
"Det estetiska" i den avreglerade skolan - för ämnets eller barnets särskilda
Monica Lindgren, Göran Folkestad
2005 -
The construction of 'aesthetic learning' in contemporary Swedish
Monica Lindgren
Konferensbidrag. The fourth international research in music education conferense (RIME) Exeter april 2005 - 2005 -
"Det estetiska" i den avreglerade skolan - för ämnets eller barnets särskilda
Monica Lindgren, Göran Folkestad
SOU 2005:102 Utan timplan - forskning och utvärdering. Antologi från timplanedelegationen - 2005