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- Helen Sköld
Helen Sköld
Communications Officer
Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment-
Dark eyes in female sand gobies indicate readiness to
Karin H. Olsson, Sandra Johansson, Eva-Lotta Blom, K. Lindstrom, Ola Svensson, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Charlotta Kvarnemo
Plos One - 2017 -
No effect of elevated carbon dioxide on reproductive behaviors in the three-spined
Josefin Sundin, L. E. Vossen, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Fredrik Jutfelt
Behavioral Ecology - 2017 -
Internal pigment cells respond to external UV radiation in
Lilian Franco-Belussi, Helen Nilsson Sköld, C. de Oliveira
Journal of Experimental Biology - 2016 -
Fish Chromatophores - From Molecular Motors to Animal
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Sara Aspengren, Karen L. Cheney, Margareta Wallin
International Review of Cell and Molecular Biology - 2016 -
Population-dependent effects of ocean
Hannah L. Wood, Kristina Sundell, Bethanie Carney Almroth, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Susanne P. Eriksson
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences - 2016 -
Hormonal regulation of colour change in eyes of a cryptic
Helen Nilsson Sköld, D. Yngsell, Muhammad Mubashshir, Margareta Wallin
Biology Open - 2015 -
The coelomic epithelium transcriptome from a clonal sea star, Coscinasterias
Jonatan L. Gabre, P. Martinez, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Olga Ortega-Martínez, J. F. Abril
Marine Genomics - 2015 -
Long telomeres are associated with clonality in wild populations of the fissiparous starfish Coscinasterias
A. Garcia-Cisneros, R. Perez-Portela, Bethanie Carney Almroth, S. Degerman, C. Palacin, Helen Nilsson Sköld
Heredity - 2015 -
Motoric impairment following manganese exposure in asteroide
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Susanne P. Baden, Jakob Looström, Susanne P. Eriksson, Bodil Hernroth
Aquatic Toxicology - 2015 -
Phenotypic Plasticity Confers Multiple Fitness Benefits to a
F. Cortesi, W. E. Feeney, M. C. O. Ferrari, P. A. Waldie, G. A. C. Phillips, E. C. McClure, Helen Nilsson Sköld, W. Salzburger, N. J. Marshall, K. L. Cheney
Current Biology - 2015 -
Health and population dependent effects of ocean acidification on the marine isopod Idotea
Hannah L. Wood, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Susanne P. Eriksson
Marine Biology - 2014 -
Repair of UV-induced DNA damage in shallow water colonial marine
Karin Svanfeldt, Lotta Lundqvist, C. Rabinowitz, Helen Nilsson Sköld, B. Rinkevich
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology - 2014 -
Sexuell eller klonal förökning, det är
Helen Nilsson Sköld
Havsutsikt - 2013 -
Rapid color change in fish and amphibians - function, regulation, and emerging
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Sara Aspengren, Margareta Wallin
Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research - 2013 -
Embryonic response to long-term exposure of the marine crustacean Nephrops norvegicus to ocean acidification and elevated
Hannah K Styf, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Susanne P. Eriksson
Ecology and Evolution - 2013 -
Gender differences in health and aging of Atlantic cod subject to size selective
Bethanie Carney Almroth, Mattias Sköld, Helen Nilsson Sköld
Biology Open - 2012 -
Simulated climate change causes immune suppression and protein damage in the crustacean Nephrops
Bodil Hernroth, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Kerstin Wiklander, Fredrik Jutfelt, Susanne P. Baden
Fish & Shellfish Immunology - 2012 -
The pattern of cell proliferation during budding in the colonial ascidian Diplosoma
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Michael C. Thorndyke, Thomas Stach, J. D. D. Bishop, Eva Herbst
Biological Bulletin - 2011 -
Skin Biopsies as Tools to Measure Fish Coloration and Colour
Helen Nilsson Sköld, P. Andreas Svensson
InTech - 2011 -
Pattern of Cell Proliferation During Budding in the Colonial Ascidian Diplosoma
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Thomas Stach, J. D. D. Bishop, E. Herbst, Michael C. Thorndyke
Biological Bulletin - 2011 -
Potential for clonal animals in longevity and ageing
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Matthias Obst
Biogerontology - 2011 -
Telomerase deficiency in a colonial ascidian after prolonged asexual
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Maria. E. Asplund, Christine Woods, J. D. D. Bishop
Journal of experimental zoology B (Mol Dev Evol) - 2011 -
Possibility of Mixed Progenitor Cells in Sea Star Arm
Bodil Hernroth, Farhad Farahani, G. Brunborg, Samuel Dupont, A. Dejmek, Helen Nilsson Sköld
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B-Molecular and Developmental Evolution - 2010 -
Gender specific ageing and non-mendelian inheritance of oxidative damage in marine
Laura Rodriguez-Grana, Danilo Calliari, Peter Tiselius, Benni Hansen, Helen Nilsson Sköld
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2010 -
The capacity for internal colour change is related to body transparency in
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Andreas P Svensson, Charlotte Zejlon
Pigment cell & melanoma research - 2010 -
Stem Cells in Asexual Reproduction of Marine
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Matthias Obst, Mattias Sköld, Bertil Åkesson
Stem Cells in Marine Organisms - 2009 -
Fina fisken - forskaren och fisken snackar
Helen Nilsson Sköld
havsutsikt - 2009 -
Different strategies for color
Sara Aspengren, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Margareta Wallin
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS) - 2009 -
New Insights into Melanosome Transport in Vertebrate Pigment
Sara Aspengren, Daniel Hedberg, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Margareta Wallin
Induced cell proliferation in putative haematopoietic tissues of the sea star, Asterias rubens
K. Holm, Samuel Dupont, Helen Nilsson Sköld, A. Stenius, Michael C. Thorndyke, Bodil Hernroth
Journal of Experimental Biology - 2008 -
Manganese effects on haematopoietic cells and circulating coelomocytes of Asterias rubens
Carolina A. M. Oweson, Helen Nilsson Sköld, A. Pinsino, V. Matranga, Bodil Hernroth
Aquatic Toxicology - 2008 -
Marine ecological genomics: when genomics meets marine
Michael C. Thorndyke, Samuel Dupont, Karen Wilson, Matthias Obst, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Hiroaki Nakano
Marine Ecology Progress Series - 2007 -
Chromatic interaction between egg pigmentation and skin chromatophores in the nuptial coloration of female two-spotted
P. A. Svensson, Elisabet Forsgren, T. Amundsen, Helen Nilsson Sköld
Journal of Experimental Biology - 2005 -
A bidirectional kinesin motor in live Drosophila
C. J. Sciambi, D. J. Komma, Helen Nilsson Sköld, K. Hirose, S. A. Endow
Traffic - 2005 -
Assembly pathway of the anastral Drosophila oocyte meiosis I
Helen Nilsson Sköld, D. J. Komma, S. A. Endow
Journal of Cell Science - 2005 -
Biology of the basket star Gorgonocephalus caputmedusae
Rutger Rosenberg, Samuel Dupont, Tomas Lundälv, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Alf Norkko, Josefin Roth, Thomas Stach, Michael C. Thorndyke
Marine Biology - 2005 -
Artifactual insulin release from differentiated embryonic stem
Mattias Hansson, Anna Tonning, Ulrik Frandsen, Andreas Petri, Jayaraj Rajagopal, Mikael C. O. Englund, R Scott Heller, Joakim Håkansson, Jan Fleckner, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Douglas Melton, Henrik Semb, Palle Serup
Diabetes - 2004 -
Noradrenaline- and melatonin-mediated regulation of pigment aggregation in fish
Sara Aspengren, Helen Nilsson Sköld, Gabriela Quiroga, Lena Mårtensson, Margareta Wallin
Pigment Cell Research - 2003 -
Phosphoinositide 3-kinase is involved in Xenopus and Labrus melanophore
T. P. M. Andersson, Helen Nilsson Sköld, S. P. S. Svensson
Cellular Signalling - 2003 -
The cytoskeleton in fish melanophore melanosome
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Sara Aspengren, Margareta Wallin
Microscopy research and technique - 2002 -
Regulatory control of both microtubule- and actin-dependent fish melanosome
Helen Nilsson Sköld, E. Norstrom, M. Wallin
Pigment Cell Research - 2002 -
A guidebook for the cell culture facility Basic Cell Culture, 2nd
Helen Nilsson Sköld
journal of Cell Science - 2002 -
Regulatory control of both microtubule- and actin-dependent fish melanosome
Helen Nilsson Sköld, Elisabeth Norström, Margareta Wallin
Pigment cell research - 2002 -
In vitro reconstitution of fish melanophore pigment
Helen Nilsson, W. Steffen, R. E. Palazzo
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton - 2001 -
Melanosome and erythrosome positioning regulates cAMP-induced movement in chromatophores from spotted triplefin, Grahamina
Helen Nilsson
Journal of Experimental Zoology - 2000 -
Microtubule aster formation by dynein-dependent organelle
Helen Nilsson, Margareta Wallin
Cell motility and the cytoskeleton - 1998 -
Evidence for several roles of dynein in pigment transport in
Helen Nilsson, Margareta Wallin
Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton - 1997