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- Stefan Wiktorsson
Stefan Wiktorsson
Department of Psychiatry and NeurochemistryAbout Stefan Wiktorsson
Research group: Sahlgrenska Suicide Studies
Service User and Next-of-Kin Experiences of Psychosis Inpatient Care After a Person-Centred Care
Anneli Goulding, Stefan Wiktorsson, Katarina Allerby, Lilas Ali, Margda Waern
Clinical characteristics and 6-month follow-up of adults with and without alcohol use disorder who
Petter Olsson, Stefan Wiktorsson, Lotta M.J. Strömsten, Ellinor Salander Renberg, Bo Runeson, Margda Waern
Frontiers in Psychiatry - 2024 -
Older adults make sense of their suicidal behavior: a Swedish interview
Sara Hed, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Stefan Wiktorsson, Jennifer Strand, Silvia Sara Canetto, Margda Waern
Anxiety symptoms preceding suicide: A Swedish nationwide record
Sabrina Doering, Sara Probert-Lindström, Anna Ehnvall, Stefan Wiktorsson, Nina Palmqvist Öberg, Erik Bergqvist, Anne Stefenson, Jesper Fransson, Åsa Westrin, Margda Waern
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2024 -
Accuracy of 12 short versions of the Geriatric Depression Scale to detect depression in a prospective study of a high-risk population with different levels of
Simona Sacuiu, Nazib Seidu, Robert Sigström, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Lena Johansson, Stefan Wiktorsson, Margda Waern
International Psychogeriatrics - 2022 -
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults who present with self-harm: a comparative 6-month follow-up
Petter Olsson, Stefan Wiktorsson, L. M. J. Strömsten, E. Salander Renberg, B. Runeson, Margda Waern
BMC Psychiatry - 2022 -
Clinical Characteristics in Older, Middle-Aged and Young Adults Who Present With Suicide Attempts at Psychiatric Emergency Departments: A Multisite
Stefan Wiktorsson, Lotta Strömsten, Ellinor S. Renberg, Bo Runeson, Margda Waern
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2022 -
Overlapping Patterns of Suicide Attempts and Non-suicidal Self-Injuries in Adults: A Prospective Clinical Cohort
Margda Waern, L. Stromsten, Stefan Wiktorsson, B. Runeson, E. S. Renberg
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry - 2022 -
'I wanted to talk about it, but I couldn't', an H70 focus group study about experiencing depression in early late
Therese Rydberg Sterner, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Pia Gudmundsson, Stefan Wiktorsson, Sara Hed, Hanna Falk, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
BMC Geriatrics - 2020 -
A Comparison of Suicide Risk Scales in Predicting Repeat Suicide Attempt and Suicide: A Clinical Cohort
ÅU Lindh, M. Dahlin, K. Beckman, L. Strömsten, J. Jokinen, Stefan Wiktorsson, E. S. Renberg, Margda Waern, B. Runeson
The Journal of clinical psychiatry - 2019 -
Few Sex Differences in Hospitalized Suicide Attempters Aged 70 and
Stefan Wiktorsson, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Ingmar Skoog, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Paul Duberstein, Kimberly Van Orden, Margda Waern
International journal of environmental research and public health - 2018 -
Medically Serious and Non-Serious Suicide Attempts in Persons Aged 70 and
Stefan Wiktorsson, Petter Olsson, Margda Waern
Conference poster, International Association for Suicide Prevention, 2017 - 2017 -
Cognitive Function in Older Suicide Attempters and a Population-Based Comparison
Petter Olsson, Stefan Wiktorsson, Simona Sacuiu, Thomas Marlow, Svante Östling, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology - 2016 -
Medically Serious and Non-Serious Suicide Attempts in Persons Aged 70 and
Stefan Wiktorsson, Petter Olsson, Margda Waern
Geriatrics - 2016 -
Assessing the role of physical illness in young old and older old suicide
Stefan Wiktorsson, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Katarina Wilhelmson, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, K. Van Orden, P. Duberstein, Margda Waern
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2016 -
Beliefs about antidepressants among persons aged 70 years and older in treatment after a suicide
Eva Lesén, Stefan Wiktorsson, Anders Carlsten, Margda Waern, Tove Hedenrud
International psychogeriatrics - 2015 -
Reasons for Attempted Suicide in Later
Kimberly A Van Orden, Stefan Wiktorsson, Paul Duberstein, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Margda Waern
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry - 2015 -
Neuroticism and Extroversion in Suicide Attempters Aged 75 and Above and a General Population Comparison
Stefan Wiktorsson, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Eva Billstedt, Paul Duberstein, Thomas Marlow, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Aging & Mental Health - 2013 -
Alcohol Use Disorder in Elderly Suicide Attempters: A Comparison
Johanna Morin, Stefan Wiktorsson, Thomas Marlow, Pernille J Olesen, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2013 -
Attempted suicide in late life: A prospective
Stefan Wiktorsson
2012 -
Sense of coherence in elderly suicide attempters: the impact of social and health-related
Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Stefan Wiktorsson, Erik Joas, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
International psychogeriatrics - 2011 -
Prospective cohort study of suicide attempters aged 70 and above: One-year
Stefan Wiktorsson, Thomas Marlow, Bo Runeson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Journal of affective disorders - 2011 -
Attempted suicide in the elderly: Characteristics of suicide attempters (70+) and a general population comparison
Stefan Wiktorsson, B Runeson, Ingmar Skoog, Svante Östling, Margda Waern
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2010 -
Prevalence of social phobia in non-demented elderly from a Swedish population
Robert Sigström, B Karlsson, I Freden Klenfeldt, S Saciuu, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, Stefan Wiktorsson, D Gustafsson, Svante Östling
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
A history of alcohol dependence/misuse in elderly suicide
Stefan Wiktorsson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Eleventh European Suicide Symposium. Glasgow 2008 - 2008 -
The Sahlgrenska suicide study: Psychiatric diagnoses in elderly suicide
Stefan Wiktorsson, Ingmar Skoog, Svante Östling, Margda Waern
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
Alcohol use disorder in elderly suicide
Margda Waern, Stefan Wiktorsson
Am Assoc Suicidology. Boston 2008 - 2008 -
Treatment of elderly suicide
Margda Waern, Stefan Wiktorsson
Am Assoc Suicidology. Boston 2008 - 2008