Alix Gabaude
About Alix Gabaude
Since August 2023, I am PhD candidate in the School of Public Administration, working on a project focusing on housing policy and young adults in Sweden and with an added specific focus on local housing policies in Sweden, France, and Austria.
I worked as an associate researcher to the project The first housing together with Ylva Norén Bretzer and Marie Thynell. The project's aim was to do a review of the current knowledge available about young people on the Swedish housing market, both formal and informal. The project was financed by FORMAS and carried out for a year from autumn 2022 to autumn 2023.
I worked as an associate researcher once more during the autumn 2021 and the spring 2022 on the project TryggStad together with Ylva Norén Bretzer and Marie Thynell. The project aimed at analysing the safety strategies put in place by housing owners in three particularly vulnerable areas of Gothenburg: Gårdsten, Lövgärdet, and Central Tynnered. The project was financed by KVA/Thuréus and presented during the autumn 2022.
- FH1109 Introduktion till offentligt förvaltning (Bachelor course - Lecture on the EU)
- FH1203 Policyanalys (Bachelor course - Lectures and seminar on Classics of Policy Analysis)
- Supervision of Bachelor and Master theses in Policy