
Gothenburg University researchers have the biggest influence on digitalization in public sector

The magazine Dagens Samhälle recently published a list of the 30 people they consider having the greatest influence on digitalization in the public sector. At the top of the list is Marcus Matteby, collaborative doctoral student at the Department of Applied IT. Johan Magnusson, professor of informatics at the same department, takes fourth place.

Marcus Matteby
Marcus Matteby
Photo: Sundsvalls kommun

The list of the most influential people includes managers, lecturers, politicians, and researchers. Both formal and informal power have been taken into consideration.

Marcus Matteby, who opens the list, is a collaborative doctoral student within the frames of the research school Digital förvaltning (Digital government) at the University of Gothenburg, as well as IT director/CIO at the municipality of Sundsvall. The explanatory statement highlights Marcus Matteby's ability to reach achievements and inspire people. He has carried out important work with a digital infrastructure in Sundsvall, which in 2022 was appointed digitization municipality of the year by DIGG (Agency for Digital Government).

Johan Magnusson
Johan Magnusson
Photo: Johan Wingborg

Only a few points further down the list, Johan Magnusson is named. He is a professor of informatics and initiator of the research school that Marcus Matteby is connected to. He is described by Dagens Samhälle as a "provocateur" who "broadens perspectives". With his research and his debate contributions, Johan Magnusson often highlights the importance of driving development forward in public sector to be able to provide an equal level of digital service for all citizens.


Read the whole list in Dagens Samhälle (Swedish, paywall).

Read more about the research school Digital förvaltning.