Cover illustration: Soria Moria Palace is a Norwegian folk tale. Legend has it that Soria Moria is an imaginary palace that cannot be reached by any road. The journey to get there is solitary because everyone is different and must find their own way. The Ash Lad is a humble character who overcomes obstacles and ultimately succeeds.
Photo: Målning/painting av/by Theodor Kittelsen (1900)
In June 16 Martin Paulsson defended his thesis for Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Science at the Institute of Clinical Sciences, Sahlgrenska Academy, in the research subject of Orthopedics.
The title of the thesis is: Distal femur fracture in the elderly patient
Studies on the epidemiology of distal femur fractures show a vast increasein low-energy trauma-associated fractures in older ages. Age-relatedchanges in bones lead to loss of bone matrix and increased porosity, whichentails an increased risk for fractures and different fracture patterns thanin younger individuals. Corresponding age-related changes also occur inmuscles, resulting in decreased muscle mass and strength, which impairsthe ability to recuperate after a fracture.
Figure 3, from page 23 in thesis.
To reduce the risk of surgical complications, it is common practice tolimit weight-bearing on the fractured leg after surgical fixation of distalfemur fractures. Typically, patients are restricted to bear no more than30% of their body weight on the affected leg. There is, however, a lack ofknowledge on how a period of restricted weight-bearing affects the long-term outcome in elderly patients with distal femur fractures.
This thesis aimed to evaluate how the patient’s everyday function, surgicalfixation and ability to recover were affected by eight weeks of restrictedweight-bearing. The thesis also aimed to assess fracture demographics anddesign a new fracture classification adapted to the characteristics of distalfemur fracture in elderly patients.
A randomised controlled trial compared restricted weight-bearing foreight weeks after surgery with full immediate weight-bearing. The primaryoutcome was patient-reported everyday living function. Secondaryoutcomes were postoperative fracture alignment, secondary displacementof the fractures during healing, weight-bearing ability, and gait recoveryassessed during a one-year follow-up.
There was no difference in patient-reported function between groups. The use of a traction table facilitated an excellent postoperative fracturealignment. All fractures were fixated with a long plate applied with aminimally-invasive technique, and there was no non-union or platebreakage within the one-year follow-up. However, there was a significantfracture subsidence of 4.9 ± 4.2 mm in mean of the femur. The restrictedweight-bearing group showed a small but significant increase in secondarydisplacement. Five of six major secondary displacements and mechanicaladverse events also occurred in this group.
Only one-third of the patients in the restricted weight-bearing groupmanaged to comply with the recommended loading of 30% of the bodyweight. Despite this, the restricted group had a significantly lower gaitspeed at 16 weeks and one year.
A survey of fracture demographics of 342 patients 65 years or oldershowed a dominance of spiral fractures of the distal shaft, which increasedwith advancing age. Two-thirds of patients had peri-implant fracturesassociated with knee and hip replacements or previous fracture fixationdevices. A new fracture classification for distal femur fractures in elderlypatients was developed. Reliability tests of the new classification showedsubstantial agreement.
Concluding the results of the thesis, the morphology of the distal femuralters with advancing age, affecting the fracture demographics. The prosednew classification adapted to the characteristics of distal femur fracturesin elderly patients is promising and could improve classification comparedwith today’s used classification systems.
Restricted weight-bearing for eight weeks after surgery had a negativeeffect on fracture fixation and a persistent negative impact on gait recovery, indicating worse function and increased mortality.
Restricted weight-bearing should therefore be avoided in elderly patients with distal femur fractures.
MER INFORMATION om disputationen
Time: June 16 2023, kl 09:00-11:30 Location: R-auditorium in the R-house, Länsmansgatan 28, Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Mölndal Hospital, Mölndal
Huvudhandledare: Ola Rolfson Bihandledare: Carl Ekholm, Roy Tranberg, Mats Geijer and Eythor Jonsson Opponent: Jan Erik Madsen, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo, Norge Betygsnämnd: Bengt Nellgård, Anders Enocson and Yasmin Hailer