‘Egnahem’ for everyone – own home through your own work in an innovative housing area
Short description
Egnahemsfabriken and Orust municipality will in collaboration with Ekobanken and Mikrofonden create an opportunity and financing model that provides a third way to solve housing for more people. The target group is everyone who wants to create their own home through their own work, with a special focus on groups that have difficulties in the housing or labor market.
Project leader: Tinna Harling, Egnahemsfabriken.
Participants: Tinna Harling, Erik Berg, Anna Berglund, Egnahemsfabriken Tjörn; Jenny Stenberg GRI-GU; Klara Sjögren Holtz, Rickard Karlsson, Orust municipality; Joakim Widén, Kristoffer Lüthi, Ekobanken; Ylva Lundkvist Fridh, Mikrofonden; Jan Svensson, Coompanion; John Helmfridsson, Association for collaborative building; John Areblad, Kanvassfilm.
Case study area: Ellös, Orust.