Christine Caux Gustafsson, Jenny Högström Berntson och Maria Persson, del av #matarvsteamet, i Mölndals stadsmuseums öppna magasin
Christine Caux Gustafsson, Jenny Högström Berntson och Maria Persson, del av #matarvsteamet, i Mölndals stadsmuseums öppna magasin
Photo: Johan Wingborg

Network on food and heritage launches newsletter

#matarv (food and heritage) is a network for collaboration concerning research and museum collections about foodways and cultural heritage.

Since the network started in 2019, collaborations have thereby resulted in two anthologies about food heritage, several public lectures/workshops, two food heritage-related exhibitions at the Mölndal city museum and last but not least the Food Heritage podcast (Matarvspodden).

The network invites you to follow and stay up-to-date via the Matarvsnytt newsletter, which will be launched in January 2024. Notice that the newsletter will (mainly) be in Swedish.