
Göran Björk

About Göran Björk


Ocean circulation and ice conditions in the Arctic Seas

Studies of ocean circulation based on data from several expeditions to the Arctic. From salinity, temperature and chemical data it is possible to map the major circulation features of the ocean. I have also worked a great deal with model investigations of the ice thickness distribution and how it relates to deformation processes. The modelling work includes studies on the fully coupled system including atmosphere, sea-ice and ocean. One special interest is the sensitive of the ice cover to variations of climate factors and to explain observed ice thickness variations. I have participated in 8 icebreaker expeditions to the high Arctic, the last one in 2014 Swedish – Russian – US Arctic Ocean Investigation of Climate-Cryosphere-Carbon Interactions (SWERUS-C3). Collaborates with researchers from Stockholm University regarding transformation and fluxes of terrestrial carbon on the Siberian Shelf based on data from the SWERUS_C3 expedition.  

Transport of warm ocean water against the floating ice shelves in Amundsen Sea Antarctica

Studies of the circulation of warm oceanic water on the shallow Amundsen Sea with respect to melting and thinning of the floating ice shelves. We have participated with oceanographic measurements during expeditions to the Amundsen Sea with the Swedish icebreaker Oden 2008/9 and 2010/11 as well as with the South Korean research vessel Araon in 2011/2012.  

Coastal upwelling and water exchange in fjords along the Swedish west coast  

Observations and analyze of water exchange and circulation in fjords along the Swedish west coast. Fjord circulation in the Orust –Tjörn fjord system using simplified process based models. Upwelling and water exchange in the Gullmars fjord based on ~100 years data. Investigations of the circulation and environmental conditions in the Sannäs fjord.  

Fishery research

Studies of dispersion and retention of cod eggs in Kattekatt based on data from filed observations in 2005 and 2006 in combination with model simulations. Transport of eel larvae across the North Atlantic using model simulations in collaboration with the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.