
Gender Studies Unit is recruiting a communication’s officer/web-developer


We are recruiting a communication’s officer/web-developer for the Research Cluster TechnAct and the Activist-Scholarly Network Feminist and Queer Solidarities beyond Borders. The position will be located at the Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg.

You will work partly in a research environment funded by the Swedish Research Council, Technact Research Cluster, as well as a network between feminist and queer activists and researchers from the Nordic countries, Russia and Turkey, Feminist and Queer Solidarities beyond Borders.

Both projects are engaged in exploring feminist and queer struggles for rights in different locations across the globe and in supporting collaborations across national borders.

The tasks include website development, production and updating of web texts, research communication and other communication assignments.

The position is a time-limited 20% employment until 31 December 2021, with possible extension, placement at the Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg.

Department of Gender Studies at the Department of Cultural Sciences

To the announcement