
Curt Hagquist

Visiting Professor

Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
411 17 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 300
405 30 Göteborg

About Curt Hagquist

Curt Hagquist is a Guest Professor of Public Health at the Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg since October 2020. He also holds an honorary appointment at the Telethon Kids Institute, Perth, Australia.

In between 2009 and September 2020, he was the director of the Centre for Research on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CFBUPH) at Karlstad University. His research fields comprise adolescent mental health, including impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic; epidemiology; Rasch Measurement Theory; social determinants of health; health promotion.

Curt Hagquist is a trained social worker and gained his PhD 1997 in Social work at the University of Gothenburg with the thesis “The Living Conditions of Young People in Sweden. On the crisis of the 1990s, social conditions and health”. In 1998-1999, he was a Visiting Scholar at Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Perth, Australia. In 2001, he returned to Perth as a Visiting Scholar at Murdoch University and Telethon Institute for Child Health Research. In between 2001 and 2004, Curt Hagquist worked as project manager at the National Board of Health and Welfare, Centre for Epidemiology. From 2006 to 2013, he was employed part-time at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, managing a project on child and adolescent mental health.

Funding, main applicant

NordForsk: Children's and adolescents' responses to the pandemic– future risks of increasing inequalities in learning and mental health (YoungEqual).

10 978 328 NOK for three years, 2023-2026.

Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE): Programme Grant Children and Youth: “The impacts of changed living conditions on child and adolescent mental health”. 12 000 000 SEK, 2013–2019.

Research projects

“Children's and adolescents' responses to the pandemic– future risks of increasing inequalities in learning and mental health (YoungEqual)”. Funded by NordForsk, 2023-2026. Principal Investigator: Curt Hagquist, University of Gothenburg, Department of Education and Special Education.

“Mental health through the adolescents’ eyes: longer term trends in Nordic countries”. Funded by Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE), 2023 – 2026: Principal Investigator: Charli Eriksson, Karolinska institutet, LIME.

“Reducing inequities in health and development through improving the compensatory capacity of universal child health and early education services”. Funded by Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE), 2023-2029. Principal Investigator: Anna Sarkadi, Uppsala University, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences.

“School, learning and mental health: determinants, consequences and prevention of school failure. Funded by The Sten A Olsson Foundation for Research and Culture, 2020-2024. Principal Investigator: Jan-Eric Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg, Department of Education and Special Education.

International commitments

Member of the Coordinating Committee and chair of the methodology development group of the international study on Health Behaviours in School-aged Children (HBSC), which includes more than 50 countries. 2018 – 2024.

Member of the WHO pan-European Mental Health Coalition, focusing on Child, Adolescent & Youth Mental Health.

Expert, UNESCO – Inclusive Policy Lab.

Member of European Rasch Research and Teaching Group, ERRTG.

Member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on the mental health impacts of COVID-19 in the WHO European Region. 10 February 2021 – 9 February 2023.

Member of the Expert Review Panel for the Research Programmes in Adolescence, Mental Health and the Developing Mind, UK Medical Research Council (MRC), Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Sept 2020 – April 2021.

National commitments

Member of a focus group appointed by the Swedish Research Council, aimed at contribute to a long term research agenda on virus and pandemics. December 2021–

Member of the Swedish research team for the study on Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), 2013–


Curt Hagquist teaches courses in Rasch Measurement Theory. He has been principal supervisor for seven students who have completed their PhD.