Photo: Tomi Setälä

StratKIT+ - Sustainable public procurement and catering network

Research project
Active research
Project size
0,50 miljoner Euro
Project period
2022 - 2024
Project owner
Department of Food and Nutrition and Sport Science

Short description

The purpose of the StratKIT+ project is to guide public authorities, catering providers and others on sustainable procurement for schools, daycare, hospitals and other public institutions. Public meal organisations need support, guidance and networks in incorporating environmental targets and strategies to their main task of serving nutritionally adequate meals. Authorities need more knowledge on food and public meals to prioritize better and send right messages to the food service providers. StratKIT+ will contribute with a variety of ways to increased sustainability of public meals in BSR, by its open access platform with knowledge resources, transnational network and tool kit based on innovative best practices.

To achieve more healthy and sustainable food consumption in the public sector in the BSR is the main challenge addressed by StratKIT+ project as there are many institutional, economic, social and psychological barriers to implement high-quality criteria for the public procurement and catering services.

Public meal organisations need support, guidance and networks in incorporating environmental targets and strategies to their main task of serving nutritionally adequate meals. Authorities need more knowledge on food and public meals to prioritize better and send right messages to the food service providers.There is a variety of actors, i.e. national authorities, NGOs, etc that offer a support but the information would benefit from increased accuracy and availability, such as offered by Sustainable Public Meal Toolkit+. Pedagogues lack time, knowledge, support and the assignment to aid new generations in forming their sustainability capacity in relation to food consumption.

All the actors could and should cooperate better to tackle possible lack of experience, motivation and knowledge. Municipalities and food service providers should be able to respond quickly to challenges affected by legal regulations, social changes and different crises, while at the same time not being afraid or reluctant to become local pioneers in GPP or vegan public meals. Addressing it all, StratKIT+ will contribute with a variety of ways to increased sustainability of public meals in BSR.