Learn runes
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Learn runes in a new course

A new course at the University of Gothenburg studies runes, where they come from and what the inscriptions are about. Henrik Rosenkvist, Professor and course coordinator, explains more about the course and why you should apply.

Runes and rune stones are unique monuments in the landscape. In Sweden there are more rune stones than in any other country - more than 3 000. There are also many inscriptions on objects that are connected to everyday life in a way rune stones are not. But where do the runes come from? How does one interpret rune inscriptions and what are the inscriptions about? These are some of the questions addressed in the course Introduction to runes and runology 7.5 credits.

Who is the course designed for and why should students apply?

- The course is taught in English and is therefore mainly designed for exchange students and visiting researchers at Gothenburg University. But anyone is welcome to apply, of course. The course consists of lectures but also field studies. We will visit locations where runestones are found, and interpret them on site in the landscape. If you want to learn more about runes, this is a perfect course for you, says Henrik Rosenkvist.

What will the participants learn from the course?

- They will learn about runes and runology, the study of runes and rune inscriptions. Runic stones were erected from the 6th to the 13th century, approximately, but runes have been used well into the 20th century. After completing the course, the participants will know the basics of how to read and interpret both older and younger runes.

More about the course Introduction to runes and runology and how to apply for it

In spring 2024, the course Introduction to runes and runology 7.5 credits is offered at the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology. The course runs at half speed daytime and opens for late registration from December 15. Lectures and literature are in English.

Read more and apply Introduction to Runes and Runology 7.5 credits