Johan Zelano Group
Short description
Johan Zelano is Professor of neurology at the Sahlgrenska academy, University of Gothenburg, and a consultant neurologist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital.
About Zelano Group
Johan Zelano is a professor of neurology at Sahlgrenska academy and a consultant neurologist at Sahlgrenska university hospital. The research group belongs to the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, and became a part of the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular and Translational medicine in June 2020.
Research goals
The goal of the research is to improve diagnosis, treatment, and health care of persons with epilepsy, with a specific focus on epilepsy acquired in adulthood. From animal models, we know that inflammation and reorganization of brain networks are key aspects of development of epilepsy and an important aim is to identify biomarkers of these processes to allow early detection, diagnosis and in the longer run prevention.
Once epilepsy is established, there is also a need for biomarkers of seizures (treatment effect) and more information on optimal choice of antiepileptic drugs, and the impact of epilepsy on overall prognosis.
Research methods
We do clinical studies collecting blood or csf biobanks linked to clinical follow-up, epidemiological research based on national registers, and neuroimaging. The group has multiple national and international collaborations. Our main current projects include big data analyses of antiseizure medications in register data, and the PREDICT biobank study of epilepsy and epilepsy health care in VGR (see information below)

Contact Information
Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology
Box 430
405 30 Göteborg
Visiting Address: Blå Stråket 7, Plan 3, Sahlgrenska , 413 45 Göteborg
Group members
Judith Klecki, judith.klecki@gu.se
Sarah Akel, sarah.akel@gu.se
Research area: PREDICT fluid biomarkers
Markus Karlander, markus.karlander@vgregion.se
Research area: Epilepsy after traumatic brain injury
Post doc
Saman Ashtiani, saman.ashtiani@gu.se
Research area: PREDICT fluid biomarkers, big data
David Larsson, david.gw.larsson@vgregion.se
Research area: PREDICT, poststroke epilepsy
Klara Andersson, klara.andersson@gu.se
Research area: PREDICT fluid biomarkers
Current Projects
We evaluate the potential of resting state fMRI to identify individuals with acquired epilepsy. Recruitment is closed.
Biomarkers in focal epilepsy
In this biobank study, blood samples from individuals with and without epilepsy are analyzed for biomarkers that can indicate epilepsy and/or seizures. Recruitment is closed.
This VGR-region-spanning epilepsy biobank study will start in 2021 and collect blood samples and conduct yearly surveys from individuals with epilepsy. The main aims are to identify biomarkers or genetic predisposition for epilepsy or severe side effects with particular epilepsy treatments, to study access to and use of epilepsy care, and psychosocial consequences of epilepsy.
Epidemiology of acquired epilepsy
By using national health registers, we study risk factors, prognosis, and treatment of acquired epilepsy in many brain diseases.
Geographic mapping of epilepsy and seizures in Western Sweden
We map the prevalence of epilepsy and incidence of seizures in VGR, to identify underserved areas with regard to epilepsy care.
Digitization tools
We are evaluating an online platform for women with epilepsy offering patient education and therapeutic drug monitoring.
Key Publications
Neurofilament light, glial fibrillary acidic protein, and tau in a regional epilepsy cohort: High plasma levels are rare but related to seizures. Akel S, Asztely F, Banote RK, Axelsson M, Zetterberg H, Zelano J. Epilepsia. 2023. Accepted
Antiseizure medication selection and retention for adult-onset focal epilepsy in a Swedish health service region: a population-based cohort study. Larsson D, Mroue D, Andren K, Zelano J. Epilepsia. 2023. Accepted
Selection and continuation of antiseizure medication in children with epilepsy in Sweden 2007-2020 Håkansson S, Wikström R, Zelano J Pediatr Neurol; (144):19-25. 2023.
CSF biomarkers in patients with epilepsy in Alzheimer's disease: a nation-wide study. Banote RK, Håkansson S, Zetterberg H, Zelano J. Brain Commun. 2022 Aug 17;4(4):fcac210.
Risk and cause of death in post-traumatic epilepsy: a register-based retrospective cohort study. Karlander M, Ljungqvist J, Sörbo A, Zelano J. J Neurol. Jul 19. 2022
Temporal trends of epilepsy in multiple sclerosis. Mahamud Z, Burman J, Zelano J. Acta Neurol Scand. Jul 18. 2022; (146):492-8.
Epilepsy diagnosis after Covid-19: A population-wide study. Westman G, Zelano J. Seizure. Jul 9;101:11-14, 2022.
Epilepsy in patients with congenital heart disease: A nationwide cohort study. Zelano J, Dellborg M, Eriksson P, Mandalenakis Z. Brain Behav. Aug;12(8):e2699, 2022.
Ambulance assignments for epilepsy seizures were more common in socioeconomically weaker areas [in Swedish]. Zelano J, Magnusson C.Lakartidningen. Apr 11;119:21165. 2022
Big data analysis of ASM retention rates and expert ASM algorithm: A comparative study. Håkansson S, Zelano J.Epilepsia. Jun;63(6):1553-1562, 2022
Valproate Restrictions in Sweden and Norway: online survey suggests implementation deficit. Zelano J. Tauböll E, Svedberg L, Tomson T. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica. May; 145(5):551-556, 2022.
Association Between Antiseizure Drug Monotherapy and Mortality for Patients With Poststroke Epilepsy. Larsson D, Baftiu A, Johannessen Landmark C, von Euler M, Kumlien E, Åsberg S, Zelano J. JAMA Neurol. Feb 1;79(2):169-175, 2022
Brain injury markers in new-onset seizures in adults: a pilot study. Eriksson H, Banote R, Larsson D, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Zelano J. Seizure. 2021 Aug 22;92:62-67.
Quantitative Proteomic Analysis To Identify Differentially Expressed Proteins In Patients With Epilepsy. Banote R, Larsson D, Berger E, Kumlien E, Zelano J. Epilepsy Research, 2021, Aug;174:1006674
Potential for improved retention rate by personalized antiseizure medication selection: A register-based analysis. Håkansson S, Karlander M, Larsson D, Mahamud Z, Garcia-Ptacek S, Zelezniak A, Zelano J.Epilepsia. 2021 Sep;62(9):2123-2132.
Retention rate of antiepileptic drugs in MS. Mahamud Z, Håkanson S, Burman J, Zelano J. Epilepsy and behavior, 2021, Aug;121(Pt A):108034
Posttraumatic epilepsy in adults: a nationwide register-based study. Karlander M, Ljungqvist J, Zelano J. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry. Mar 9;92(6):617-21, 2021
An online tool for information to women with epilepsy and therapeutic drug monitoring in pregnancy: design and pilot study. Lisovska K, Gustafsson E, Klecki J, Edelvik Tranberg A, Zelano J. Epilepsia Open, Jun;6(2):339-344, 2021
Valproic acid and socioeconomic associations in Swedish women with epilepsy 2010-2015. Andersson K, Bolin K, Ozanne A, Tomson T, Zelano J. Acta Neurol Scand. Acta Neurol Scand 2021;143: 383-388.
Prehospital lactate levels in blood as a seizure biomarker: A multi-center observational study. Magnusson C, Herlitz J, Höglind R, Wennberg P, Edelvik Tranberg A, Axelsson C, Zelano J. Epilepsia, 2021, Feb;62(2):408-415.
Risk of epilepsy diagnosis after a first unprovoked seizure in dementia.
Mahamud Z, Mononen CP, Brigo F, Garcia-Ptacek S, Zelano J. Seizure, Nov;82:118-124, 2020
Epilepsy after brain infections in adults. Zelano J, Westman G. Neurology, Dec 15;95(24):e3213-e3220, 2020
Risk of stroke after new-onset seizures. Larsson D, Farahmand B, Åsberg S, Zelano J. Seizure, 2020, Dec;83:76-82.
Increased risk of epilepsy in patients registered in the Swedish Dementia Registry. Zelano J, Brigo F, Garcia-Patie S. Eur J Neurol. Jan 27(1):129-135, 2020
Prognostic impact of epilepsy in multiple sclerosis. Mahamud Z, Burman J, Zelano J. Mult Scler Relat Disord. Feb;38:101497, 2020
Acute symptomatic seizures and epilepsy after mechanical thrombectomy. Eriksson H, Löwhagen Hendén P, Rentzos A, Pujol-Calderón F, Karlsson JE, Höglund K, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Rosengren L, and Zelano J. Epilepsy and Behavior, Mar;104:106520, 2020
Socioeconomic outcome and access to care in adults with epilepsy in Sweden: A nationwide cohort study. Andersson K, Ozanne A, Edelvik Tranberg A, E Chaplin J, Bolin K, Malmgren K, Zelano J. Seizure. Dec 3;74:71-76, 2019
Neuronal antibodies in adult patients with new-onset seizures: a prospective study. Zelano J, Axelsson M, Constantinescu R, Malmeström C, Kumlien E. Brain and behavior, Nov 9;11, Nov;9(11):e01442, 2019
High-resolution mapping of epilepsy prevalence, ambulance use and socioeconomic deprivation in an urban area of Sweden. MagnussonC, Zelano J, Epilepsia, Oct; 60(10):2060-2067, 2019
Family history increases the risk of late poststroke seizures. Eriksson H, Asberg S, Widerfelt K, Zelano J. Neurology, Nov 19;93(21):1954-1970, 2019
The provision of epilepsy care across Europe. Zelano J, Kleicki J, Christenstenssen J, Tomson T, Malmgren K. Epilepsia Open, 2019;4: 144-152.
Retention Rate of First Antiepileptic Drug in Poststroke Epilepsy: a Nationwide Study. Larsson D, Åsberg S, Kumlien E, Zelano J. Seizure, Nov 23;64:29-33, 2018
Treatment of epilepsy in multiple sclerosis. Dagiasi I, Vall V, Kumlien E, Burman J, Zelano J. Seizure, Apr 5; 58:47-51, 2018
The risk of epilepsy after a first seizure in multiple sclerosis. Mahamud Z, Burman J, Zelano J. European journal of neurology. Jun; 25(6):854-860, 2018
Epilepsy in Multiple Sclerosis: a nation-wide population based register study. Burman J, Zelano J. Neurology, Dec 12;89(24):2462-2468, 2017
Pre-stroke seizures: a nationwide register-based investigation. Zelano J, Larsson D, Kumlien E, Åsberg S. Seizure, Jul;49:25-29, 2017
Causes of death in poststroke epilepsy. Hansen J, Åsberg S, Kumlien E, Zelano J. PLOS One, Apr 5;12(4):e0174659, 2017
Association between poststroke epilepsy and death: a nationwide cohort study. Zelano J, Redfors P, Åsberg S, Kumlien E. European Stroke Journal, 1(4) 272-278, 2016