
Pedagogical Prize awarded to Teacher within the Masters programmes in Entrepreneurship (KBE) and Innovation (IIM)


Pedagogical Prize awarded to Teacher within the Masters programmes in Entrepreneurship (KBE) and Innovation (IIM). HHGS, the student association at the School of Business, Economics and Law awards annually the Pedagogical Prize, to the best teacher in all subjects.

Johan Brink was awarded the prize for 2013. Johan is deputy coordinator at our Entrepreneurship programme known as Master of Science in Knowledge-based Entrepreneurship (KBE). Johan also teaches in our Innovation and Industrial Management programme.

This is the second year in a row that a teacher from Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IIE) and Graduate School are awarded the prize. Last year, HHGS’ Pedagogical Prize was awarded to Rick Middel, who is deputy coordinator at the Master of Science in Innovation and Industrial Management (IIM). Rick also teaches within both the Innovation and Industrial Management and also teaches in Entrepreneurship (KBE). These two programmes – Innovation and Entrepreneurship - co-read a few courses, and each programme also has unique characteristics.
Motivation (short version): Johan is much more than a teacher, educator and lecturer. He is first and foremost an inspirer. Through his lectures you get caught in complex train of thoughts, which you most probably had not got caught it without Johan’s inspiration.

Graduate School and IIE/ES are proud of Johan Brink and Rick Middel, and we are proud that our Master’s programmes receive such prestigious recognition.