About us
SciLifeLab Gothenburg consists of units located at both University of Gothenburg and the Chalmers University of Technology.
SciLifeLab was started in 2010 as a collaboration between the four host universities: KTH, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm University and Uppsala University and today there are SciLifeLab units spread over a large part of Sweden. In 2021 Gothenburg was selected as one of the newly appointed local SciLifeLab sites, which have the assignment to coordinate SciLifeLab activities at each site and to function as ambassadors for SciLifeLab as a whole.
The SciLifeLab site in Gothenburg is currently coordinated by the Core Facilities organization at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.
Elisabet Carlsohn is Site Director, Maria Smedh is Site Coordinator and Luciano Fernandez is Research Data Manager. The site gets support from the administrative personnel, including economy staff and a communication officer, at the Core Facilities. The SciLifeLab Gothenburg office hub and the Core Facilities administration are located at Floor 2, Medicinaregatan 3.

Maria Smedh

Elisabet Carlsohn

Göran Karlsson

Ulrika Brath

Marcela Davila

Luciano Fernandez

Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez

Cecilia Persson