Powers of Love: Enchantment to Disaffection
The fifth PARSE biennial artistic research conference at the Artistic Faculty, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, November 15–17, 2023
The fifth PARSE biennial artistic research conference at the Artistic Faculty, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, November 15–17, 2023
The fifth biennial PARSE conference, “Powers of Love: Enchantment to Disaffection”, considers the transformative potential of love, friendship, the erotic, enchantment and care in artistic practices. Within wider cultural contexts, artistic practices are engaged in power politics through historical, contextual, institutional and discursive formations. This conference focuses on the connections between embodiment, passion, (dis)affection and critical thought, the grounds for being-in-common and the tensions between singular relationality and institutional structures.
The conference invites artistic practices, scholarship from across disciplines and theoretical experimentation to engage with the breath and multiplicity of love in its various forms, expressions, negotiations, and dissociations. The conference will take place in Gothenburg and aims to create an atmosphere for engaged dialogue through plenary sessions, panels, screenings, events and multiple format presentations. The aim of the conference is to create an encounter between contemporary artistic research and other domains of enquiry.
Registration for the conference is now open. To register, click here.