University of Gothenburg

Centre for Finance

Handelshögskolan library

Welcome to the Centre for Finance - CFF! We have research since many years in close collaboration with the business community as well as other financial researchers within Sweden and abroad. Our successful researchers within finance are being published in highly ranked journals.

CFF as a strong research centre within finance was made possible with a grant from VINNOVA in 2010, including co-financing from the business community, the University of Gothenburg and the School of Business, Economics and Law.

CFF's mission is to contribute to a sustainable financial system through:
◾Excellent research focusing on financial intermediation, specifically the interaction between financial institutions and business/households.
◾An open and creative multidisciplinary research environment.
◾Close interaction with practitioners, education and society at large.

CFF’s vision is to advance the understanding and practice of financial intermediation and to be the leading Nordic research center in this field, with expertise in great demand. It is also to be a highly regarded and exciting arena for collaboration among researchers, students, financial practitioners and policy makers.

We gratefully acknowledge the support by the Second Swedish National Pension fund - AP2, Handelsbanken, former also SEB, SKF, Volvo, the Independent saving banks in Western Sweden - fristående sparbankerna i Västra Sverige and the foundation for the Centre for Finance - Stiftelsen Centrum för finans.

Centre for Finance Invites you to a seminar with

Thomas Gür, Ölander & Gür AB

“Market for Minorities”

An experienced Editing and communications specialist with a special interest in the future of work, technology, healthcare, sustainability and environmental issues. Experienced in managing high-performing teams and working with stakeholders from different levels, especially government, business, education, media and other organisations to achieve results. Proven skills in Journalism and Media Relations and Strategic Communications production. Strong understanding of media, political and corporate environment - experience from public, private and not-for-profit sectors

Day and time:        Wednesday 2nd October 3:15 pm
Place:                      E44, School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1
No registration needed, welcome!

Vi tackar Jacob Lundberg, IFN, för ett mycket intressant CFF Professional seminar

"Winners and Losers in the Swedish Pension System"

Day: Wednesday 22:e May, 2024
Place: School of Business, Economics and Law, Vasagatan 1

Thank you to the ones participating!

We thank Joachim Gahm, Investment Banking at Greenhill & Co for a very interesting CFF Professional seminar

"Blowing in the Wind – Renewables in the future"

Day: 8:e May, 2024
Place: Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 1

Thank you to the ones participating!

We thank Jörgen Petersen, Finansanalytiker Kommuninvest for an inspirational CFF Professional seminar

"Kreditbedömning av kommuner" - the seminar will be held in Swedish

Day: 15:e November, 2023
Place: Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 1

Thank you to ones participating!

We thank Annika Wallenskog, Chefsekonom SKR, Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner, for a much interesting CFF Professional seminar

"En favorit i repris - Regionernas ekonomiska utmaningar" - the seminar will be held in Swedish

Day: 11:e October, 2023
Place: Handelshögskolan, Vasagatan 1

Thanks to the ones who participated!

We thank Professor Russel Wermers for a CFF seminar

We had a special finance seminar on August 24, 2023, given by Russell Wermers from the University of Maryland. Russ is a professor of finance and also an Erik Malmsten Visiting Professor. He was vising us August 14-25 and will come back for two more weeks in May/June 2024. You can find more information about Russ here:

Instead of presenting one paper, Russ presented a line of research he is currently working on. His talk was interesting not only to finance people but also to anyone interested in text analysis. Below please find a more detailed description of his talk.

Language and culture tend to be intimately related to each other. For instance, it is often difficult to express an emotion or concept that is clear in English in another language, such as Mandarin--due both to differences in syntax and cultural norms between the U.S. and China. This difficulty is compounded in financial news, where complex topics are involved (e.g., "Earnings Management" by corporate officers).

Finally, a new project that focuses on Japanese news was briefly described.