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- Ann Nordberg
Ann Nordberg
Senior Lecturer
Department of Education and Special EducationAbout Ann Nordberg
My research is particularly focused on strengthening children’s and pupils’ communicative participation in preschools and schools. Particular attention is paid to professional development to scaffold language development through the use of evidence informed tools for profiling features of communication and language supporting classrooms and preschools. The connection between communication and language stimulus and reading and writing is also focused. My thesis was about speech, language and communicative participation in school children with speech difficulties.
In the years 2020-2022, I have been the project manager for a practical research project funded by ULF funds. My fellow research colleague has been Professor Karin Rönnerman. In this project, the ELSA model has been developed for collaboration on structured language support in preschool with the aim of increasing learning and equality for all children and as a basis for reading and writing development. We have worked with two preschools in two municipalities in western Sweden. https://www.gu.se/beviljade-forskningsprojekt
Teaching interests
I am an Associate Professor of Pedagogic Practices and my teaching interests touch on the research I pursuse. I teach research methods and supervise and examine students at the advanced level. The focus of my education lies in professional development and to strengthen the teachers' language supportive classroom work in an evidence informed way.
Knowledge of exchange interests
I have a large network of researchers at other universities, both within and outside Sweden. I am a member of the research environments at the Univerity of Gothenburg: PRIS - Platform for Research on Inclusion and School development and SKUL- School Development and Leadership, and I am a member of the board of disability research in the west (HafV).
Currently, in connection with a research project about supporting language in Swedish preschools and schools I collaborate with professor Julie Dockrell, Director of the Centre for Language, Literacy and Numeracy: Research and Practice, Speciality Chief Editor Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology and University College, London, UK.
Circle time in preschool as a practice for developing language support between teachers and children using the structured ELSA
Karin Rönnerman, Ann Nordberg
Educational Action Research - 2024 -
Att utveckla hållbara samverkansmodeller för praktiknära
Ann Nordberg, Eva Olsson
2024 -
Språkutveckling på gång! Möten som får barns språk att
Ann Nordberg
2023 -
Support of Language and Communication in Swedish
Ann Nordberg
Special Education in the Early Years: Perspectives on Policy and Practice in the Nordic Countries - 2022 -
Potential of the ELLECCT in teachers’ professional development: A commentary on Weadman, Serry and Snow
Ann Nordberg
First language - 2022 -
Språkstöd i förskolan genom aktionsforskning. En introduktion till
Support of language and communication in the 'Tambour situation' in Swedish
Ann Nordberg
Early Child Development and Care - 2021 -
Att kartlägga barns språk på vetenskaplig grund – variationer och
Ann Nordberg, Katharina Jacobsson
SPSM: specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten - 2021 -
Approaches and Educational Assessments of Children’s Speech, Language and Communication Development in Swedish
Ann Nordberg, Katharina Jacobsson
Early Child Development and Care - 2021 -
No hope without actions in
Ann Nordberg, Karin Rönnerman
NERA, Odense, 3-5 november, 2021 - 2021 -
Barns språk utvecklas i
Ann Nordberg
Forskning.se - 2021 -
Aspects of teachers' language and communication support in Swedish preschools after a second phase of
Ann Nordberg
Early Child Development and Care - 2020 -
Konkreta verktyg gav kunskaper om språkstödjande
Ann Nordberg
Skolverkets hemsida - 2019 -
Support of Language and Communication in Swedish
Ann Nordberg
CARN-ALARA Conference , Split, Croatia 17-19 October, 2019 'Imagine Tomorrow: Practitioner Learning for the Future' Book of Abstract - 2019 -
Communication supporting observation tool a pilot study in preschools in
Ann Nordberg, Sofia Moström, Marie Qvist
Paper presented at ECER 2018, September 4-7, Bolzano, Italy - 2018 -
Strukturerat språk- och kommunikationsstöd på vetenskaplig grund i förskola och
Ann Nordberg, Sofia Moström
"Key Note"- presentation på Utbildningsvetenskapliga fakultetens samverkanskonferens Forskning Pågår, Göteborg, 31 oktober 2018 - 2018 -
Early receptive language comprehension ability in children with cerebral
Ann Nordberg
Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology - 2018 -
Speech problems affect more than one in two children with cerebral palsy: Swedish population-based
Ann Nordberg
EACD (European Academy of Childhood Disability) kongress, Stockholm, Sweden, June, 2016. Oral presentation - 2016 -
Retelling ability and language ability in school-aged children with cerebral palsy and speech
Ann Nordberg
The IASSIDD World Congress, 14-19 augusti, 2016, Melbourne, Australien. (The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) . Book of abstracts. - 2016 -
Speech, Language and Communicative Ability in School-Aged Children with Cerebral Palsy and Speech
Ann Nordberg
Key-Note föreläsning på Habilitering & Hälsas årliga Nobelkonferens 2015-12-10 på Blue Radisson Hotel, Göteborg, 10 december 2015 - 2015 -
Story retelling and language ability in school-aged children with cerebral palsy and speech
Ann Nordberg, Annika Dahlgren Sandberg, Carmela Miniscalco
International journal of language & communication disorders / Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists - 2015 -
'Children with cerebral palsy and speech impairment - Swedish population-based
Ann Nordberg
Oral presentation at 'The 2nd Annual World Congress of Pediatrics and Disabilities – 2014' 24-26 October, 2014, Taiyuan, China. Book of abstracts - 2014 -
Consonant production and overall speech characteristics in school-aged children with cerebral palsy and speech
Ann Nordberg, Carmela Miniscalco, Anette Lohmander
International journal of speech-language pathology - 2014 -
Speech problems affect more than one in two children with cerebral palsy: Swedish population-based
Ann Nordberg, Carmela Miniscalco, Anette Lohmander, Kate Himmelmann
Acta Paediatrica - 2013 -
'Narrative ability in 10-12- year old children with cerebral palsy and speech
Ann Nordberg
Oral presentation at 'The 14th Meeting of the International Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics Association' , Cork, Ireland, 27-30 June 2012, Book of Abstracts - 2012 -
Electropalatography in the description and treatment of speech disorders in five children with cerebral
Ann Nordberg, G Carlsson, Anette Lohmander
Dysarthria in the panorama of cerebral palsy: a population-based
Ann Nordberg
EACD (European Academy of Childhood Disability) kongress, Bruxelles, Belgium, may, 2010. Poster presentation. - 2010 -
Electropalatography in Description and Treatment of Speech Disorders in Five Children with Cerebral
Ann Nordberg
The 13th Meeting of the International Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics Association" , Oslo, Norway, 23-26 juni, 2010. Oral presentation - 2010 -
Visual Feedback in Speech Training for Children with Cerebral
Ann Nordberg
EACD (European Academy of Childhood Disability) congress, Zagreb, Croatia, June, 2008. Poster presentation. - 2008 -
Electropalatography - Visual Feed back in Treatment of Speech
Ann Nordberg
EACD (European Academy of Childhood Disability) congress, Barcelona, Spain, October 2006. Poster presentation. - 2006 -
Can Electropalatography - Visual Feedback- be used in Treatment of Speech Disorders due to Cerebral
Ann Nordberg
4th International Electropalatography (EPG) Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, 29-30 September 2005. (Special invited) - Oral presentation - 2005 -
Electropalatography - Visual feedback - in Treatment of Speech
Ann Nordberg
EACD (European Academy of Childhood Disability) congress, Monte Carlo, Monaco, November 2005. Poster presentation. - 2005 -
Bilingual Test - an Evaluation of the Swedish Version Part
Ann Nordberg
The 3rd Finnish Conference of Neurolinguistics, Joensuu, Finland, 1987. Oral presentation. - 1987