
Successful CERGU kick-off and presentation of new postdocs

On September 9-10, CERGU had an internal meeting / kick-off in Alingsås. The programme included presentations of the three new posdocs and their upcoming projects to the other CERGU researchers. The postdocs are funded through a grant from the Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond) about 10 million Swedish krona, 2013-2017, in order to support and enhance the successful recruitment of international postdocs to CERGU.

The three postdocs are: Angela Kölling, who has a PhD in comparative literature from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, presented their project on national marketing in the European book translation programmes. Joakim Ruist, who has a PhD in economics from the University of Gothenburg, informed about his project on migration to Europe, with particular focus on how macroeconomic factors can explain flows and attitudes towards immigration and the welfare state. David Brax, who has a PhD from the University of Lund, presented his project on hate crime legislation as a case of harmonization of criminal law in Europe, with particular focus on clarifying the philosophical / theoretical difficulties of reconciling variations between the different EU Member States. In addition to these presentations, CERGU long-term goals and interdisciplinary research ideas were discussed. The kick-off also included more social activities, such as "research speed-dating" and team competition. CERGU's management and the steering committee will continue to work on the great comments and ideas that emerged from these discussions on the future development of the centre and its activities.