
Mihai Oltean

Adjunct Professor

Department of Surgery
Visiting address
Blå stråket 5, vån 3 SU/Sahlgrenska
41345 Göteborg
Postal address
Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
41345 Göteborg

About Mihai Oltean

Dr. Mihai Oltean is Associate Professor of Surgery and Consultant in General Surgery.

His research explores the allo-independent graft injury following brain death and ischemia-reperfusion injury both in experimental and clinical setting. Another long-lasting research interest is intestinal transplantation (clinical and experimental), where Dr. Oltean studies intestinal preservation, non-invasive intestinal graft monitoring and intestinal acute rejection. Dr. Oltean pioneered the use of laser-Doppler flowmetry and endoscopic ultrasound in the follow-up of intestinal graft recipients.

More recently, Dr. Oltean has become part of a multidisciplinary research group analyzing COVID-19 in organ transplant recipients.

In addition to his research interest, Dr. Oltean is an experimental microsurgeon with more than 20 years of experience in the field. He is a keen educator and, together with colleagues from the faculty of Natural Sciences and Sahlgrenska University Hospital, has established a microsurgical training laboratory and since 2013 conducted almost thirty doctoral and specialist courses attended by local and international participants.

Dr. Mihai Oltean serves in the Editorial Board of Microsurgery, International Reviews of Immunology (section editor) and he is incoming Assistant Editor for European Surgical Research. He is President-Elect of International Society for Experimental Microsurgery and serves in the Council of the Intestinal Transplant and Rehabilitation Association.