
Jessica Coria

Senior Lecturer

Department of Economics
Visiting address
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 640
40530 Göteborg

About Jessica Coria

My main research interest is the optimal design of environmental policies. For that purpose, I do both theoretical and applied work, though most of my work is within modeling of environmental regulation. In this regard I have analyzed, for instance, the effects of the choice of policy instruments on the adoption of new technologies and incentives to comply with environmental regulations. I have also investigated the challenges of implementing environmental policies in developing countries, which are characterized by week institutions and enforcement constraints. A major focus of my current research is the effects of the multi-governance of environmental issues and pollutants’ interactions on optimal policy design. For instance, climate change policy affects and is affected by multiple decision makers at local, subnational, national, and transnational levels. Usually these decision makers’ policy choices, targets and timings are not fully coordinated. Moreover, the existence of several layers of environmental governance may also encourage strategic behavior from powerful local actors trying to enhance their own positions. The fact that pollutants interact and that regulatory strategies and policies in place in most countries disregard the existence of cross effects between pollutants due to the multi-level governance of environmental problems imply that actual regulations are not optimal and might lead to unintended side effects. My research aims at evaluating the performance of different instrument combinations and to identify the institutional arrangements needed for effective coordination and implementation of integrated pollution management.

On other web sites

Research areas

  • Environmental economics
  • industrial organization
  • regulatory economics
  • applied microeconomics.

Teaching areas

  • Environmental Economics
  • Econometrics
  • Microeconomics
  • Industrial Organization

Selected publications

Coria, J., E. Kristiansson and M. Gustavsson. (2022). Economic Interests Cloud Hazard Reductions in the European Regulation of Substances of Very High Concern. Nature Communications 13, 6686.

Ambec, S. and J. Coria (2021). The informational value of environmental taxes. Forthcoming in Journal of Public Economics.

Coria J., M. Hennlock and T. Sterner (2021). Interjurisdictional Externalities, Overlapping Policies and NOx Pollution Control in Sweden. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 107, 102444.

Coria, J (2018). The Economics of Toxic Substance Control– the REACH Directive. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, rey003,

Ambec, S. and J. Coria (2018). Policy Spillovers in the regulation of multiple pollutants. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 87: 114-134

Villalobos, L., Coria, J., and Nordén, A. (2018). Has forest certification reduced forest degradation in Sweden? Land Economics 94(2): 220–238.

Coria, J. and X. Zhang (2017). Optimal Environmental Road Pricing and Daily Commuting Patterns. Transportation Research B: Methodological 105: 297-314