
Ernst Thoutenhoofd

Senior Lecturer

Department of Education and Special Education
Visiting address
Västra Hamngatan 25
41117 Göteborg
Room number
A2 170
Postal address
Box 300
40530 Göteborg

About Ernst Thoutenhoofd

Ernst has a PhD in Sociology and Social Policy (University of Durham, 1996). He has held research and lecturing positions at the Universities of Durham, Central Lancashire and Edinburgh in the UK (1989–2006), and the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (2006–2010) and the University of Groningen (2009–2013) in the Netherlands.

His research interests are broadly sociological and focus on critique. Recent publications have delved into the scholarly construction of special needs and inclusive education.

Peer-reviewed articles

Thoutenhoofd, E. D., Adams Lyngbäck, L., & Lindahl, C. (2024). Education that lacks access to deaf experience: Odd situations in Sweden. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, 1–12.

Batstra, L., Vries, W. de, & Thoutenhoofd, E. (2024). Does using core quadrants lead to more teacher self-efficacy and less perceived problem behaviour? European Journal of Inclusive Education, 3(1), Article 1.

Thoutenhoofd, E. D., & Adams Lyngbäck, L. (2023). Bimodal-Bilingual Teacher Training in Sweden. Sign Language Studies, 23(4), 555–576.

Batstra, L., & Thoutenhoofd, E. D. (2023). Van kinderen naar leerkrachten met speciale onderwijsbehoeften. Pedagogische Studiën, 100(1), 125–136.

Batstra, L., van Roy, M., & Thoutenhoofd, E. D. (2021). Teachers with Special Needs. De-Psychiatrization of Children in Schools. Frontiers in Sociology, 6.

Batstra, L, Foget, L., van Haeringen, C., te Meerman, S. & Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2020) What children and young people learn about ADHD from youth information books: A text analysis of nine books on ADHD available in Dutch. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology 8:1–9. DOI 10.21307/sjcapp-2020-001

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2019) The mass production of learning: positive behaviour in a datafied education system. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy 5(3):153–164. DOI 10.1080/20020317.2019.1684812

Sluiter, M.N., Wienen, A.W., Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Doornenbal, J.M., & Batstra, L. (2019) Teachers' role and attitudes concerning ADHD medication: A qualitative analysis. Psychology in the Schools 56(8):1259–1270. DOI 10.1002/pits.22270

Wienen, A. W., Sluiter, M. N., Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Jonge, P. de, & Batstra, L. (2019). The advantages of an ADHD classification from the perspective of teachers. European Journal of Special Needs Education 34:5, 649-662. DOI 10.1080/08856257.2019.1580838

Wienen, A.W., Batstra, L., Thoutenhoofd, E.D., de Jonge, P. & Bos, E.H. (2018) Teachers’ perceptions of behavioral problems in Dutch primary education pupils: The role of relative age. PLoS ONE 13(10): e0204718. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0204718

Wienen, A.W., Batstra, L., Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Bos, E.H. and de Jonge, P. (2018) Do troublesome pupils impact teacher perception of the behaviour of their classmates? European Journal of Special Needs Education. DOI 10.1080/08856257.2017.1421600.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2018) The datafication of learning: Data technologies as reflection issue in the system of education. Studies in Philosophy and Education. 37(5):433–449. DOI 10.1007/s11217-017-9584-1.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2017) New techniques of difference: On data as school pupils. Studies in Philosophy and Education. 36(5):517–532. DOI 10.1007/s11217-016-9528-1.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Knot-Dickscheit, J., Rogge, J., van der Meer, M., Schulze, G., Jacobs, G. & van den Bogaerde, B. (2016) The sound of study: Student experiences of listening in the university soundscape. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 40(6):804–823.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. & Pirrie, A. (2015) From self-regulation to learning to learn: observations on the construction of self and learning. British Educational Research Journal. 41(1):72–84.

Krabbe, E.E., Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Conradi, M., Pijl, S.J. and Batstra, L. (2014) Birth month as predictor of ADHD medication use in Dutch school classes. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 29(4):571–578.

Pirrie, A. & Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2013) Learning to learn in the European Reference Framework for Lifelong Learning. Oxford Review of Education. 35(9):609–626.

Schulze, G., Rogge, J., Jacobs, G., Knot-Dicksheit, J., Thoutenhoofd, E.D. & van den Bogaerde, B. (2013) Grundlagenstudie zur Erfassung der Hörfähigkeit von Studierenden an den Universitäten Oldenburg, Groningen und der Hochschule Utrecht | A baseline survey for capturing the hearing ability and hearing disability of students at the Universities of Oldenburg and Groningen, and the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. Empirische Sonderpadagogik. 2013(1), S.85-99.

Batstra, L. & Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2012) The risk that DSM-5 will further inflate the diagnostic bubble. Current Psychiatry Reviews. 8(4), 260-263.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2010) Science, technology and deafness: An introduction to organised knowledge as social problem, in Sign Language Studies. 10(2):143–154.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2010) Acting with attainment technologies in deaf education: Re- inventing monitoring as an intervention collaboratory, in Sign Language Studies. 10(2):214–230.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2007) Science, social science and technologies of deafness: Deaf studies and social change, in Deaf Worlds. 23(2/3):88–102.

Grimes, M., Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Byrne, D. (2007) Language approaches used with deaf pupils in Scottish schools: 2001–2004, in Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 12(4):530-551.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2006) Cochlear implanted pupils in Scottish schools: 4-year school attainment data (2000–2004), in Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education. 11(2):171– 188.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2005) The sign language interpreter in inclusive education: Power of authority and limits of objectivism, in The Translator. 11(2):237–258.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2003) The British Sign Language variant of Stokoe notation: Report on a type-design project, in Sign Language Studies. 3(3):341–370.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2003) Inclusion of deaf pupils in standardised educational assessments: Potential sources of differential item functioning (DIF), in Deaf Worlds. 19(3)49–78.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2001) The development of a FileMaker Pro database for the morphemic analysis of productive forms in BSL, in International Journal of Sign Language and Linguistics. 4(1/2):107–123.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2001) Print culture and deaf readers, in Deaf Worlds. (17)3:80–88. Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2000) Philosophy’s real-world consequences for deaf people: Thought on iconicity, sign language and being deaf, in Human Studies. (23)3:261-279.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1999) The mistake of the iconicity fallacy, in Deaf Worlds. 15(1):28-32.

Powers, S., Gregory, S. and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1999) An executive summary of the DfEE RR65, in Deaf Worlds. Coleford, England: Forest Bookshop. (15)2:8-12.

Powers, S., Gregory, S. and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1999) The educational achievements of deaf children: A literature review. Executive summary, in Deafness and Education International. (1)1:1-9.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1998) Method in a photographic enquiry of being Deaf, in Sociological Research Online. Socres. (3)2.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1997) Vision | Deaf: vision as a constitutive element of Deaf communities, in Deaf Worlds. (13)1:19–29.


Peursen, W.Th. van, Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and van der Weel, A. eds (October 2010) Text comparison and digital creativity: The production of presence and meaning in digital text scholarship. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Archbold, S.M., Gregory, S., Lutman, M.E., Nikolopoulos, T.P. and Sach, T.H. (2005) Paediatric cochlear implantation: Evaluating outcomes. London, England: Whurr.

Book chapters

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (October 2010), e-Research and textual presence, edited by van Peursen, W., Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and van der Weel, A., in Text comparison and digital creativity: The production of presence and meaning in digital text scholarship. Leiden, the Netherlands: Brill.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2008) Over cochleaire implantatie als kennisobject in digitale wetenschap, edited by van der Lem, T. and Spaai, G. (eds), in Effecten van CI in kinderen: Een breed perspectief. Deventer, the Netherlands: van Tricht. 67–82.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2008) Het meten van resultaten bij cochleaire implantatie, edited by van der Lem, T. and Spaai, G. (eds), in Effecten van CI in kinderen: Een breed perspectief. Deventer, the Netherlands: van Tricht. 117–130.

Non-refereed articles

Batstra, L. and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2020) The lack of common sense in disorder thinking. Sociology Lens, 9 March 2020.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Batstra, L. (2013) Overleeft de psychiatrie de DSM-5? Diagnostische inflatie trivialiseert de term stoornis. De Psycholoog, maart 2013 pp.10- 17.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Leiper, C. and Grimes, M. (2006) The weight of deaf education: Managing identity across placements and communication options. Public document.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1995) ‘What-no caption?’ The visual and ways of knowing, in Signpost 8(1–2):22–27.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1993) Ways of seeing photographic criticism, in Signpost. 6(3):35–42. Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1992) Transcribing and reading: what constitutes a writing system?, in Signpost 5(2):39–53.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1990) The link between calligraphy and notation, in Signpost 3(1):12–13.

Reports and proceedings

Thoutenhoofd, E. D., Söderlund, G., Andersson, G. W., Berhanu, G., & Gerrbo, I. (2020). Utvärdering av kompetensutvecklingsinsatsen Specialpedagogik för lärande (SFL) Rapporter från Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik (RIPS) no. 20. Göteborgs Universitet, Göteborg: Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik.

Berhanu, G., Gerrbo, I., Söderlund, G., Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Westman Andersson, G. (2020) Rapport: Utvärdering av kompetensutvecklingsinsatsen Specialpedagogik för lärande. Stockholm, Sweden: Skolverket.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and van Roy, M. (2011) Initiating practitioner research into self- organising learning. Vanthournout, G., Coertjens, L., Donche, V., Gijbels, D., Evans, C. and Cools, E. (eds), 'Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of Education, Learning, Styles, Individual differences Network'. University of Antwerp/Tribun EU. ISBN 978-80-263-0007-6. pp.356-362.

Brennan, M., Grimes, M. and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2006) Deaf students in Scottish Higher Education: A report for the Scottish Funding Council. Edinburgh, Scotland: Scottish Sensory Centre, University of Edinburgh.

Crasborn, O., Hanke, T., Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Zwitserlood, I. and Efthimiou, E. (eds) (2009) Construction and exploitation of sign language corpora. Proceedings of the 3rd workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages. Paris, France: ELRA.

Powers, S., Gregory, S. and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1998) The educational achievements of deaf children: a literature review. Research Report 65. London, England: Department of Education and Employment.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1996) Ocularcentrism and Deaf people: a social photography project. Doctoral dissertation. Durham, England: University of Durham.

Conference presentations

Adams-Lyngbäck, L. and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2022) Second-ranking in Swedish deaf education: A story about hearing teachers who need not be able to communicate with deaf pupils and deaf pupils who are not allowed to be deaf, in a country where equity is highly valued. Paper presented to the annual symposium of The Society for the Philosophical Study of Education (SPSE). Online, 4–5 November.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2017) On the absorption of educational concerns by technologies. Paper presented to the 11th annual Science in Public conference. The University of Sheffield, 10–12 July.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2017) The databased production of learning: New technologies in the system of education. Paper presented to the Nordic STS conference. The University of Gothenburg, 31 May–2 June.

Thoutenhoofd, E. D., and Hjörne, E. (2015). New techniques of difference: Participation in inclusive education. Paper presented to The state of participation: unraveling new entanglements of science, professional work, inequalities, health and resilience, School for Public Health and Primary Care. The University of Maastricht, 5–6 February.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Zeelen, J.J.M. (2012) Workshop on qualitative research methods. Presentation to the ISED-research days 2012. University of Utrecht, 15-16 November.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and van Roy, M. (2012) Learning to learn as professionalising pedagogy: How can teachers learn to support self-organising learning? Roundtable presented to the annual SIG14 (Learning and Professional Development) meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). The University of Antwerp, 22-24 August.

Knot-Dickscheit, J. Thoutenhoofd, E.D., Hazekamp, J. and van den Dool, R. (2012) Results of the "Have you heard?" Groningen study. Qualitative research into the study-barriers and learning styles of hearing-disabled students in Higher Education. Presentation to the Arbeitsgruppe Empirische Sonderpädagogische Forschung (AESF) Frühjahrstagung. The University of Oldenburg, Germany, 7 July.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and van Roy, M. (2011) Initiating practitioner research into self- organising learning: Identifying conditions for learning that needs no external authority. Paper presented to the Education, Learning, Styles and Individual differences Network (ELSIN) 16th Annual Conference. The University of Antwerp, 29 June-1 July.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2011) Ocularcentring techniques in (e-) education: What technological objects teach us about learning without teachers. Invited paper presented to the ESF workshop Visual communication in contemporary European societies: Shaping identities, citizenship, communities, inclusion strategies. The University of Bologna (Italy), Alma Mater Studiorum Forli, 2-3 April 2011.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and van Roy, M. (2011) Learning as collaboratory: First steps towards self-organising learning. Paper presented to the ISED Thinking and Learning Skills Symposium. The Groningen University, 10-11 February 2011.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2011) Het doof studeren netwerk: Dove en slechthorende studenten in het hoger onderwijs in 2010/2011. Invited lecture presented to the Doof Studeren: Landelijke Netwerk Bijeenkomst. Hogeschool Utrecht, Utrecht, 22 January 2011.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2010) De sociale participatie van objecten: Bruno Latour en actor- netwerk theorie (ANT) in de sociale wetenschappen. Invited lecture presented to psychology students of Groningen University, 7 December 2010.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2010) Posthuman classifications: New technological dynamics in the classification of objects and ideas. Invited lecture presented to students of St John University, York, 27 October 2010.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and van den Bogaerde, B. (2010) The sociopolitics of access: Deaf students in Dutch higher education. Paper presented to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion conference. The Technical University of Vienna, 14-16 July 2010.

Zuiderent-Jerak, T. and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2009) Modes of intervention in science and technology studies: Presentation to the Danish Association of Science and Technology Studies (DASTS). Copenhagen (Denmark), 10–11 June.

Zuiderent-Jerak, T. and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2008) Constructing constructivisst expertise: Epistemologies of ‘acting with’. Paper presented to the joint 4S/EASST meeting, ‘Acting with science, technology and medicine’. Erasmus University (Rotterdam), August 20–23.

Peursen, W. van and Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2008) Text comparison and digital creativity: An introduction to the colloquium theme. Paper presented to the KNAW/VKS Text comparison and digital creativity colloquium. Amsterdam, 30–31 October.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and van Peursen, W. (2008) Ascribing and inscribing presence: Intertextuality in virtual environments. Paper presented to the KNAW/VKS Text comparison and digital creativity colloquium. Amsterdam, 30–31 October.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Ratto, M. (2007) Cyberinfrastructure and the cochlear implant: Technological objects, social ordering, and epistemic conflict. Discussion document for ‘Inside knowledge: (un)doing methodologies, imagining alternatives. Amsterdam School of Cultural Analysis (ASCA), 28–30 March.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Ratto, M. (2007) Contact zones in digital scholarship: Corpus construction for spoken and signed languages. Paper presented to the ‘Crossing boundaries in e-research’ panel of ‘Ways of knowing’, the annual meeting of the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S). Montreal, 11–13 October.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Naue, U. (2007) Panel of STS, disability studies and deaf studies. Presentation at the 4S 2007 annual meeting. Montreal, 11–13 October.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. and Crasborn, O. (2007) Sign language corpus creation and interface concerns. Paper presented to the ‘Emergence of corpus sign linguistics’ panel of the 40th annual meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL). Edinburgh, 6–8 September.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2008) Acting with attainment technologies in deaf education: Addressing the gap between rapid change and durable evaluation. Paper presented to the joint 4S/EASST meeting, ‘Acting with science, technology and medicine’. Rotterdam, August 20–23.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2007) Sign language corpus creation as digital humanities ethnography. Paper presented to Corpus linguistics 2007, Birmingham 27–30 July.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2007) Integration and innovation in e-research: The role of multimodal corpora in sign linguistics. Keynote paper presented to the NCeSS ‘New horizons in linguistics’ symposium. Oxford e-Research centre, Oxford 20 September.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2007) Corpus linguistics as multimedia laboratory: Material culture and experimental practice in the social sciences. Paper presented at the ‘Science and technology studies view of e-social science’ panel, Third international conference on e-social science, Ann Arbor, 7–9 October.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2006) Understanding cochlear implantation evidence with respect to public and private targets: Language aspirations and the ‘Achievements of Deaf Pupils in Scotland’ (ADPS) data. Paper presented at the Symposium Effecten van CI bij Kinderen: Een Breed Perspectief, Amsterdam, 10 November 2006.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2006) Performing a language community: Ethnographic work inside sign language corpora. Research poster shown at the Virtual Ethnography in Contemporary Social Sciences workshop, Amsterdam 27–29 September.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2006) New technologies in medicine and in education: De-signing deaf children’s voices. Presentation at the Society for the Social Studies of Science Conference: Silence, Suffering and Survival, Vancouver, 1-5 November 2006.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (2003) Situating outcomes in paediatric cochlear implantation: Paper presented to the BSA Medical Sociology Group 35th Annual Conference, University of York, 26 September 2003.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1999) Attainment and expectations in deaf education. Paper presented to the EPHIC (Educational Psychologists working with Hearing Impaired Children) Meeting, Royal Schools for the Deaf, Manchester. Unpublished document.

Thoutenhoofd, E.D. (1998) The development of a FileMaker Pro database for the morphemic analysis of productive forms in BSL. Invited paper presented to the ESF Intersign Network workshop on lexical databases. Hamburg, 17–19 July.