10 visible people in a Zoom webinar.
Jessica Coria (in green sweater in the top row) together with the students during the summer school course in environmental economy in Chile.
Photo: Jessica Coria

The FRAM Centre engaged in summer school in Chile

Last year's explosion of digital opportunities has enabled FRAM researcher Jessica Coria to give a course to a group of summer school students in Chile. On the 27-29 January, a group of economists with prior training in environmental economics gathered for an advanced postgraduate workshop on environmental economics.

The summer school "Escuela de Verano 2021" was arranged by the University of Talca in the Maule Region of Chile. This area is characterized by having beautiful natural environments such as valleys, mountains, and high Andean grasslands. The Altos de Lircay National Reserve and Laguna del Maule lake stand out for their incredible landscapes and great biological value.

Jessica Coria is a well renowned researcher and senior lecturer at the University of Gothenburg with a main interest in optimal design of environmental policies. In FRAM she focus on identifying and proposing policy options for accounting for chemical mixture effects. This type of knowledge is much needed in a region with sensitive environment. It is therefore of great value to educate people in the region about state-of-the-art in environmental economy.

The course Jessica held was called "Advanced Topics in Environmental Economics" and was an advanced postgraduate workshop for economists with prior training in environmental economics.

This doctoral workshop intended to delve into specific issues of applied environmental economics with special emphasis on the design of policies in the areas of environmental pollution, regulation of chemical substances, and conservation of biodiversity. The course provided an overview of specific aspects of environmental regulations, with an emphasis on the interaction between environmental pollutants and multiple regulators and the ecological complexities that hinder the design of environmental regulations, says Jessica.

But a summer school now? Yes, Chile has summer from December to February.


The Centre for Future Chemical Risk Assessment and Management strategies, FRAM, is one of the UGOT Challenges at the University of Gothenburg. The centre was founded to enable a formalised collaboration between researchers in the field of chemical risk assessment and risk management in Gothenburg. 

Learn more about the FRAM Centre.

The course "Advanced Topics in Environmental Economics" was held between 27-29 January 2021 for PhD students at the University of Talca in Chile. The University of Talca ranks among the leading universities in Chile and it holds a strong belief in internationalisation.

Learn more about the University of Talca.