
Cecilia Lindhé


Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Cecilia Lindhé

Forthcoming Publications

Cecilia Lindhé and Johan Ling, ‘Maritime Memoria: Navigating Bronze Age Rock Art’, In Maritime Encounters, eds J. Koch, B. Cunliffe, J. Ling, Oxford: Oxbow Books, forthcoming 2024

Hayden, Brian, Brenda Gould, Richard J. Chacon, Johan Ling, Yamilette Chacon, and Cecilia Lindhé, “Art and Awe in Secret Societies: A Case Study of the Petroglyph Site at Thorsen Creek, British Columbia”, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, submitted September 2023

Jenny Bergenmar, Cecilia Lindhé, Astrid von Rosen, ‘Infrastructures for diversity: feminist and queer interventions in Nordic digital humanities’, Feminist DH, eds Susan Schreibman and Lisa Rhody, Topics in the Digital Humanities Series, Illinois: University of Illinois Press, 2023, forthcoming 2024


Cecilia Lindhé is Director of GRIDH: Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities (former Centre for Digital Humanities)and she is also one of the coordinators within The Centre for Critical Heritage Studies, where her special focus is on how to engage heritage and archival collections in digital environments.

Lindhé holds a PhD (2008) in Comparative Literature from Uppsala University – on a dissertation about Kerstin Ekman; Visuella vändningar. Bild och estetik i Kerstin Ekmans romankonst. She has continuously been working with issues that involve digital research infrastructures, the archive in a digital age, information technology and pedagogy. Lindhé has more than fifteen years of experience in working with various DH-projects, not only as director of GRIDH and former director of HUMlab at Umeå University, but also as researcher in several granted projects about digital research infrastructure and visualizations of cultural heritage.

Her current research spans ancient/medieval rhetorical and aesthetic theory in relation to digital materiality, digital representation of cultural heritage, screen culture and digital literature and art. Lindhé is currently involved in four large research projects:

Maritime Encounters: a counterpoint to the dominant terrestrial narrative of European prehistory (PI Johan Ling), RJ Program, 47 MSEK.

Terrorism in Swedish Politics: a multimodal study of the configuration of terrorism in parliamentary debates, legislation, and policy networks in Sweden 1968–2018 (Co-PI with Mats Fridlund and PI Jens Edlund), DIGARV, The Swedish Research Council, 22 MSEK.

Tracing Carvers on the Rocks, (PI Johan Ling), DIGARV The Swedish Research Council, 18 MSEK.

Expansion and Diversity: Digitally mapping and exploring independent performance in Gothenburg 1965–2000 (Co-PI with PI Astrid von Rosen), The Swedish Research Council, 2019–2021, 13 MSEK.

Currently, Lindhé is also working on two projects that relate to Malta: Firstly, a book length study about the Gollcher family, its movements from Danzig in the early 18th century, via Sweden to Malta. Secondly, a series of articles about Scandinavian travellers to Malta from 1650–1950. And when she has some time to spare she writes on her book about Tommy Körberg’s interpretations and orchestrations of Swedish poetry.

Boards and committees

Extern ledamot i Fakultetsstyrelsen för Konst och humaniora, Linnéuniversitetet, 2022–2024

Expertråd i stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfonds referensgrupp för forskningsinfrastruktur, 2022

Ledamot i styrgruppen för den nationella forskningsinfrastrukturen SveDigArk, 2022–

Beredningsgruppen för estetiska vetenskaper, Vetenskapsrådet, 2021, 2022

Ledamot i Tekniska Muséets forskningsråd, 2020.

Ledamot i Kungliga bibliotekets insynsråd, uppdrag av regeringen, 2018–

Redaktionsrådet för tidskriften HUMAN IT, 2019

Ledamot i Samordningsgruppen för AI och digitalisering (SAID), Göteborgs univ., 2019.

Referensgruppen Nätverket för Digital humaniora vid Uppsala univ., 2019

Ledamot i Kulturarvsakademin Västra Götaland, 2016–2017, 2018–

Styrgruppen Swedish Centre for Digital Innovation, Umeå univ./Göteborgs univ., 2018–2020

Styrgruppen Centrum för digital innovation, Göteborgs universitet, 2018–2020

Referensgruppen för Netværk for danske litteraturer, Aarhus University, 2018

Referensgruppen för Stiftvalsen som musikarkiv, fo-projekt, GU, 2018–2020