
Läsvärt om ny forskning


Nu finns tre nya läsvärda publikationer med medverkan av forskare från CFK:

Digitalizing consumption: How devices shape consumer culture

Franck Cochoy, Johan Hagberg, Magdalena Petersson McIntyre & Niklas Sörum (red.) Routledge.

Contemporary consumer society is increasingly saturated by digital technology, and the devices that deliver this are increasingly transforming consumption patterns. Social media, smartphones, mobile apps and digital retailing merge with traditional consumption spheres, supported by digital devices which further encourage consumers to communicate and influence other consumers to consume.
Through a wide range of empirical studies which analyse the impact of digital devices, this volume explores the digitization of consumption and shows how consumer culture and consumption practices are fundamentally intertwined and mediated by digital devices. Exploring the development of new consumer cultures, leading international scholars from sociology, marketing and ethnology examine the effects on practices of consumption and marketing, through topics including big data, digital traces, streaming services, wearables, and social media’s impact on ethical consumption.
Digitalizing Consumption makes an important contribution to practice-based approaches to consumption, particularly the use of market devices in consumers’ everyday consumer life, and will be of interest to scholars of marketing, cultural studies, consumer research, organization and management.
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Platsar kulturen i den nya staden? Fria kulturutövares perspektiv på kulturen och kulturarvets roll i den hållbara staden

Niklas Sörum, Ylva Berglund & Helene Brembeck (red.) Göteborgs Stadsmuseum och Kulturförvaltningen med stöd av Mistra Urban Futures

This report is based on culture and cultural heritage as key aspects of the sustainable city. In Gothenburg, cultural planning has been part of urban development since 1998 and the Culture Administration is responsible for preparing cultural impact assessments (KKA). In view of the fact that Gothenburg is in a development phase and plans several major projects with effects on urban spaces and city life, the report studies two areas of the city: Klippan (specifically Sockerbruket) and Lindholmen (specifically Karlavagnsgatan). Both are facing changes, among other things related to strong economic pressures. Participants in the study are cultural practitioners active at the sites and, to a certain extent, civil servants in the field of culture. The ambition is to identify, conceptualize and understand the role of urban culture in city development. We have applied a culture analytical perspective with interviews and discussions as primary materials, supplemented with photo and film. The results show that for cultural workers, the physical environment is a prerequisite for their work, which is linked to unique qualities, low rents, old-age housing and historical presence. Cultural work is identity-creating and characterized by dedication and connections to the site, history and people. Cultural and artistic activities take time to build and cultural professionals need a long-term perspective in their activities with time for reflection. Today there are no relevant decision-making mechanisms and representative bodies that can carry on culture’s action. In summary, it is emphasized that cultural sustainability and the role of culture in the sustainable city is about relating to change and the maintenance of continuity and endurance; a processual dialogue with the contemporary, past and future, where cultural workers have a central role and task to fill. The report presents results from the pilot project Culture and Heritage in Sustainable Urban Development: a collaboration between the Centre for Consumer Science at the University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg City Museum and the Cultural Strategy Department at the Culture Administration, Gothenburg City, in the framework of Mistra Urban Future’s focus on culture and heritage’s role in sustainable urban development.
Finns för nedladdning här: (pdf)

Introduktion till kritiska åldersstudier

Clary Krekula & Barbro Johansson (red.) Studentlitteratur

Ålderskategorier som barn, ungdom, vuxna och äldre har varit forskningsfält under en längre tid. Men kommunikationen mellan dessa fält har varit bristfällig, och ålder som begrepp har därför inte blivit tillräckligt problematiserat och teoretiserat. Denna bok fyller kunskapsluckan genom att introducera forskningsfältet kritiska åldersstudier – där förståelsen av ålder baseras på forskning över livsloppets hela åldersspann.
I Introduktion till kritiska åldersstudier presenteras begrepp som leder till en systematiserad problematisering av ålder. Här diskuteras också ålder som en organiserande princip, ett görande och en maktordning, och sammanflätningen mellan ålder, tid och temporalitet lyfts fram. Vidare ger författarna ett antal rika illustrationer av hur ålder görs i vardagsliv och samhällsprocesser. Med utgångspunkt i empiriska studier synliggör författarna hur förhandlingar, makt och motstånd om ålder kan ta form.
Denna antologi har sitt ursprung i den växande forskningen om ålder som bedrivs inom många olika ämnen i en svensk kontext. Den riktar sig därför till en bredare målgrupp bestående av humanistiska och samhällsvetenskapliga läsare inom ett flertal discipliner. Boken kan användas som lärobok på både grundnivå och avancerad nivå inom exempelvis genusvetenskap, sociologi, etnologi, pedagogik och socialt arbete.