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David Turner
About David Turner
My current research focuses on the development and application of chemical models for seawater. It is well known that the reactivity of the chemical elements in seawater is dependent on the chemical forms(s) in which they are present. Although equilibrium conditions are far from universal, the ability to calculate chemical speciation at equilibrium provides the starting point for an understanding of an element’s chemistry in seawater.
I lead an international group that is developing quality-assured chemical speciation models for seawater together with estimates of the uncertainties in the calculated quantities. The first version of freely available software for these calculations will be released in mid 2023. This work takes place within international oceanographic organisations:
2015 - 2022: Working Group 145 of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR)
2023 onwards: Chemical Speciation Taskgroup within the Joint Committee on the Properties of Seawater (JCS), which is sponsored by the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Ocean (IAPSO), SCOR, and The International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS)
For more information visit our website marchemspec.org
Physicochemical controls on
David R. Turner, Peter Croot, Andrew Dickson, Martha Gledhill
Weis, D and Anbar, A. (eds.) Treatise on Geochemistry, 3rd Edition. Volume 4 - 2025 -
Chemical speciation models based upon the Pitzer activity coefficient equations, including the propagation of uncertainties. III. Seawater from the freezing point to 45 °C, including acid-base
S. L. Clegg, J. F. Waters, David R. Turner, A. G. Dickson
Marine Chemistry - 2023 -
Chemical speciation models based upon the Pitzer activity coefficient equations, including the propagation of uncertainties: Artificial seawater from 0 to 45
Matthew P. Humphreys, Jason F. Waters, David R. Turner, Andrew G. Dickson, Simon L. Clegg
Marine Chemistry - 2022 -
Chemical speciation models based upon the Pitzer activity coefficient equations, including the propagation of uncertainties. II. Tris buffers in artificial seawater at 25 °C, and an assessment of the seawater ‘Total’ pH
Simon L. Clegg, Matthew P. Humphreys, Jason F. Waters, David R. Turner, Andrew G. Dickson
Marine Chemistry - 2022 -
Effects of seawater scrubbing on a microplanktonic community during a summer-bloom in the Baltic
Erik Ytreberg, Maria Karlberg, Ida Maja Hassellöv, Mikael Hedblom, Amanda T. Nylund, Kent Salo, Henrik Imberg, David R. Turner, Lucy Tripp, Joanne Yong, Angela Wulff
Environmental Pollution - 2021 -
Solid–Liquid Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions of Tris, Tris-NaCl, Tris-TrisHCl, and Tris-(TrisH)2SO4 at Temperatures from 5 to 45
Pablo Lodeiro, David R. Turner, Eric Achterberg, Florence Gregson, Jonathan Reid, Simon Clegg
Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data - 2021 -
Changing atmospheric acidity as a modulator of nutrient deposition and ocean
Alex R. Baker, Maria Kanakidou, Athanasios Nenes, Stelios Myriokefalitakis, Peter L. Croot, Robert A. Duce, Yuan Gao, Cécile Guieu, Akinori Ito, Tim D. Jickells, Natalie M. Mahowald, Rob Middag, Morgane M.G. Perron, Manmohan M. Sarin, Rachel Shelley, David R. Turner
Science Advances - 2021 -
The importance of bottom-up approaches to international cooperation in ocean science: The iron
Edward R. Urban, Andrew R. Bowie, Philip W. Boyd, Kristen N. Buck, Maeve C. Lohan, Sylvia G. Sander, Reiner Schlitzer, Alessandro Tagliabue, David R. Turner
Oceanography - 2020 -
Fe(II) stability in coastal seawater during experiments in Patagonia, Svalbard, and Gran
Mark J. Hopwood, Carolina Santana-González, Julian A. Gallego-Urrea, Nicolas Sanchez, Eric P. Achterberg, Murat V. Ardelan, Martha Gledhill, Melchor González-Dávila, Linn Hoffmann, Øystein Leiknes, Juana Magdalena Santana-Casiano, Tatiana M. Tsagaraki, David R. Turner
Biogeosciences - 2020 -
Experiment design and bacterial abundance control extracellular H2O2 concentrations during four series of mesocosm
Mark J. Hopwood, Nicolas Sanchez, Despo Polyviou, Øystein Leiknes, Julian A. Gallego-Urrea, Eric P. Achterberg, Murat V. Ardelan, Javier Aristegui, Lennart Bach, Sengul Besiktepe, Yohann Heriot, Ioanna Kalantzi, Tuba Terblylk Kurt, Ioulia Santi, Tatiana M. Tsagaraki, David R. Turner
Biogeosciences - 2020 -
Ecological & functional consequences of coastal ocean acidification: perspectives from the Baltic-Skagerrak
Jonathan N. Havenhand, Helena L. Filipsson, Susa Niiranen, Max Troell, Anne-Sophie Crépin, Sverker C. Jagers, David Langlet, Simon Matti, David R. Turner, Monica Winder, Pierre De Wit, Leif G Anderson
Ambio - 2019 -
In-situ trace metal (Cd, Pb, Cu) speciation along the Po River plume (Northern Adriatic Sea) using submersible
S. Illuminati, A. Annibaldi, C. Truzzi, M. L. Tercier-Waeber, S. Noel, C. B. Braungardt, E. P. Achterberg, K. A. Howell, David R. Turner, M. Marini, T. Romagnoli, C. Totti, F. Confalonieri, F. Graziottin, J. Buffle, G. Scarponi
Marine Chemistry - 2019 -
Metrology for pH Measurements in Brackish Waters-Part 1: Extending Electrochemical pH(T) Measurements of TRIS Buffers to Salinities
Jens Mueller, Frank Bastkowski, Beatrice Sander, Steffen Seitz, David R. Turner, Andrew Dickson, Gregor Rehder
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2018 -
A New Perspective at the Ship-Air-Sea-Interface: The Environmental Impacts of Exhaust Gas Scrubber
Sonja Endres, Frank Maes, Frances Hopkins, Katherine Houghton, Eva Mårtensson, Johannes Oeffner, Birgit Quack, Pradeep Singh, David R. Turner
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2018 -
The potential future contribution of shipping to acidification of the Baltic
David R. Turner, Moa Edman, Julian A. Gallego-Urrea, Björn Claremar, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Anders Omstedt, Anna Rutgersson
Ambio - 2018 -
Determination of pH in estuarine and brackish waters: Pitzer parameters for Tris buffers and dissociation constants for m-cresol purple at
Julian A. Gallego-Urrea, David R. Turner
Marine Chemistry - 2017 -
Shipping and the environment: Smokestack emissions, scrubbers and unregulated oceanic
David R. Turner, Ida-Maja Hassellöv, Erik Ytreberg, Anna Rutgersson
Elementa Science of the Anthropocene - 2017 -
Hydrothermal impacts on trace element and isotope ocean
C German, K Casciotti, J Dutay, L Heimburger, W Jenkins, C Measures, R Mills, H Obata, R Schlitzer, A Tagliabue, David R. Turner, H Whitby
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences - 2016 -
Toward a Quality-Controlled and Accessible Pitzer Model for Seawater and Related
David R. Turner, Eric P. Achterberg, Chen-Tung A. Chen, Simon L. Clegg, Vanessa Hatje, Maria T. Maldonado, Sylvia G. Sander, Constant M. G. van den Berg, Mona Wells
Frontiers in Marine Science - 2016 -
Activity coefficients of a simplified seawater electrolyte at varying salinity (5–40) and temperature (0 and 25 °C) using Monte Carlo
Adam Ulfsbo, Zareen Abbas, David R. Turner
Marine Chemistry - 2015 -
The Role of Solution Chemistry in Calcite Dissolution A comment upon, "Evidence and Potential Implications of Exponential Tails to Concentration Versus Time Plots for the Batch Dissolution of Calcite'' by V. W.
David R. Turner
Aquatic Geochemistry - 2015 -
Modelling organic alkalinity in the Baltic Sea using a Humic-Pitzer
Adam Ulfsbo, Karol Kulinski, Leif G Anderson, David R. Turner
Marine Chemistry - 2015 -
Shipping contributes to ocean
Ida-Maja Hassellöv, David R. Turner, A. Lauer, J.J. Corbett
Geophysical Research Letters - 2013 -
Monte Carlo simulation of the dissociation constants of CO2 in 0 to 1 molal sodium chloride between 0 and 25
Zareen Abbas, Adam Ulfsbo, David R. Turner
Marine Chemistry - 2013 -
Iron biogeochemistry across marine systems – progress from the past
Eike Breitbarth, E. P. Achterberg, M. V. Ardelan, A. R. Baker, E. Bucciarelli, F. Chever, P. L. Croot, S. Duggen, M. Gledhill, Martin Hassellöv, C. Hassler, L. J. Hoffmann, K. A. Hunter, D. A. Hutchins, J. Ingri, T. Jickells, M. C. Lohan, M. C. Nielsdottir, G. Sarthou, V. Schoemann, J. M. Trappe, David R. Turner, Y. Ye
Biogeosciences - 2010 -
Dissolved iron (II) in the Baltic Sea surface water and implications for cyanobacterial bloom
Eike Breitbarth, J. Gelting, J. Walve, L. J. Hoffmann, David R. Turner, Martin Hassellöv, J. Ingri
Biogeosciences - 2009 -
Analysis of dissolved metal fractions in coastal waters: An inter-comparison of five voltammetric in situ profiling (VIP)
C. B. Braungardt, E. P. Achterberg, B. Axelsson, J. Buffle, F. Graziottin, K. A. Howell, S. Illuminati, G. Scarponi, A. D. Tappin, M. L. Tercier-Waeber, David R. Turner
Marine Chemistry - 2009 -
Developing an interated view on the Baltic Sea ecosystem: The EUR-OCEANS Baltic System
F Köster, David R. Turner, Anders Omstedt, C Möllmann, H Gislason, R Autio, Anders Olsson, R Diekmann
5th Study Conference on BALTEX - 2007 -
Seawater scrubbing - reduction of SOx emissions from ship
Ida-Maja Karle, David R. Turner
2007 -
Temporal variations of colloidal carrier phases and associated trace elements in a boreal
Ralf Dahlqvist, Karen Andersson, Johan Ingri, Tobias Larsson, Björn Stolpe, David R. Turner
Geochimica et cosmochimica acta - 2007 -
Correction of inner-filter effect in fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectrometry using Raman
Tobias Larsson, Margareta Wedborg, David R. Turner
Analytica chimica acta - 2007 -
Colloidal rare earth elements in a boreal river: Changing sources and distributions during the spring
K Andersson, R Dahlqvist, David R. Turner, Björn Stolpe, T Larsson, J. Ingri, P. Andersson
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta - 2006 -
High resolution ICPMS as an on-line detector for flow field-flow fractionation; multi-element determination of colloidal size distributions in a natural water
Björn Stolpe, Martin Hassellöv, K. Andersson, David R. Turner
Analytica Chimica Acta - 2005 -
Variability in pH, fCO(2), oxygen and flux of CO2 in the surface water along a transect in the Atlantic sector of the Southern
Melissa Chierici, Agneta Fransson, David R. Turner, E. A. Pakhomov, P. W. Froneman
Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography - 2004 -
The SWEDARP 1997/98 marine expedition:
David R. Turner, S Bertilsson, Agneta Fransson, E. A. Pakhomov
Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography - 2004 -
Antarctic Challenges. Historical and Current Perspectives on Otto Nordenskjöld's Antarctic Expedition
Aant Elzinga, T Nordin, David R. Turner, U Wråkberg
Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Göteborg - 2004 -
The SWEDARP 1997/98
David R. Turner, Leif G Anderson, C McQuaid, O A Nöst, E A Pakhomov
Deep Sea Research Part II - 2004 -
Association of calcium with colloidal particles and speciation of calcium in the Kalix and Amazon
Ralf Dahlqvist, M. Benedetti, K. Andersson, David R. Turner, T. Larsson, Björn Stolpe, J. Ingri
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta - 2004 -
The distribution and specification of iron along 6 degrees E in the Southern
P. L. Croot, K. Andersson, M. Öztürk, David R. Turner
Deep-Sea Research Part Ii-Topical Studies in Oceanography - 2004 -
Competition between iron- and carbon-based colloidal carriers for trace metals in a freshwater assessed using flow field-flow fractionation coupled to
B. Lyven, Martin Hassellöv, David R. Turner, C. Haraldsson, Karen Andersson
Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta - 2003