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- Louise Skoog
Louise Skoog
Affiliated Researcher
School of Public AdministrationAbout Louise Skoog
- Researcher in Public Administration
- PhD Public Administration, 2019
- Project coordinator of "Strengthening of Research and Advanced Education in Public Administration in West Sweden (KOLV)", 2016-2019
- Research assistant at the School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg 2011-2012
- Pol. Master in Public Administration, University of Gothenburg 2011
Current research
Research projects
Project leader of "The challenge of localizing public services – equal access to public services and democratic governance in the whole of Sweden", funded by FORMAS (7 million SEK).
Access to high-quality public services throughout the country is a prerequisite for ensuring a vibrant business community and sustainable living conditions in Sweden's countryside. But today this vision is far from reality. Although rural citizens often pay higher taxes, their access to public services are inferior.
Hard political decisions need to be made in the coming years. The future for Sweden's rural areas depends on the capacity of local communities to democratically address the challenges that come with decisions on the location of public services. In order to create a sustainable society, decisions must be accepted or at least tolerated by the population. All around Sweden, initiatives are taken by local and regional political actors to defend public services and find innovative solutions. We must learn from both successes and setbacks. This project aims to increase knowledge about how political priorities and decision-making on the location of public services can be made in a legitimate way.
Researcher within the project "Competetive Democracy in Swedish Local Governments", funded by the Swedish Research Council (2,8 million SEK).
Local politics is often described as less conflictual and more pragmatic than national politics. But Swedish local government has over the last decades transformed into a veritable competitive democracy, where party politics is strident and parliamentary principles divide local politicians into winners (in power) and losers (in opposition). Simultaneously, another kind of competitive logic have come to dominate the local authorities as Sweden has been a forerunner in the introduction of New Public Management reforms. In local government, public and private service providers are encouraged to compete, and local authorities are increasingly transformed into publicly owned corporations.
For local politicians, the intensified political competition means that loyalty to parties and ruling coalitions have increased in importance and the old consensus ideals are long gone. But marketization push in the other direction: here the competition is not between parties but between service providers, and citizens do not decide winners by elections but by consumer choice.
Even if both political competition and marketization are prevalent in Swedish municipalities, they vary considerably in degree and form. This project focus on how these two competitive logics – and variations and combinations of them – affect the roles of local politicians and the formation of political conflicts.
In my thesis Political conflicts - dissent and antagonism among political parties in local government I studied political conflicts, more specifically the conflicts between the political parties. There are many indications that the political conflicts are not confined to the parliamentary arena, but furthermore that they are relevant for the relationship between politicians and public officials. How the administration is organized can also affect how actors perceive their roles and therefore how the political conflicts are expressed. The overall aim of the thesis was to increase the knowledge of how administrative reforms affects how political conflicts are expressed, and also what significance political conflicts have for the relationship between politicians and public officials.
The spatial dimension of political dissent – Centre-periphery dynamics in
David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Political Geography - 2025 -
Den svenska polariseringskartan. Partipolitiska åsiktskonflikter i svenska
David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Statsvetenskaplig Tidsskrift - 2024 -
Treading water – The politics of prioritizing public service
Jenny De Fine Licht, Louise Skoog
Paper prepared for the panel “Territorial cleavages among citizens, voters, politicians, and parties in the Nordic countries”, NOPSA conference, Bergen 2024 - 2024 -
Location of Public Services. Legitimacy, Challenges, and Solutions in
Politiska styrsystem bakom den offentliga
Carina Abrahamson, Louise Skoog, Frode Slinde
Människors möte med mat och måltider - 2024 -
Företagspolitiker – en systematisk granskning av forskning om
Louise Skoog, Oskar Svärd
Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift - 2023 -
Center-Periphery Dynamics in Formations of Political
David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Paper presened at Urban rural differences in the Nordic welfare states – An Arne Ryde Workshop, Malmö, Sweden, August 18-19 - 2023 -
Does Geography Shape Party Dissent? Center-Periphery Dynamics in Swedish
David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Paper presented at NORKOM XXXII, Odense 24-25 nov 2023 - 2023 -
Sink or swim? The politics of prioritizing public service
Jenny De Fine Licht, Louise Skoog
Paper prepared for the panel “Local Government as a Service Provider”, ECPR General Conference, Charles University Prague, 4-8 September 2023 - 2023 -
Här, där eller överallt? Medborgares åsikter om lokalisering av offentlig
Jenny De Fine Licht, David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Kapitel i Ulrika Andersson, Patrik Öhberg, Anders Carlander, Johan Martinsson & Nora Theorin (red) Ovisshetens tid. Göteborg: SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet. - 2023 -
Här, där eller överallt? –
Jenny De Fine Licht, David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Bilaga till kapitlet de Fine Licht, Karlsson & Skoog (2023): "Här, där eller överallt? Medborgares åsikter om lokalisering av offentlig service". I Ulrika Andersson, Patrik Öhberg, Anders Carlander, Johan Martinsson & Nora Theorin (red) "Ovisshetens tid". Göteborg: SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet. - 2023 -
Närhet eller effektivitet – en kommunal
Jenny De Fine Licht, David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Kommunal Ekonomi - 2023 -
Lokalisering av offentlig service som politikområde – partipolitiska åsiktskonflikter i svenska
Perceptions of polarization among political
Louise Skoog, David Karlsson
Political Research Exchange (PRX) - 2022 -
Avsnitt 12: Öar och
Henrik Sandgren, Louise Skoog
Förvaltningspodden - 2022 -
Åsiktskonflikter om lokalisering av service i svenska
David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Papper presenterat vid den 31:a Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen (NORKOM 2022) Reykjavik 24–25 november 2022 - 2022 -
Ska hela landet leva? Konflikter om lokalisering av offentlig service i svenska
Louise Skoog, David Karlsson
Paper presenterat vid SWEPSA 2022, Örebro universitet - 2022 -
Where did the party conflicts go? How horizontal specialisation in political systems affect party
Louise Skoog
Politics & Policy - 2021 -
Perception of polarization among political
Louise Skoog, David Karlsson
ECPR General Conference, panel "Destructive or deliberative – Deliberation among the political elite" - 2021 -
Louise Skoog
Andra hjälpen: allt du behöver veta för att skriva en uppsats. Abrahamson Löfström, C., och Rombach, B. (red.) - 2020 -
Managing hidden policy conflicts - Administrative strategies to handle
Louise Skoog, Petra Svensson
Nordic Conference on Local Government Research, Göteborg 26-28 november - 2020 -
The Depoliticization of Political Conflicts - How Public Administrators in Swedish Local Governments Handle Unresolved
Louise Skoog, Petra Svensson
ECPR Joint Sessions Workshop, Toulouse, April 14-17 2020 - 2020 -
Political conflicts - Dissent and antagonism among political parties in local
Louise Skoog
2019 -
Causes of party conflicts in local
Louise Skoog, David Karlsson
Politics - 2018 -
How horizontal specialization in political systems affects party
Louise Skoog
Nätverket i offentlig organisation och styrning (NOOS). Norrköping: 8-9 Feb 2018 - 2018 -
How do local politicians perceive party conflicts? Effects of power, trust and
Louise Skoog, David Karlsson
NORKOM XXVI, Reykjavík 1 – 2 Dec 2017 - 2017 -
(Party) political conflicts – Challenges for political
Louise Skoog
Local Governance Research Unit (LGRU) Blog - De Montfort University (DMU) Leicester: 6 March 2017 - 2017 -
Local Public Sector Reforms in Times of Crisis – National Trajectories and International
Louise Skoog
Local Government Studies - 2017 -
Political conflicts in Swedish local
Louise Skoog
Paper presented at COST action Local Reforms PhD training school, Potsdam Sept 13-16th 2016 - 2016 -
Democracy and political conflict in municipalities with different
Louise Skoog
Paper presented at the Nordic Conference on Local Government Research (NORKOM XXV), Oslo Nov 24-25 2016 - 2016 -
What causes political conflict in the parliamentary
Louise Skoog
Paper presented at COST action Local Reforms PhD training school, Spetses Sept 13-16th 2015 - 2015 -
Political conflicts and the mechanisms behind
Louise Skoog
Paper presented at the Nordic Conference on Local Government Research (NORKOM XXIV). Gothenburg Nov 26-28 2015 - 2015 -
Politiska konflikter och marknadisering - utmaningar för politiska
Louise Skoog, David Karlsson
Nils Aarsaether och Knut H. Mikalsen (red): Lokalpolitisk lederskap i Norden - 2015 -
Political conflicts in Swedish local
Louise Skoog, David Karlsson
Paper presented at NorKom XXIII, Odense November 27-29, 2014 - 2014 -
Politiska konflikter i svenska
David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
David Karlsson och Mikael Gilljam (red): Svenska politiker. Om de folkvalda i riksdag, landsting och kommun - 2014 -
Politiska konflikter och New Public Management – utmaningar för politiska
David Karlsson, Louise Skoog
Papper förberett för presentation vid NoPSA, XVII Nordic Political Science Association Conference, 12-15 Augusti 2014 - 2014 -
Politisk konflikt - Partipolitiska konflikter och offentlig förvaltning i svenska
Louise Skoog
XXII Nordic Local Government Studies-conference, Åbo, 21-22 november, 2013 - 2013 -
Politisk konflikt - Konfliktens orsaker och effekter i svenska
Louise Skoog
Nätverket Offentlig Organisation och Styrning, Linköping, 7-8 februari, 2013 - 2013 -
Alla följer partilinjen - en studie om hur kommunpolitiker tolkar sitt mandat i
Louise Skoog
2011 -
I skuggan av Weber - osunda ideal och sund
Malgorzata Erikson, Louise Skoog
Papper presenterat vid Tjugonde Nordiska kommunforskarkonferensen i Göteborg 24-26 november 2011 (XX NorKom 2011) - 2011