
Microgeochemistry Group Gothenburg MG3

Research group

Short description

Microgeochemistry (Microgeochemistry Group Gothenburg; MG3) combines aspects of the traditional fields of geochemistry, petrology and mineralogy to unlock a rich archive of information stored in earth materials on a sub-mineral scale.

Microgeochemistry has three research foci

  • Deep Time questions
  • Deep Earth processes (relevant e.g. for geothermal energy)
  • Mineral resources (e.g. so-called green minerals needed for a transition to a zero-CO2 society).

The microgeochemistry subject field concentrates on these topics as they combine scientific as well as societal aspects worldwide, and often more specifically for Sweden.

The group’s strength is the combination of excellent state-of-the-art micro-analytical equipment with leading experts in geochemistry and petrology. For example, a new method for in situ dating utilizes beta decay systems, which led to a reappraisal of the Rb-Sr dating method (Zack and Hogmalm 2017; Hogmalm et al. 2017).

The group is arguably world-leading in the rapidly expanding discipline of in-situ beta decay-based dating and intends to maintain this position for the foreseeable future by forming strategic alliances with other strong internal and external partners.


Recent scientific publications from the research group is found in Gothenburg university publications database (GUP)