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- Maarit Jaakkola
Maarit Jaakkola
Deputy Director
NordicomVice Director
NordicomAbout Maarit Jaakkola
Maarit Jaakkola is a Doctor of Social Sciences (Journalism) working as Co-Director at the Centre for Nordic Media Research Nordicom at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. She is also an Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMG) at the University of Gothenburg and an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (ITC) at Tampere University in Finland.
Jaakkola's research is located at the intersection between media, culture and learning. In her research, Jaakkola is searching for connections between professional and non-professional media production, public and informal pedagogies, as well as cultural-studies approaches, preferring comparative studies in the Nordic region.
Further information:
- Personal homepage: maaritjaakkola.se
- Meet Maarit Jaakkola – new employee at Nordicom (2016)
- Maarit Jaakkola – new assistant director of Nordicom (2018)
- Twitter: @maaritjii
- ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID): 0000-0001-9979-6157
- Peer reviews: Publons profile
- Supervision: please contact via e-mail
Maarit Jaakkola defended her doctoral thesis The Contested Autonomy of Arts and Journalism: Change and Continuity in the Dual Professionalism of Cultural Journalism at the University of Tampere in 2015. She holds a Licentiate's and a Master's degree in Social Sciences and a Master's degree in Philosophy. She is also a trained journalist and teacher and has a professional diploma in educational management.
Previously, Jaakkola worked 15 years as a lecturer in journalism at Tampere University, Finland. She has also worked as a journalist for the national daily Helsingin Sanomat and Finnish Press and Photo Agency STT. She has also worked as a teacher and head of the media programme at Finnish upper secondary schools specialised in media and communication. Furthermore, Jaakkola has professional experience as a press officer and teachers' educator.
Research interests
Jaakkola's research is focused on different aspects of specialised journalism such as cultural journalism, as well as journalistic professionalism, cultural intermediation, cultural produsage and digital pedagogies. Further areas of research include the signature pedagogies of journalism education, media and information literacy and e-learning.
Recently, Jaakkola has been studying the Nordic journalism education from a comparative perspective and cultural journalism in the Nordic countries, as well as vernacular cultural production or reviewing as user-generated content on social networking platforms. Her newest scientific monographies Reviewing Culture Online: Post-Institutional Cultural Critique across Platforms (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) and Pedagogical Opportunities of the Review Genre: Living in Cultures of Evaluation (Routledge, 2024) address vernacular reviewing on social networking platforms, discussing the phenomenon of cultural prosumption (production and consumption) online.
New publications
Jaakkola, M. (2024). Academic AI Literacy: Artificial Intelligence in Scholarly Writing, Editing, and Publishing. NordMedia Network Online Educational Resources. Nordicom.
Jaakkola, M. (2024). Pedagogical Opportunities of the Review Genre: Living in Cultures of Evaluation. Routledge.
Jaakkola, M. (ed.) (2023). Reporting on Artificial Intelligence: A Handbook for Journalism Educators. UNESCO.
Jaakkola, M. (2023). Community-first Criticism: Reviewing of Art and Culture in Local Newspapers. Journalism Studies, 24(9), 1214–1236.
Jaakkola, M. (2022). Joining the Scholarly Conversation: The Basics of Writing an Academic Book Review. NordMedia Network Online Educational Resources. Nordicom.
Jaakkola, M. (2022). Reviewing Culture Online: Post-Institutional Cultural Critique across Platforms. Palgrave Macmillan.
For more new publications, see below under the title "Publications".
Forthcoming publications
Gurdal, S., Jaakkola, M., & Andersson, L. (Eds.) (2024). The Digital Life of Young People in the Nordics. A special issue for the journal Nordisk tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning 2/2024.
Wiik, J., & Jaakkola, M. (2024). AI-journalistik: Artificiell intelligens och algoritmer på redaktionen. [AI Journalism: Artificial Intelligence and Algorithms in the Newsroom.] Studentlitteratur.
Jaakkola, M. (2024). Journalists as Media Educators: Pedagogies of Journalistic Production. Lexington Books/Bloomsbury.
Jaakkola, M., & Straszer, B. (Eds.) (2025). Teaching and Learning Resources for Linguistic Minorities in Europe. A special issue for the Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe.
Other activities
Currently, Jaakkola is the editor-in-chief of NordMedia Network, a digital platform for Nordic media researchers. Jaakkola is also the book reviews editor of the international scientific peer-reviewed journal in media and communication research, Nordicom Review. In 2016–2018, Jaakkola was the editor of Nordicom Information, a multilingual academic journal of media and communication research published in 1979–2018 in Scandinavian languages (Danish, Norwegian and Swedish) and English.
Jaakkola is also the editor-in-chief of the Finnish peer-reviewed journal Kulttuurintutkimus – Kulturstudier and an associate editor of the international peer-reviewed journal Journal of Creative Communications by Sage. Moreover, she is a member of the editorial boards of the journals Journal of Media Literacy Education (JMLE), Information & Media (I&M), The Arts in Society Journal Collection, Kairos: Media & Communications Review and Contributions to the Humanities.
Jaakkola has been a peer reviewer, among other things, for the journals Central European Journal of Communication, Communication, Culture & Critique, Current Psychology, Environmental Communication, Higher Education Pedagogies, International Journal of Cultural Studies, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Science Communication, Journalism, Journalism and Media, Journalism Practice, Journalism Studies, Kasvatus, Media and Communication, Media & viestintä, Music & Science, New Media & Society, The National Biography in Finland, Networking Knowledge, Nordicom Review, Poetics, Recherches en Communication, Social Sciences, Television and New Media, as well as for Routledge and Sage, and a number of conferences.
Jaakkola is involved, among other things, in the following project, network and group activities:
- The Nordic Collaboration Committee for Journalism Education, chair (2019–2022)
- World Journalism Education Council (WJEC), member, representative of the Nordic countries
- MILID University Network (Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue University Network), UNESCO-UNAOC-UNITWIN, co-lead (2020–2022)
- UNESCO MIL Alliance Regional Chapter for North America and Europe, member (2023–)
- The International Organizing Committee (IOC) of the Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week 2022, member
- ECREA Temporary Working Group (TWG) Media Literacies and Communication Competencies (MLCC), Chair (2023–)
- NordMedia Conference: member of the Nordic planning committee, chair of the media literacy and media education division
- COST Action Network Language Plurality in Europe’s Changing Media Sphere (PLURILINGMEDIA), member of the management committee (2024–2028)
- Tools & Awareness about Disinformation, Algorithms and Media (TADAM), an EU-funded project by eight European universities, collaborator (2024–2025)
- Shine On, Critique! Research contribution to the development project by the Finnish Critics' Association SARV, collaborator (2021–2022)
- Journalistic Roles, Values and Qualifications in the 21st century: How Journalism Educators across the Globe View the Future of a Profession in Transition, coordinator for the Nordic countries survey study (2021)
- Academic Forum for MIL Research, a national researcher network connected to the Network MIL Sweden led by the Swedish Media Council, founder and coordinator
- Social Media Resilience Toolkit – SMaRT-EU, member of the advisory board
- EU Kids Online network, Swedish team coordinator and member
- Children Online: Research and Evidence (CO:RE), Swedish coordinator (2021)
- The Media & Learning Association, board member (2020–2022)
- UNESCO's Media and Information Literacy Expansion (MILx) Research and Development Consortium, member
- Member of the editorial board of the peer-reviewed scientific journals Kulttuurintutkimus (Cultural Studies), Journal of Creative Communications, Journal of Media Literacy Education, The Arts in Society Journal Collection (Arts Education; Arts Theory and History; New Media, Technology, and the Arts; Social, Political, and Community Agendas in the Arts), Information & Media, and Contributions to the Humanities
- ECREA Temporary Working Group (TWG) Journalism and Communication Education, vice-chair (2022)
- The Swedish Film Institute, member of the Council of Film Pedagogy
- Visual media literacy research group VIMIK at the Centre for Collaborative Visual Research (GPS400) at the University of Gothenburg, member
- Member of the research group Children's Culture Studies (BiG) at the University of Gothenburg
- Member of the Swedish research group NatMin-nätverket for the study of national-minority languages and cultures
- Member of the multistakeholder network Möten med MIK (MMM) for regional media and information literacy organizations
- Member of the multistakeholder network Local Journalism for All Network for national organizations
- Educator and supervisor in the educational programme for Swedish and Finnish journalism students at the cultural centre Hanaholmen, on themes fact-checking (2018), EU elections (2019) environmental journalism (2022) and energy journalism (2023)
- Member of the advisory board of the Finnish Language Centre at the Swedish Institute for Language and Folklore (Isof) (2022–2025)
- Co-founder and coordinator of the Sweden-Finnish Research Network
- Co-founder of the network Media and Informal Language Learning (MILL)
- The media literacy blog MIKologi at the pedagogical portal Lärtorget at the City of Gothenburg
- The National Library of Sweden, member of the group of legal deposit and strategic collections within the Forum of national library cooperation and development (–2020)
Tarvitsemme tilastojen luomaa
Maarit Jaakkola
Kulttuurintutkimus - 2024 -
Pedagogical Opportunities of the Review Genre: Learning in Cultures of
Maarit Jaakkola
2024 -
Lukupiiri virittää tutkimukseen perustuvan
Maarit Jaakkola
Aikuiskasvatus - 2024 -
Maarit Jaakkola
Minoritet.se - 2024 -
"Tuotan sen itse, sen punaisen langan”: Suomen kielen oppimateriaalien tuotanto ja käyttö Ruotsissa opettajien
Maarit Jaakkola
Kieli, koulutus ja yhteiskunta - 2024 -
Alternatives for Webinars: Organising a Reading Circle of Scientific
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2024 -
Senioriruotsinsuomalainen: Ideakirja sukupolvien välisiin
Maarit Jaakkola
2024 -
Academic AI Literacy: Artificial Intelligence in Scholarly Writing, Editing, and
Maarit Jaakkola
2024 -
Between Conspicuous and Conscious Consumption: The Sustainability Paradox in the Intermediary Promotional Work of an Online Lifestyle
Meri-Maaria Frig, Maarit Jaakkola
Journal of Consumer Culture - 2024 -
Capturing the Contours of the Field of Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Research: A Systematic Literature Review of Studies Conducted at Swedish Universities in
Maarit Jaakkola
Media and Information Literacy for the Public Good: UNESCO MILID Yearbook 2023 - 2023 -
Media and Information Literacy for the Public Good: UNESCO MILID Yearbook
Maarit Jaakkola, Tomás Durán-Becerra, Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha
2023 -
Community-First Criticism: Reviewing Art and Culture in Local
Maarit Jaakkola
Journalism Studies - 2023 -
Reporting Like There Was No Pandemic: Cultural Journalism During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Finland, Sweden, and
Maarit Jaakkola, Ilva Skulte
Mediekultur - 2023 -
Digital Performance at the Side Stage: The Communicative Practices of Classical Musicians and Music Hobbyists on
Maarit Jaakkola
Continuum. Journal of Media and Cultural Studies - 2023 -
The Revival of Book Reviews in Social Media: BookTok, BookTube and Bookstagram as Communities for Literacy
Maarit Jaakkola
International Leads - 2023 -
Kohti keski-iän
Maarit Jaakkola
Kulttuurintutkimus - 2023 -
MIK och språk: låt oss skapa fler
Maarit Jaakkola
Statens medieråd - 2023 -
Den nordiska medieforskargemenskapen mår
Maarit Jaakkola
Statens medieråd - 2023 -
Kannattaako tiedevilpistä
Outi Autti, Maarit Jaakkola
Kulttuurintutkimus - 2023 -
Reporting on Artificial Intelligence: A Handbook for Journalism
Maarit Jaakkola
2023 -
Virtuaaliset työvälineet avaavat kielenelvytykseen uuden
Maarit Jaakkola
Kieliviesti - 2023 -
Akademisk forskning om sverigefinskhet profilerar
Maarit Jaakkola
Minoritet.se - 2023 -
Sirpa Lappalainen, Maija Korhonen, Maarit Jaakkola
Kulttuurintutkimus - 2023 -
Maarit Jaakkola, Sirpa Lappalainen, Maija Korhonen
Kulttuurintutkimus - 2023 -
Utmanande skriva läroböcker med snabb
Maarit Jaakkola
Statens medieråd - 2023 -
Lähikriitikko palveluksessanne! Yhteisöperustaisen kritiikin mahdollisuus – ja mahdottomuus –
Maarit Jaakkola
Kritiikin Uutiset – Kritikernytt - 2023 -
Medialukutaidon uusi
Maarit Jaakkola
YKA vuosijulkaisu 2023 - 2023 -
Spinning in the Post-Doc Carousel: Lifting Up the Fixed-Term
Outi Autti, Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2023 -
Let the Algorithm Find the Fit? Journal Finders to Minimise the
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2023 -
Määräaikaisen tutkijan
Outi Autti, Maarit Jaakkola
Kulttuurintutkimus - 2023 -
Yhteisö edellä: Paikallislehtikritiikin haasteet ja mahdollisuudet Suomen arvostelijain liiton
Maarit Jaakkola
Kritiikki näkyy! - 2023 -
Doctoral Research 2022: What Did the New Nordic Doctors
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2023 -
Domesticating Space: Media Production Pedagogy for the Empowerment of Marginalized
Maarit Jaakkola, Linda Sternö, Elias Fryk
Journal of Media Literacy Education (JMLE) - 2022 -
Journalists as Media Educators: Journalistic media education as inclusive boundary
Maarit Jaakkola
Journalism Practice - 2022 -
Public Service Television as Education: Factual Programmes and the Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Policy
Maarit Jaakkola, Marjaana Mykkänen
View : Journal of European Television History and Culture - 2022 -
Sarjakivaa! Serier tecknade av sverigefinska barn från en virtuell workshop i revitalisering av det nationella minoritetsspråket
Maarit Jaakkola, Leena Huss
2022 -
Riittääkö enää pelkkä tutkimuksen
Maarit Jaakkola, Outi Autti
Kulttuurintutkimus - 2022 -
Yksi väitöskirja vuosittain: Ruotsinsuomalaisuus kiinnostaa eri alojen
Maarit Jaakkola
Kieliviesti - 2022 -
Joining the Scholarly Conversation: The Basics of Writing an Academic Book
Maarit Jaakkola
2022 -
Exploring the Normative Foundation of Journalism Education: Nordic Journalism Educators’
Conceptions of Future Journalism and Professional
Maarit Jaakkola, Panu Uotila
Journalism and Media - 2022 -
Forskning inom medie- och informationskunnighet (MIK): En översikt över
Maarit Jaakkola
2022 -
Child-centered Qualitative
Maarit Jaakkola
CORE Methods Toolkit & Handbook - 2022 -
Are You Happy with Your
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2022 -
Ruotsinsuomalaisen tutkimuksen verkosto kokoaa yhteen tutkijoita ja tutkitun tiedon
Maarit Jaakkola, Leena Huss
Kieliviesti - 2022 -
Content Analysis in the Research Field of Cultural
Maarit Jaakkola
Standardized Content Analysis in Communication Research: A Handbook - 2022 -
Reviewing Culture Online: Post-Institutional Cultural Critique across
Maarit Jaakkola
2021 -
MIL Cities and MIL Citizens: Informed, Engaged, Empowered by Media and Information Literacy
Alton Grizzle, Maarit Jaakkola, Tomás Durán-Becerra
2021 -
Media and Information Literate Citizens: Think Critically, Click
Alton Grizzle, Carolyn Wilson, Ramon Tuazon, Chi Kim Cheung, Jesus Lau, Rachel Fischer, Dorothy Gordon, Kwame Akyengpong, Jagtar Singh, Paul R. Carr, Kristine Stewart, Samy Tayie, Olunifesi Suraj, Maarit Jaakkola, Gina Thésée, Gurmira Gulston
2021 -
Kirja-arvostelut alustataloudessa: esimerkkinä käyttäjälähtöiset arvostelut
Maarit Jaakkola, Tiina Räisä
Media & viestintä - 2021 -
Who Is a Nordic Media
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2021 -
Tavikset taiteen tuntijoina ja kulttuurin
Maarit Jaakkola
Kritiikin Uutiset - Kritikernytt - 2021 -
A (Love) Letter to
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2021 -
Academic Summer Readings in Scandinavian
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2021 -
Long-term Audience Work: Promoting the research
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2021 -
Reimagining the Review: Transmedia possibilities of reviewing in daily newspapers in Finland and
Maarit Jaakkola
Periodismo cultural en el siglo XXI (II): Modelos transmedia para profesionales innovadores/Cultural journalism in the 21st century (II): Transmedia models for innovative professionals - 2021 -
Academic Book Reviews – a Low-Rank
Maarit Jaakkola, Kristin Clay
NordMedia Network - 2021 -
Author byline (Cultural
Maarit Jaakkola
DOCA – Database of Variables for Content Analysis - 2021 -
Form of Culture (Cultural
Maarit Jaakkola
DOCA – Database of Variables for Content Analysis - 2021 -
Journalistic Genre (Cultural
Maarit Jaakkola
DOCA – Database of Variables for Content Analysis - 2021 -
Exploring Doctoral Networks: Should there be a Nordic
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordmedia Network - 2021 -
Doctoral Research in 2020: What did the new Nordic doctors
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2021 -
Editor’s introduction: Media and information literacy research in countries around the Baltic
Maarit Jaakkola
Central European Journal of Communication - 2020 -
The Literary Construction of Journalism Education: A review of the course literature in the Nordic academic journalism
Maarit Jaakkola, Panu Uotila
Journalism Practice - 2020 -
Advancing Media and Information Literacy Research in the Baltic Sea
Maarit Jaakkola, Agnieszka Stepinska
Central European Journal of Communication - 2020 -
Young Voices, New Qualities? Child reviewers as vernacular reviewers of cultural
Maarit Jaakkola
Rethinking cultural critique: New voices in the digital age - 2020 -
How to Get Together Online: 9 pieces of practical advice on organizing a
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2020 -
Oman lukukokemuksensa visualisoijat: käyttäjälähtöiset kirjallisuusarvostelut
Maarit Jaakkola
Kulttuurintutkimus - 2020 -
Media Re-Education and the Need to Be Constantly
Maarit Jaakkola, Grzegorz Ptaszek
Central European Journal of Communication - 2020 -
Media and Information Literacy in the Baltic Sea
Maarit Jaakkola
Central European Journal of Communication - 2020 -
From Vernacularized Commercialism to Kidbait: Toy review videos on YouTube and the problematics of the mash-up
Maarit Jaakkola
Journal of Children and Media - 2020 -
Virtual Alternatives: Video presentations at academic conferences are on the
Maarit Jaakkola
NordMedia Network - 2020 -
The Heterogeneity of the Nordic Journalism Education: The ’academic’ and the ’professional’ in the bachelor’s
Maarit Jaakkola
The Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies - 2019 -
Kohti digiaikakauden pohjoismaista yhteisöllisyyttä: Uudistunut Nordicom kehittää digitaalista viestintää tutkijayhteisön
Maarit Jaakkola
Media & viestintä - 2019 -
Finland: Two Academic Paths to Journalism – the Dual Model of Journalism
Maarit Jaakkola
Nowak, Eva (ed.) Accreditation and Assessment of Journalism Education in Europe - 2019 -
The Boundaries of Belonging: Journalist interns’ workplace learning experiences across communities of
Maarit Jaakkola
Journalism Education - 2019 -
From Re-viewers to Me-viewers: The #Bookstagram review sphere on Instagram and the uses of the perceived platform and genre
Maarit Jaakkola
Interactions: Studies in Communication & Culture - 2019 -
Vernacular Reviews as a Form of Co-Consumption: The user-generated review videos on
Maarit Jaakkola
MedieKultur. Journal of Media and Communication Research - 2018 -
Voicing young people’s perspectives: Media influencing as a form of collaboration between youth organisations and the professional
Maarit Jaakkola
Youth and News in a Digital Media Environment – Nordic and Baltic Perspectives - 2018 -
Norden inifrån och utifrån – The Nordics from Within and
Maarit Jaakkola, Catharina Bucht
Nordicom Information - 2018 -
Vem tillhör
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2018 -
Mission: Norden – några exempel på att hitta den nordiska vinkeln och kommunicera dess relevans i dagens
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2018 -
Journalistic Writing and
Maarit Jaakkola
Oxford Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies - 2018 -
Circuit Training in the Writing of Art Reviews: Discovering the built environment in iterative
Maarit Jaakkola
Periodismo cultural en el siglo XXI (I): Contenidos docentes innovadores - 2018 -
Finland: en lång tradition av
Maarit Jaakkola
Medie- och informationskunnighet i den digitala tidsåldern: en demokratifråga - 2018 -
How #Openness Can Change (and Save) a Life: Pushing the boundaries of normativity and expectations in social
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2018 -
Against Fake Information and For Voter Literacy: Fact-checking initiatives form a major pedagogical
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2018 -
Så här producerades öppenhetsnumret: en tidslinje med iakttagelser och
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2018 -
Öppenhet – ett krävande
Maarit Jaakkola, Balder Holm
Nordicom Information - 2018 -
Öppenhet i medier och kommunikation – Openness in Media and
Maarit Jaakkola, Balder Holm
Nordicom Information - 2018 -
Vad säger forskningen om medier? Nordicom visar vägen på medieforskningens
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordens Tidning - 2018 -
Keskustelu kulttuurijournalismista tarvitsee pohjaksi
Maarit Jaakkola
Kritiikin Uutiset - Kritikernytt - 2018 -
S(t)imulating Journalism in the Classroom: A structured comparison of the design of pedagogical newsrooms in Nordic academic journalism
Maarit Jaakkola
Journalism and Mass Communication Educator - 2017 -
Video(kultur) – Video
Maarit Jaakkola, Balder Holm
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Medieforskning i samhället – relationen mellan bransch och
Maarit Jaakkola, Ragnhild Mølster
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Let the Camera Be Your Pen: The camera-pen learning approach fosters visual thinking in the
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Snabbguide till produktion av
Maarit Jaakkola, Mia Jonsson Lindell
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Scientific Summaries that Move: An interview with Wiley’s video supplier on the use of video
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Gränsöverskridande om den norska litteraturkritikens
Maarit Jaakkola
Norsk Medietidsskrift - 2017 -
Producing a Drama for the Common Good: The theatricalization of the crisis discourse on cultural
Maarit Jaakkola
Open Journal for Sociological Studies - 2017 -
I Gutenbergs galax är vi alla
Maarit Jaakkola, Balder Holm
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Enterprising Initiatives in the Experience
Maarit Jaakkola
MedieKultur. Journal of Media and Communication Research - 2017 -
In Search of the Signature Pedagogies of Cultural
Maarit Jaakkola
IAFOR Journal of Cultural Studies - 2017 -
From Culture Wars to Combat Games: The differentiation and development of culture departments in
Heikki Hellman, Maarit Jaakkola, Raimo Salokangas
Cultural journalism in the Nordic countries - 2017 -
Building Bridges in Societal Debates: Conciliatory journalism as a way of covering conflict-sensitive
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Elfenbenstorn under
Maarit Jaakkola, Ragnhild Mølster
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Ingela Wadbring, Maarit Jaakkola
2017 -
MOOC istället för en vanlig
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordiskjournalistutbildning.org - 2017 -
Follow the Nordic Journalism
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordiskjournalistutbildning.org - 2017 -
The Scholarly Use of Social Media: How to make the most of
Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2017 -
Digitalt berättande – Digital
Ingela Wadbring, Ragnhild Mølster, Maarit Jaakkola
Nordicom Information - 2016 -
More Mobile, More Flexible. Students’ Device Ownership and Cross-Media News Consumption, and Their Pedagogical
Erik Eliasson, Maarit Jaakkola
Becoming a journalist: Journalism education in the Nordic countries - (eds.) Jan Fredrik Hovden, Gunnar Nygren & Henrika Zilliacus-Tikkanen - 2016 -
Liquid Modern Journalism with a Difference: The changing professional ethos of cultural
Maarit Jaakkola, H Hellman, K Koljonen, J Väliverronen
Cultural journalism and cultural critique in the media - 2016 -
De tusen skärmarnas
Maarit Jaakkola, Ragnhild Mølster, Ingela Wadbring
Nordicom Information - 2016