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- Anna-Karin Kroksmark
Anna-Karin Kroksmark
Department of Health and Rehabilitation-
Respiratory comorbidities and treatments in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: impact on life expectancy and causes of
Lisa Wahlgren, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Anders Lindblad, Mar Tulinius, Kalliopi Sofou
Journal of Neurology - 2024 -
Concordance between parental and self-rated and performance-based measures of executive functioning in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: the role of parental life satisfaction and carrier versus non-carrier
Jonas Gillenstrand, Malin Broberg, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Mar Tulinius, Anne-Berit Ekström
Low bone mineral density and reduced bone-specific alkaline phosphatase in 5q spinal muscular atrophy type 2 and type 3: A 2-year prospective study of bone
Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Lars Alberg, Mar Tulinius, Per Magnusson, Ann-Charlott Söderpalm
Behavioural strengths and difficulties in relation to intellectual functions and age in Swedish boys with Duchenne muscular
Jonas Gillenstrand, Anne-Berit Ekström, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Mar Tulinius, Malin Broberg
Child Neuropsychology - 2023 -
One in five patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy dies from other causes than cardiac or respiratory
Lisa Wahlgren, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Mar Tulinius, Kalliopi Sofou
European Journal of Epidemiology - 2022 -
Health-related quality of life and satisfaction with orthoses in an ambulatory group of children with
M. Eriksson, Å Bartonek, L. Villard, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, L. Jylli
Gait & posture. Vol. 83, p. 306 - 2021 -
Long term treatment with ataluren-the Swedish
Eva Michael, Kalliopi Sofou, Lisa Wahlgren, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Mar Tulinius
Bmc Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2021 -
NFL is a marker of treatment response in children with SMA treated with
Bob Olsson, L. Alberg, Nicholas C Cullen, Eva Michael, Lisa Wahlgren, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, K. Rostasy, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Mar Tulinius
Journal of Neurology - 2019 -
Cognitive and adaptive functioning in congenital and childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy type 1: a longitudinal
G. Lindeblad, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, A. B. Ekström
Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology - 2019 -
Evaluation of hand orthoses in Duchenne muscular
Britt-Marie Eriksson, Anna-Karin Kroksmark
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2018 -
Health-related quality of life and orthosis use in a Swedish population with
M. Eriksson, L. Jylli, L. Villard, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, A. Bartonek
Prosthetics and Orthotics International - 2018 -
Benign mitochondrial myopathy with exercise intolerance in a large multigeneration family due to a homoplasmic m.3250T>C mutation in
Niklas Darin, Carola Oldfors Hedberg, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Ali-Reza Moslemi, Gittan Kollberg, Anders Oldfors
European journal of neurology - 2017 -
Postural control in the congenital and childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy type
Marie Louise Stridh, Anne Berit Ekström, Anna-Karin Kroksmark
European Journal of Physiotherapy - 2017 -
Long-term follow-up of motor function and muscle strength in the congenital and childhood forms of myotonic dystrophy type
Anna-Karin Kroksmark, M. L. Stridh, A. B. Ekstrom
Neuromuscular Disorders - 2017 -
Long-Term Efficacy, Safety, and Pharmacokinetics of Drisapersen in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Results from an Open-Label Extension
N. M. Goemans, Mar Tulinius, M. van den Hauwe, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, G. Buyse, R. J. Wilson, J. C. van Deutekom, S. J. de Kimpe, A. Lourbakos, G. Campion
Plos One - 2016 -
Pain in adolescents with spinal muscular atrophy and Duchenne and Becker muscular
C. Lager, Anna-Karin Kroksmark
European journal of paediatric neurology - 2015 -
Whole body vibration therapy in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy - A prospective observational
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, P Magnusson, Jón Karlsson, Mar Tulinius, Diana Swolin-Eide
Journal of musculoskeletal & neuronal interactions - 2013 -
Effect on bone remodeling after vibration treatment in Duchenne muscular
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm, P Magnusson, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Jón Karlsson, Mar Tulinius, Diana Swolin-Eide
Bone - 2012 -
Effekt på benremodelleringen efter vibrationsterapi på patienter med Duchennes
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm, P Magnusson, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Jón Karlsson, Mar Tulinius, Diana Swolin-Eide
Riksstämmans katalog. - 2012 -
Distal arthrogryposis: clinical and genetic
Eva Kimber, Homa Tajsharghi, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Anders Oldfors, Mar Tulinius
Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992) - 2012 -
Bone mass development in patients with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies: A four-year clinical
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm, Per Magnusson, Anne-Christine Åhlander, Jón Karlsson, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Mar Tulinius, Diana Swolin-Eide
Acta paediatrica - 2012 -
A pilot study on vibration treatment in Duchenne muscular
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm, P Magnusson, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, M Karlsson, Mar Tulinius, Diana Swolin-Eide
Black Forrest Forum for Musculoskeletal Interaction. Bad Libenzell. - 2011 -
SPP1 genotype is a determinant of disease severity in Duchenne muscular
E Pegoraro, E P Hoffman, L Piva, B F Gavassini, S Cagnin, M Ermani, L Bello, G Soraru, B Pacchioni, M D Bonifati, G Lanfranchi, C Angelini, A Kesari, I Lee, H Gordish-Dressman, J M Devaney, C M McDonald, Mar Tulinius, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Anne-Christine Åhlander
Neurology - 2011 -
A population-based study of genotypic and phenotypic variability in children with spinal muscular
Eva L Arkblad, Mar Tulinius, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, M Henricsson, Niklas Darin
Acta Paediatrica - 2009 -
Embryonic myosin heavy-chain mutations cause distal arthrogryposis and developmental myosin myopathy that persists
Homa Tajsharghi, Eva Kimber, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Ragnar Jerre, Mar Tulinius, Anders Oldfors
Archives of neurology - 2008 -
Bone markers and bone mineral density in Duchenne muscular
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm, P. Magnusson, Anne-Christine Åhlander, Jón Karlsson, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Mar Tulinius, Diana Swolin-Eide
Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions - 2008 -
Low bone mineral density and decreased bone turnover in Duchenne muscular
Ann-Charlott Söderpalm, P. Magnusson, Anne-Christine Åhlander, Jón Karlsson, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Mar Tulinius, Diana Swolin-Eide
Neuromuscul Disord - 2007 -
Inflammation and response to steroid treatment in limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
Niklas Darin, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Anne-Christine Åhlander, Ali-Reza Moslemi, Anders Oldfors, Mar Tulinius
Eur J Paediatr Neurol - 2007 -
A mutation in the fast skeletal muscle troponin I gene causes myopathy and distal
Eva Kimber, Homa Tajsharghi, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Anders Oldfors, Mar Tulinius
Neurology - 2006 -
Muscle involvement and motor function in
Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Eva Kimber, Ragnar Jerre, Eva Beckung, Mar Tulinius
Am J Med Genet A - 2006 -
A mutation in the fast skeletal muscle Troponin I gene causes myopathy and distal
Eva Kimber, Homa Tajsharghi, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Anders Oldfors, Mar Tulinius
Neuromusc Disord - 2006 -
Isometric muscle torque in children 5 to 15 years of age: normative
Meta Nyström Eek, Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Eva Beckung
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation - 2006 -
Muscle strength and motor function in neuromuscular disorders. A clinical study of children and adolescents with spinal muscular atrophy, myotonic dystrophy, Duchenne muscular dystrophy and
Anna-Karin Kroksmark
2006 -
Myotonic dystrophy: muscle involvement in relation to disease type and size of expanded CTG-repeat
Anna-Karin Kroksmark, A. B. Ekström, E. Björck, Mar Tulinius
Dev Med Child Neurol - 2005 -
Muscle strength and motor function in children and adolescents with spinal muscular atrophy II and
Anna-Karin Kroksmark, Eva Beckung, Mar Tulinius
European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society - 2001