
Intervjupersoner som jobbar med HR sökes till forskningsprojekt ”Aging Workers in the Corona Pandemic”


Information om studien:

We are kindly requesting you to participate in an interview for a research study exploring how older workers are impacted by the Corona pandemic, and what strategies organizations in different countries apply with respect to them. The research we are conducting is part of a EU research project comparing the countries in the Baltic region, led in Sweden by professor Roland Kadefors from the department of Sociology and Work Science at Gothenburg University.

The purpose of the study is to investigate experiences of managing older workers during the Corona pandemic. Your personal and organizational confidentiality will be maintained. The interviews will be carried out during January and February 2021.

Please contact us if you are interested in participating and for more information.

Fakir, MD Shahidul Islam & Asma Khatoon &
telephone 0767491734 or 0764565643

Rebecka Arman, associate professor
Management section, School of Business, GU
telephone 0733-819 333