Grassroots for Sustainability
Short description
The research group Grassroots for Sustainability explore how grassroots networks, initiatives and practices, initiatives, networks and practices promote grassroots resilience, and contribute to reduce both the adverse impact of cities on climate and environmental change on community, city and societal levels.
Participatory innovation videos for an inclusive and sustainable waste management (Patrik Zapata and María José Zapata Campos (GU), Communicators Ulrika Naezer and John Chweya; researchers Jutta Gutberlet, Sebastián Carenzo, Michael Oloko and Goodluck Charles
Financed by FORMAS, 1,75 mSEK. (2020-2022)

Recycling networks – grassroots resilience tackling climate, environmental and poverty challenges, Maria José Zapata (head of project, Patrik Zapata, School of Public Administration (GU), Jaan-Henrik Kain, Chalmers, Michael O. Oloko, Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Uuniversity of science and technology, Kisumu, Kenya, Jessica Perez Reynosa, Universidad centroamericana de Nicaragua i Managua, Goodluck Charles, University of Dar es Salaam i Tanzania, Sebastián Carenzo, University of Buenos Aires i Argentina och Jutta Gutberlet, University of Victoria i Kanada. Financed by the Swedish Research Council: 5,4 mSEK.
Compact cities and informal settlements - Exploring qualities, drivers and strategies for promoting sustainable urban development, María José Zapata, GRI GU (head of project), Jaan-Henrik Kain, and Jenny Stenberg, Chalmers University, and Michael Oloko, University of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Kisumu, Kenya, Patrik Zapata, GU, financed by Formas, 3 mSEK.

Grassroots initiatives, institutional entrepreneurship and inclusive urban governance: transforming the city from below María José Zapata, GRI GU (head of project), Jaan-Henrik Kain, Chalmers University, Michael Oloko, University of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Kisumu, Kenya, Patrik Zapata GU, financed by ICLD.se
Combating poverty and building democracy through the co-production of participatory waste management services. The case of Kisumu, Kenya, María José Zapata, GRI GU (head of project), Jaan-Henrik Kain, Chalmers University, and Michael Oloko, University of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Kisumu, Kenya, Patrik Zapata, GU. Financed by ICLD.se, 1,7 mSEK.
Improving basic urban services in informal settlements - Linking waste research in global South cities (Patrik Zapata GU head of project), with Jutta Gutberlet (Sao Paolo University,Brazil and Victoria University, Canada), Michael Oloko (University of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in Kisumu, Kenya), and María José Zapata Campos (GRI, GU), 0.7 mSEK.
Research Team
• Jutta Gutberlet, Professor in Geography, University of Victoria, Canada, and Federal University of the ABC Region in São Paulo, Brazil
• Jaan-Henrik Kain, Professor in Urban Transformation. Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
• Michael O. Oloko, Senior lecturer in Environmental Engineering. Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology Kisumu, Kenya.
• Goodluck Charles, Coordinator of Centre for Policy Research and Advocacy at the University of Dar es Salaam Business School, Tanzania.
• Jessica Pérez Reynosa, Associate professor in Business Administration, University of Central America, Nicaragua.
• Patrik Zapata, Professor in Public Administration, School of
Public Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
• Sebastián Carenzo, researcher at CONICET; senior lecturer at the Institute for the Study of Science and Technology, National University of Quilmes, Argentina.
• María José Zapata, sociologist, Associate professor in Business
Administration, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, project leader.
- International waste actors peer-to-peer waste technology exchange workshop, Kis… (External link)
- Recycling Networks and Waste Governance (External link)
- Reciclando Sueños (External link)
- Kambuta - Grassroots social innovation in waste governance in Obunga, Kenya (External link)
- USAFI BORA - social innovation in waste governance, Obunga, Kenya (External link)
- Social Innovation in waste governance: Obunga, Kenya (External link)
- Campamento de Innovación por el medioambiente, Managua, Nicaragua July 26, 2021 (External link)