
Gothenburg Research Institute 25 år! - Välkommen till seminarium


Den 9 mars firar vi att Gothenburg Research Institute - Handelshögskolans tvärvetenskapliga forskningsinstitut - fyller 25 år. Kom och lyssna på ett seminarium om dagens och morgondagens tvärvetenskapliga forskning.

Föredragen hålls på engelska.

The talks will be held in english.


14:00 - Coffee and tea

14.15 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist, professor of management studies: Welcome and brief presentation of the content of the transdisciplinary research at Gothenburg Research Institute.

14.20 - Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll, professor of law: Transdisciplinary research in a legal perspective.

14.40 - Franck Cochoy, professor of sociology: A century of price tag digitization - looking at the mutant fingers of the invisible hand. An outlook on the history of price tags.

15.00 - Cecilia Fredriksson, professor of ethnology: Cultural mapping and the production of creativity

15.20 - Gideon Kunda, professor of management: TBA

15.40 - Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist: Questions and comments

About the speakers
Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll is professor of law. Her research has focused on public law, regulation of social security, worklife rehabilitation and psychiatric care.

Franck Cochoy is professor of sociology at the University of Toulouse II. He is one of the leading researchers on Action Network Theory (ANT). His teaching and research includes history and sociology of market mediations, and market and politics.

Cecilia Fredriksson is professor of ethnology at Lund University. Her research centres on the culture of consumption, retailing, and service work. Other research fields deal different forms of alternative consumption practices.

Professor Gideon Kunda Gideon Kunda is an internationally recognized expert in the area of organizational culture and one of the world's leading authorities on organizational ethnography.

Professor Ulla Eriksson-Zetterquist is the director of Gothenburg Research Institute. Her research concern organizing, especially gender, technology and governance forms.

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