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Verify degree certificate or Transcript of Records

This page contains information on how to verify a degree certificate or Transcript of Records issued by the University of Gothenburg via Ladok. Ladok is a student registry that is used by 40 Swedish universities and university colleges.

Digital degree certificate

Digital degree certificates are electronically stamped or electronically signed to prove their authenticity. You who have a digital degree certificate can send it to any recipient. In order for a recipient to be able to verify a digital degree certificate, they first need to download the document. The document contains a link to a verification service that can be used to check the authenticity of the degree certificate.

Verify a digital degree certificate issued from 1 January 2024

Verify a digital degree certificate issued before 1 January 2024 (Comfact)

Verify degree information

To verify degree information, a control code and the personal identity number of the person who holds the degree, is needed. These means are provided by the person who holds the degree.

Verify degree information (

Verify certificate or Official Transcript of Records

In the student registry Ladok, students can generate verifiable certificates themselves. Use the code at the bottom of the certificate to see the original on your screen.

Verify certificate or Original Transcript of Records (