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Disc herniation and sciatica - Improved diagnostics and innovative medical treatments
Research group
Short description
Kjell Olmarker's group has conducted translational research on sciatic and chronic low back pain for 35 years. The research has been commercialized into a number of companies such as Orthopaedic research and Development AB and Sciaticon AB (sciatica), Stayble Therapeutics AB (chronic low back pain) and Pharmasurgics AB and Pro More Pharma AB (wound healing). At present, the research is focusing on detecting molecules in peripheral blood as markers for disc injury. All analyzes are conducted in collaboration with RISE (Research Institute of SwEden).

Kjell Olmarker
Principal Investigator
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology,
Institute of Biomedicine
Group members
Kjell Olmarker
Armen Hovannisyan