
Micro-debris from car tires - new report from the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

In a new report that was produced for the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, it is shown that micro-debris formed during the wear of car tires, is gathered in waters near cities and roads. This is considered a major risk to the environment because the tire particles contain fossil oils and heavy metals.

FRAM researcher Martin Hassellöv was one of the researchers from the University of Gothenburg who was included in the study. Watch the interview with him in TV4 and hear him discuss the report in Swedish Radio (SR) [In Swedish].

Forskaren om att bildäck förstör haven: ”Miljöskadliga ingredienser” (TV4Play)

Mikroskräp från bildäck lagras på havsbottnarna kring städer och längs vägarna (SR Ekot)

Read the full report here [In Swedish]: Undersökning av mikroskräp längs bohuslänska stränder och i sediment