
Communication as idea and practice in a Swedish Government Agency

Research project
Inactive research
Project owner
Department of journalism, media and communication (JMG)

Short description

This dissertation project focuses on how communication is interpreted, negotiated and understood as an idea in the process of constructing a new Government Agency in Sweden, as well as how these ideas impact the organization at large.

Central questions is how meaning is negotiated around both the agency as an actor but also the function and role of communication in this specific organizational process.

The dissertation is based on Scandinavian institutionalism and thus special focus is on studying how ideas about communication are translated in the specific context and how the idea is carried and manifested through certain artifacts, routines, relationships and discourses linked to communication.

The data has been collected through ethnographically inspired field studies in a newly established agency. These field studies included studies of different kinds of meetings, routines, workshops, gatherings, events where different actors participate and negotiated meaning about the agency and the role of communication.