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CRITPEN Workshop 2024: Critical ethnography

Education and learning

CRITPEN welcomes researchers in Nordic countries to a digital workshop, to meet and discuss the topic of critical ethnography.

10 Jun 2024
09:00 - 12:00
Registration deadline
5 June 2024

Good to know
After registration, on the 8th of June, we will send you an email with a link to the Zoom meeting.

Please note that the time 09.00–12.00 is in Central European Time (CET).
CRITPEN – Critical perspectives on education in the Nordic countries
Registration is closed.

About the Workshop

The full title of this year's CRITPEN Workshop is "Critical ethnography: What can ethnography contribute with when exploring power-relations in education?"

The idea is for researchers with a critical knowledge interest to meet and develop ideas concerning questions such as: What is critical ethnography? Why, and how, to do critical ethnography? How can ethnography help us to explore power-relations in education? What, and whose, knowledge is produced? 

We hope to gather researchers with a broad range of research topics and with different experiences of doing ethnographical research in different context. 

The workshop will start with two keynotes discussing these type of questions (representing different theoretical perspectives) and end with a discussion among the participants departing from lectures. Below you will find a short preliminary schedule for the workshop.

We hope to see you in June! 
Kind regards,

the CRITPEN Committee,
Mattias Nylund, Sirpa Lappalainen, Anna-Maija Niemi and Per-Åke Rosvall 

P.S. If you have colleagues that you think would be interested in the workshop and the CRITPEN-network, feel free to share this information with them.


  • 9.00-9.05: Welcome
  • 9.05-9-50: Lecture 1. Barry Down. Critical ethnography: Interrogating the messiness and taken- for-grantedness of everyday life.
  • 9.50-10.00: Break
  • 10.00-10-45: Lecture 2. Tuuli From. Power in place: Critical ethnographic exploration of socio-spatial relations in education
  • 10.45-10.55: Break
  • 10.55-11.20: Discussions; critical ethnography, networking, future plans for CRITPEN
  • 11.20-11.50: Shared discussion 
  • 11.50-12.00: Plans for the future? 

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