Double degree option, Fudan University, Shanghai
This double degree option offers high-profiled studies for dedicated students enrolled in the Master´s Programme in European Studies Social Science Track (MAES) and the Master´s Programme in International Administration and Global Governance (IAGG).
You study your first year in Gothenburg, Sweden, and your second year in Shanghai, China. At Fudan University you can enroll in either International Public Policy (IPP) or Chinese Politics and Diplomacy (CPD). You will gain knowledge, skills, and networks that prepare you for professional careers in European and International affairs as well as post-graduate studies. There are in total three places in the programme each year.
About the Programme
This interdisciplinary double degree option focuses on contemporary Chinese, European and International affairs. Students learn about global governance, European integration, EU and international institutions, Chinese politics, diplomacy and public administration, global environmental governance, and international public policy. The courses focus on the pressing concerns Europe, China, and the world faces today such as climate change, economic and social inequality, digitalization, security, globalization, and migration. Training in research design and the methodological techniques of social science, prepare the students for being qualified independent analysts.
Mandatory courses
Mandatory courses familiarize you with theories and current research on European integration, global governance, Chinese politics, policy, and diplomacy, international relations, European economic integration, international administration and policy, and social science research design and methodological techniques. The courses have problem-based research assignments that enable you to train your capacity in critical reflection and independent written and oral presentations. In addition to the mandatory courses, you choose from elective and semi-elective courses to style your studies by focusing on areas that fits your individual interests. These are the main mandatory courses (which vary slightly year two, depending on what of the two available specializations you chose to study in Shanghai):
• European Heritage and Identity (MAES)
• European Integration: Current research and Theory (MAES)
• Integrating European Market (MAES)
• Theoretical and Historical Perspectives on Global Governance
• International Administration and Policy (IAGG)
• Public Economics (IPP)
• Global Public Policy (IPP)
• Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation (IPP)
• International Relations: Theory and Practice (CPD)
• Chinese Politics (CPD)
• Chinese Public Administration (CPD)
• Chinese Diplomacy (CPD)
• Chinese language (IPP and CPD)
• Courses in Methods (all programmes)
• Thesis writing (all programmes)
Specialize by choosing among elective courses, for example:
• Internship for the Masters Programme in European Studies or International Administration and Global Governance
• Social Policy
• Comparative Politics of East Asia
• Political Theories
• Public Management Theories
• Global Governance
• Traditional Chinese Political Thoughts
Why choose the Fudan University double degree option?
This is a top education offering mind-opening courses at two high calibre universities. It is extra demanding but also extra rewarding because it prepare you for a career within Chinese, European and International affairs working in private industry, politics, public administration, or civil society. Besides the academic rewards, you will also learn and enrich personally and professionally since you will study in two international study environments with students from many different countries, and get to live on two separate continents and experience what it takes socially and culturally. You will meet competent teachers dedicated to bring the best out of every individual’s talents.
Programme Structure and Content
The first year you study courses at the University of Gothenburg. You will enrol in the MAES – Master in European Studies programme (Social Science Track) or IAGG - International Administration and Global Governance, and study together with students from many different countries in Europe and overseas. Besides studying, during your year in Gothenburg you have the possibility to engage in the student-led organization Brännpunkt Europa, and participate in student-led study visit trips to Brussels and other European cities.
The second year you study courses organized by the School of International Relations & Public Affairs (SIRPA) at Fudan University in Shanghai. You can chose to specialize in International Public Policy (IPP) or in Chinese Politics and Diplomacy (CPD) during your year in Shanghai. You will start your thesis writing early in the fall semester and write the thesis parallel with studying other courses. Eventually you finalize it through a thesis defense when the spring semester ends.
Entrance requirements and selection
You can apply to the double degree option if, and only if, you are an enrolled student within one of the following Master's Programmes: European Studies Social Science Track (MAES) or International Administration and Global Governance (IAGG).
If there are more applicants than there are available spots, the selection is based on the following:
1. Number of credits in the master's programme
2. Submitted statement of intent, performance in courses in the master’s programme and a submitted thesis or other academic writing sample in Swedish or English (if you would like to submit a writing sample in another languages you may translate it yourself to English, but please include the title in the original language),
3. If applicants cannot be separated by number 1 and 2, interviews may take place
Statement of intent
Please use the form, Statement of intent, which will be available below. Only applications submitted on the assigned form will be considered. The form is fixed and the space is limited. The statement of intent should address the questions below, and be well structured and written, in clear and concise language. The statement of intent should be in English. In your own words, please tell us:
• Why do you want to study one year at the Fudan University?
• What qualifications do you possess that will help you succeed as a student at the Fudan university?
You need to download the below Statement of intent and open with Acrobat reader to fill out the form.
Please send the statement of intent and thesis/writing sample no later than December 2 to exchange@pol.gu.se. Applicants will be notified about the result in December.
Download the form Statement of intent here
International study environments and collaboration
This double degree option is part of two very international study environments. If you study this option, you will meet other students from many countries of the world. Both departments are also spearheading the double degree trend among top universities of the world. We collaborate with the following renowned academic partners in Asia, Europe, and the USA:
- Keio University
- Kobe University
- Korea University
- Sciences Po Paris
- Tor Vergata University of Rome
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- The University of Konstanz