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- Anna Bäck
Anna Bäck
Adjunct Senior Lecturer
Department of Medical Radiation Sciences-
Impact of delivery variations on 3D dose distributions for
volumetric modulated arc therapy plans of
Emmanouil Terzidis, Fredrik Nordström, Julia Götstedt, Anna Bäck
Medical Physics - 2024 -
Assessment of radiation pneumonitis and predictive factors in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with
Kerstin Gunnarsson, Louise Mövik, Niclas Pettersson, Anna Bäck, Jan Nyman, Andreas Hallqvist
Dosimetriska osäkerheter från dosberäkning och leverans för VMAT-planer
av olika
Emmanouil Terzidis, Anna Bäck, Fredrik Nordström, Anna Karlsson, Julia Götstedt, Magnus Gustavsson
Nationellt möte om sjukhusfysik 2024 - 2024 -
Assessing the fraction of dose originating from the penumbra region for plans of varied
Emmanouil Terzidis, Fredrik Nordström, Magnus Gustavsson, Anna Karlsson, Julia Götstedt, Anna Bäck
European Congress of Radiation Oncology (2024 - 2024 -
Prediction of proton stopping power ratios using dual-energy CT basis material
Erik Pettersson, Anne Thilander-Klang, Anna Bäck
Medical Physics - 2024 -
Different aspects of plan complexity in prostate VMAT
Emmanouil Terzidis, Fredrik Nordström, Julia Götstedt, Anna Bäck
Journal of Physics: Conference Series - 2023 -
Impact of delineation errors on the estimated organ at risk dose and of dose errors on the normal tissue complication probability
Louise Mövik, Anna Bäck, Niclas Pettersson
Medical Physics - 2023 -
Uppskattning av dosimetriska osäkerheter baserat på andel dos från penumbraregionen för VMAT-planer av olika
Emmanouil Terzidis, Fredrik Nordström, Magnus Gustavsson, Anna Karlsson , Julia Götstedt, Anna Bäck
Nationellt möte om sjukhusfysik 2023 - 2023 -
Impact of delivery variations in dosimetric equivalent TrueBeam
Emmanouil Terzidis, Anna Bäck, Fredrik Nordström
Nordic Association for Clinical Physics (NACP) - 2023 -
Dosimetric effects of respiratory motion during stereotactic body radiation therapy of lung
Sebastian Sarudis, Anna Karlsson , Jan Nyman, Anna Bäck
Acta Oncologica - 2022 -
Plan quality assessment in clinical practice: Results of the 2020 ESTRO survey on plan complexity and
L. P. Kaplan, L. Placidi, Anna Bäck, R. Canters, M. Hussein, A. Vaniqui, M. Fusella, T. Piotrowski, V. Hernandez, N. Jornet, C. R. Hansen, L. Widesott
Radiotherapy and Oncology - 2022 -
Erik Pettersson, Anna Bäck, Anne Thilander-Klang
Radiation Protection Dosimetry - 2021 -
Surface guided frameless positioning for lung stereotactic body radiation
Sebastian Sarudis, Anna Karlsson , Anna Bäck
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics - 2021 -
Analysis of early respiratory-related mortality after radiation therapy of non-small-cell lung cancer: feasibility of automatic data extraction for dose–response
Louise Stervik, Niclas Pettersson, J. Scherman, C. F. Behrens, C. Ceberg, S. Engelholm, K. Gunnarsson, Andreas Hallqvist, Jan Nyman, G. F. Persson, M. Pøhl, I. Wahlstedt, I. R. Vogelius, Anna Bäck
Acta Oncologica - 2020 -
What is plan quality in radiotherapy? The importance of evaluating dose metrics, complexity, and robustness of treatment
Victor Hernandez, Christian Rönn Hansen, Lamberto Widesott, Anna Bäck, Richard Canters, Marco Fusella, Julia Götstedt, Diego Jurado-Bruggeman, Nobutaka Mukumoto, Laura Patricia Kaplan, Irena Koniarová, Tomasz Piotrowski, Lorenzo Placidi, Ana Vaniqui, Nuria Jornet
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - 2020 -
Harmonization of proton treatment planning for head and neck cancer using pencil beam scanning: first report of the IPACS collaboration
M. Stock, J. Gora, A. Perpar, P. Georg, A. Lehde, G. Kragl, E. Hug, V. Vondracek, J. Kubes, Z. Poulova, C. Algranati, M. Cianchetti, M. Schwarz, M. Amichetti, T. Kajdrowicz, R. Kopec, G. Mierzwinska, P. Olko, K. Skowronska, U. Sowa, E. Gora, K. Kisielewicz, B. Sas-Korczynska, T. Skora, Anna Bäck, M. Gustafsson, M. Sooaru, P. W. Nystrom, Jan Nyman, Thomas Björk-Eriksson
Acta Oncologica - 2019 -
Structure delineation in the presence of metal - A comparative phantom study using single and dual-energy computed tomography with and without metal artefact
Erik Pettersson, Anna Bäck, Thomas Björk-Eriksson, Ulrika Lindencrona, Karin Petruson, Anne Thilander-Klang
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology - 2019 -
Registry-based modelling of early mortality following radiotherapy of lung
Louise Stervik, Niclas Pettersson, Jonas Scherman, Claus Behrens, Crister Ceberg, Silke Engelholm, Gitte Persson, Mette Pohl, Andreas Hallqvist, Jan Nyman, Ivan Vogelius, Anna Bäck
Radiotherapy and Oncology. Vol. 133, Suppl. 1, S207-S208 - 2019 -
Evaluation of deformable image registration accuracy for CT images of the thorax
Sebastian Sarudis, A. Karlsson, D. Bibac, J. Nyman, Anna Bäck
Physica Medica-European Journal of Medical Physics - 2019 -
Proton therapy for low-grade gliomas in adults: A systematic
Erik Thurin, Petra W Nyström, Anja Smits, Katja Werlenius, Anna Bäck, Ann Liljegren, EL Daxberg, Asgeir Store Jakola
Clinical neurology and neurosurgery - 2018 -
Modelling the risk of fatal acute toxicity following radiotherapy of lung
Louise Stervik, Niclas Pettersson, J Scherman, C Behrens, C Ceberg, I Vogelius, Anna Bäck
Physica medica. Vol. 52, Suppl. 1, p. 30. 2nd European Congress of Medical Physics - 2018 -
Impact of lung density on the lung dose estimation for radiotherapy of breast
Emma Hedin, Anna Bäck, Roumiana Chakarova
Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology - 2017 -
Implementation of Acuros XB in Treatment Planning of SBRT of Lung
Emma Hedin, Roumiana Chakarova, Anna Bäck
Annals of Radiation Therapy and Oncology - 2017 -
Jaw position uncertainty and adjacent fields in breast cancer
Emma Hedin, Anna Bäck, Roumiana Chakarova
Journal of applied clinical medical physics / American College of Medical Physics - 2015 -
Complexity metric as a complement to measurement based IMRT/VMAT patien-specific
Julia Götstedt, Anna Karlsson Hauer, Anna Bäck
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 8th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry (IC3DDose) 4–7 September 2014, Ystad, Sweden. - 2015 -
Quasi 3D dosimetry (EPID, conventional 2D/3D detector
Anna Bäck
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 8th International Conference on 3D Radiation Dosimetry (IC3DDose) 4–7 September 2014, Ystad, Sweden - 2015 -
Influence of different dose calculation algorithms on the estimate of NTCP for lung
Emma Hedin, Anna Bäck
Journal of applied clinical medical physics / American College of Medical Physics - 2013 -
Superficial dose distribution in breast for tangential radiation treatment, Monte Carlo evaluation of Eclipse algorithms in case of phantom and patient
Roumiana Chakarova, Magnus Gustafsson, Anna Bäck, Ninni Drugge, Åsa Palm, Andreas Lindberg, Mattias Berglund
Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology - 2011