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- Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Senior Lecturer
Department of LawAbout Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini is an associate professor of EU Law at the University of Gothenburg and a senior lecturer in procedural law. She holds an LL D from the University of Gothenburg (2015), and has previously held positions at the European University Institute and the University of Zurich as well as visiting professorships at the universities of Bern, Vienna, and Innsbruck.
Anna's research interests lie at the crossroads of EU, procedural, and constitutional law. She is particularly interested in the influence of EU law on national civil procedure, judicial decision-making, and the role of courts and judges in modern democratic society. She is currently engaged in a research project entitled Judicial enforcement of the right to non-discrimination:A rocky road or a walk in the park?, funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 2024–2026. The project aims to establish how the procedure in discrimination cases is to be conducted and identify, if applicable, areas in need of reform. More information on the project can be found [insert link].
Anna has been engaged in several interdisciplinary research collaborations including the IUROPA project (www.iuropa.pol.gu.se), of which she is a co-coordinator. She has recently concluded the research projects Separation of powers in 21st century Europe (www.separope.eu), which examined the exercise of public powers within the EU, and As You Sow, So Shall You Reap? The Influence of the Referring Court in the Preliminary Reference Procedure, funded by the Max Weber Programme and the Ragnar Söderberg Foundation. A video presentation of the main results of that project is available here.
Anna teaches procedural and EU law at undergraduate and postgraduate level and supervises master and PhD students in the same fields.
On other web sites
Research areas
- Civil procedure
- EU law
- Legal Empirical Studies
- Judicial Politics
Research in progress
- Judicial enforcement of the right to non-discrimination
- IUROPA (www.iuropa.pol.gu.se)
Teaching areas
- Procedural law
- EU law
Selected publications
C Eckes, P Leino-Sandberg and A W Ghavanini (eds), The Dynamics of Power in the European Union. Oxford: Hart 2024, ISBN: 9781509971596, https://gup.ub.gu.se/publications/show/342231
A Wallerman Ghavanini, “The CJEU's Give-and-Give Relationship with Executive Actors in Times of Crisis”, 2 European Law Open 2023, pp 284–301, https://gup.ub.gu.se/publications/show/329987
A Wallerman Ghavanini, G Grendstad, and J Karlsson Schaffer, “Institutions that Define the Policy-Making Role of Courts: A Comparative Analysis of the Supreme Courts of Scandinavia” 21 International Journal of Constitutional Law 2023 pp 770–797, https://gup.ub.gu.se/publications/show/328178
A Wallerman Ghavanini, “Mostly Harmless: the Referring Court in the Preliminary Reference Procedure”, 47 European Law Review 2022, pp 310–330, https://gup.ub.gu.se/publications/show/317065
A Wallerman Ghavanini, ”Remedies for non-material damages: Striking out in a new direction? Braathens", 59 Common Market Law Review, 2022, s 151–170, https://gup.ub.gu.se/publications/show/313279
The House Always Wins: A Systematic Analysis of CJEU Case Law Relating to the Economic and Monetary Union
Antti Ronkainen, Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Päivi Leino-Sandberg
European Papers (EP) - 2024 -
Judicial protection as protection against the judiciary: Is there a right of appeal against court judgments in European civil
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Hau, Krans, and Nylund (eds), European Law and National Organisation of Civil Justice - 2024 -
Bolstering the Executive Through Judicial Review: Diagonal Separation of Powers with Multilevel Effects in the Field of
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Allison Östlund, Anna Waldenström
Eckes, Leino-Sandberg and Ghavanini (eds), The Dynamics of Powers in the European Union - 2024 -
Christina Eckes, Päivi Leino-Sandberg, Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Eckes, Leino-Sandberg and Ghavanini (eds), The Dynamics of Powers in the European Union - 2024 -
The Dynamics of Powers in the European
Christina. Eckes, Päivi Leino-Sandberg, Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
2024 -
Christina Eckes, Päivi Leino-Sandberg, Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Eckes, Leino-Sandberg and Ghavanini (eds), The Dynamics of Powers in the European Union - 2024 -
The EU Court of Justice as a relational actor: an
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
European Law Open - 2023 -
Institutions that define the policymaking role of courts: A comparative analysis of the supreme courts of
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Gunnar Grendstad, Johan Karlsson Schaffer
International Journal of Constitutional Law - 2023 -
The CJEU’s give-and-give relationship with executive actors in times of
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
European Law Open - 2023 -
Susanna Lindroos-Hovinheimo, Europeiska unionens domstol: behörighet, uppgifter och förfaranden (Norstedts juridik
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Europarättslig tidskrift - 2023 -
Stone Soup, or How to Rely on Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights 'as
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Yearbook on Procedural Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union - 2023 -
Mostly Harmless: the Referring Court in the Preliminary Reference
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
European Law Review - 2022 -
Remedies for non-material damages: Striking out in a new direction?
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Common market law review - 2022 -
An Empirical Approach to Separation of Powers Research in the EU – Introducing the SepaRope Judiciary
Anna Wallerman, Allison Östlund, Camilla Pedersen, Sarah Kaddar, Izel Karahan
2022 -
Effective Judicial Protection before National Courts: Article 47 of the Charter, National Constitutional Remedies and the Preliminary Reference
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Clara Rauchegger
Bonelli, Eliantonio, and Gentile (eds), Article 47 of the EU Charter and Effective Judicial Protection, Volume 1 The Court of Justice's Perspective - 2022 -
Genomslaget för principen om reellt rättsskydd i Skandinavien: Dagsläge och
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Sebastian Wejedal
Wallerman Ghavanini & Wejedal (red), Access to justice I Skandinavien - 2022 -
Access to justice: en
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Sebastian Wejedal
Wallerman Ghavanini & Wejedal (red), Access to justice i Skandinavien - 2022 -
Book Review: Politics of European Legal Research: Behind the Method, by Marija Bartl and Jessica C Lawrence (eds), (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
European Law Review - 2022 -
Skönsmässigt beslutsfattande i processrätten: Reflektioner om processuella helhetsbedömningar och intresseavvägningar utifrån NJA 2020 s. 753
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Processrättsliga studier tillägnade Bengt Lindell / redaktionskommitté: Torbjörn Andersson, Eric Bylander, Henrik Bellander. - 2022 -
Access to justice för små anspråk i den svenska
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Wallerman Ghavanini & Wejedal (red) Access to justice i Skandinavien - 2022 -
Access to justice i
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini, Sebastian Wejedal
2022 -
Aktuella frågor om de nationella domstolarnas roll för EU-rättens genomdrivande: Rapport från XXIX FIDE-kongressen
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
Europarättslig tidskrift - 2022 -
United we stand, divided we sue: Collective access to court for labour and social security claims in
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
European Labour Law Journal - 2021 -
Conceptual framework for the project
Separation of Powers for 21st Century Europe
Christina Eckes, Päivi Leino-Sandberg, Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
2021 -
Power Talk: Effects of Inter-Court Disagreement on Legal Reasoning in the Preliminary Reference
Anna Wallerman Ghavanini
European Papers: A Journal on Law and Integration - 2020 -
Challenges to EU Law in the Member States: From Reluctance to
Anna Wallerman, Clara Rauchegger
Contested Community. Forskning om Europafrågor nr. 34 Linda Berg (ed) - 2020 -
Rob van Gestel and Jurgen de Poorter, In the Court We Trust: Cooperation, Co- ordination and Collaboration between the ECJ and Supreme Administrative Courts, Cambridge University Press 2019, ISBN: 9781108481274, 256 pp., €
Anna Wallerman
Review of European Administrative Law - 2020 -
Procedural Autonomy in Sweden: Is Materielle Prozessleitung the
Anna Wallerman
B Krans & A Nylund (eds), Procedural Autonomy Across Europe - 2020 -
Book review: The EU Law Duty of Consistent Interpretation in German, Irish and Dutch Courts, Sim
Anna Wallerman
EU Law Live - 2020 -
National Resistance Against EU Law and Governance: Degrees and
Clara Rauchegger, Anna Wallerman
The Eurosceptic challenge : national implementation and interpretation of EU law / edited by Clara Rauchegger and Anna Wallerman. - 2019 -
Who is the National Judge? A Typology of Judicial Attitudes and Behaviours Regarding Preliminary
Anna Wallerman
The Eurosceptic challenge : national implementation and interpretation of EU law / edited by Clara Rauchegger and Anna Wallerman. - 2019 -
‘The referring court asks, in essence’: Is reformulation of preliminary questions by the Court of Justice a decision writing fixture or a decision‐making
Urška Šadl, Anna Wallerman
European Law Journal - 2019 -
Clara Rauchegger, Anna Wallerman
The Eurosceptic Challenge National Implementation and Interpretation of EU Law - 2019 -
När svenska HD tillät konfiskering av judisk
Anna Wallerman
Kvartal - 2019 -
Can Two Walk Together, Except they be Agreed? Preliminary References and (the Erosion of) National Procedural
Anna Wallerman
European Law Review - 2019 -
När nazismen kom till HD: Judiska flyktingars tillgångar i svensk rättspraxis
Anna Wallerman
Svensk Juristtidning - 2019 -
Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters – Coming of
Eva Storskrubb, Anna Wallerman
The Routledge Handbook of Justice and Home Affairs Research, ed Ariadna Ripoll Servent and Florian Trauner - 2018 -
Referring Court Influence in the Preliminary Ruling Procedure: The Swedish
Anna Wallerman
The Court of Justice of the European Union: Multidisciplinary Perspective, ed Johan Lindholm and Mattias Derlén - 2018 -
A Day in the Life: Aryanization Before the Swedish Supreme Court
Anna Wallerman
Law and History Review - 2018 -
[Review of] David Kosarˇ, Perils of Judicial Self-Government in Transitional Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 488 pages. ISBN: 9781107112124. GBP
Anna Wallerman
Common market law review - 2018 -
Pie in the sky when you die? Civil liability of notified bodies under the Medical Devices Directive:
Anna Wallerman
Common market law review - 2018 -
Fakultativa regler: En
Anna Wallerman
Svensk Juristtidning - 2017 -
Towards an EU law doctrine on the exercise of discretion in national courts? The member states' self-imposed limits on national procedural
Anna Wallerman
Common market law review - 2016 -
Resning vid uteblivet förhandsavgörande - nytt avsnitt i följetongen om HD och
Anna Wallerman
Juridisk tidskrift - 2016 -
Harmonization of Civil Procedure: Can the European Union Learn from Swiss
Anna Wallerman
European Review of Private Law - 2016 -
Eleftheria Neframi (Ed.), Renvoi préjudiciel et marge d’appréciation du juge national. Preliminary ruling procedure and margin of appreciation of the national judge. Brussels: Editions Larcier,
Anna Wallerman
Common market law review - 2016 -
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time: Europeanisation of Civil Procedure in
Anna Wallerman
European Union and national civil procedure, editors Anna Nylund and Bart Krans. - 2016 -
Om fakultativa regler. En studie av svensk och unionsrättslig reglering av skönsmässigt beslutsfattande i processrättsliga
Anna Wallerman
2015 -
The Impact of EU Law on Civil
Anna Wallerman
Tidschrijft voor Civiele Rechtspleging - 2013 -
Överklagande av beslut att begära förhandsavgörande: Några reflektioner med anledning av EFTA-domstolens avgörande i Irish
Anna Wallerman
Europarättslig tidskrift - 2013 -
Judicial discretion in procedural
Anna Wallerman
Doktorandkolloquium, Piran, Slovenien, 8-9 juni 2012 - 2012 -
De mer eller mindre berörda nordiska domstolarna och
Anna Wallerman
Nordiska processrättsmötet, 17-18 augusti 2012, Rånäs, plenumsföredrag - 2012 -
Happily Ever After? Reflections on Individuals’ Access to Justice under Articles 263(4) TFEU and 6
Anna Wallerman
Europarättslig tidskrift - 2012 -
Likvärdighetsprincipen och EU-domstolens dom i Transportes Urbanos: en talande
Anna Wallerman
Europarättslig Tidskrift - 2011 -
Swedish Civil Procedure under European Influence – A Space
Anna Wallerman
de lege – Juridiska Fakulteten i Uppsala, Årsbok 2010: Party Autonomy – Civil Procedural Views on Party Autonomy, Franz Klein, EU Law and more - 2011