Exterior of Pedagogen at Grönsakstorget in Göteborg

Middle leading as dialogic practice

Education and learning

The Action Research College in collaboration with the College for Educational Leadership invites you to a seminar with world-leading researchers.

5 Sep 2023
16:00 - 17:30
Pedagogen, Gothenburg University, and digitally via Zoom (specific venue and zoom link will be announced later)

Karin Rönnerman
Peter Grootenboer
Kirsten Petrie
Christine Edwards-Groves
The Action Research College and College for Educational Leadership

This seminar presents an examination of ways dialogicality and discursivity create practice architectures enacted by middle leaders in and as professional practice development. 

It pays particular attention to the ways in which apposite approaches to practice development are derived from what we describe as dialogic principles that can be employed to guide the discourses and discursivity that form teacher professional learning. It picks up relational trust as a critical matter in creating democratic communicative spaces for professional dialogue, learning and practice development. 

Karin Rönnerman is professor em. in Education at the University of Gothenburg, department of Education and Special Education. Her research has been in the field of action research with a particularly focus on professional learning among teachers and their transformation to middle leaders.

Peter Grootenboer is a Professor in the School of Education and Professional Studies, at Griffith University, Australia. Peter’s research has focussed on professional practice and practice/praxis theory development, ‘middle’ leadership, action research and professional learning and change, and mathematics educaiton. He has worked extensively within educational organizations in the areas of leading professional learning through action research, and sustainable site-based development. 

Kirsten Petrie is an Associate Professor, at The University of Waikato, Aotearoa New Zealand. Her research has focused on teacher professional learning, curriculum development, participatory action research, middle leading, predominantly in relation to Health and Physical Education.

Christine Edwards-Groves is Professor at Griffith University, and ARC Fellow. She researches literacy practices, dialogic pedagogies and middle leadership, and has particular expertise in practice theory (specifically, the theory of practice architectures) and action research. Currently, with Professor Peter Grootenboer, Christine is a chief investigator in a study examining the impact of middle leadership on student learning.