Molecular mechanisms in development of acute myeloid leukemia
Short description
Lars Palmqvist's research group investigates acute myeloid leukemia (AML), which is the most common form of acute leukemia. It affects both children and adults and is in general associated with a inferior survival. Our project aims to reveal the mechanisms behind leukemia development and to find new treatments. For this purpose, we use different animal models as well as cells from patients with leukemia.
Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is the most common form of acute leukemia and affects both children and adults and this form of leukemia is in general associated with a poor prognosis. Better understanding of the mechanisms behind this form of leukemia and improved treatment are of outmost importance for the fighting of this disease.
The overall aim of our projects is to identify molecular mechanisms involved in the development of AML and find novel ways of targeting leukemic cells in patients. Pathogenic mechanisms for the development of this disease and response to different treatments are studied in different animal models but also in human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) were we have introduced different genetic alterations of our choice. Our studies are also performed on samples from patients with acute myeloid leukemia. We believe that our investigations will lead to a better understanding of the development of AML and ultimately to better treatment of patients with acute myeloid leukemia.

Lars Palmqvist
Principal Investigator
Department of Laboratory Medicine,
Institute of Biomedicine
Group members
Ahmed Waraky, PhD, researcher
Anders Östlund, MD, PhD student
Gürcan Tunali, PhD, postdoc
Eric Malmhäll-Bah, PhD, postdoc
Jenni Adamsson, MSc., Research assistant
Susanna Jacobsson, MSc, Research assistant
Christina Nilsson, Med Lic. Research assistant