
Dissertation project: Labour Mobility and conditions for intra-European Migration: Professional and Privileged Migration from Sweden

Research project
Inactive research
Project period
2014 - 2018
Project owner
Department of Sociology and Work Science

Short description

In European labor migration has increased in recent decades, partly due to. amended legislation aimed at facilitating mobility between Member States. At the same time, there are large national differences between the member countries, for example I form of employment protection, labor market policies and insurance systems. In addition to individual factors, images, individual level of education, age and social background, studies show that the individual's conditions for transnational mobility can be influenced by the design of the welfare state. I have this project investigating how higher image migrants use various previous resources in the recipient country, for example to get those who have rights and privileged men and to seek understanding of how the national system works.

The purpose of the study is to try to understand different conditions and prerequisites for intra-European mobility, but also motives and experiences. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with highly educated individuals who have migrated from Sweden to London or Munich. The United Kingdom and Germany are two countries that have received a large share of intra-European migration, and Sweden is also a country that is rarely highlighted as a sending country. The study is a sub-study within the framework of a doctoral project that sheds light on individuals' perceived employability from a situational and performative perspective, ie. depending on both national and relational context. The project also includes analyzes of survey data based on the European Social Survey 2004 and 2010.

PhD candidate

Ylva Wallinder, Email:


Tomas Berglund, Email:

Kerstin Jacobsson, Email: